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A Lake County man was arrested in affiliation to a cutting bacchanalia Monday in which two men were killed, a woman was afflicted and a California Highway Patrol administrator was hurt, the Lake County Sheriff's Administration said.
["776"]The men were begin asleep and the woman was afflicted in a Clearlake Oaks neighborhood.
The CHP administrator was attempt in his anatomy armor and hurt, Lake County Sheriff Brian Martin said. He has already been appear from the hospital
The gunman, articular as 61-year-old Alan Ashmore, was taken into custody.
Lake County Sheriff's Department
"He's accepted to bodies in the area," Martin said. "And we don’t apperceive if these shootings are random, targeted or a combination."
"Quiet, nice guy. I aloof can't amount out why he would do that," citizen Ron Ridley Sr. said.
["388"]The cutting bacchanalia began afterwards 11:20 a.m. in the Clearlake Oaks neighborhood. The sheriff's administration said there were several abomination scenes spanning added than 5 miles.
Ashmore aboriginal attempt into several residences in the 13000 block of Anchor Village, the sheriff's administration said. Three bodies on the block were shot.
One man was begin asleep central a home, addition man was begin asleep in his car and a woman was attempt in the foot.
The CHP administrator was responding to the breadth back he was attempt in his anatomy armor, admiral said. It's cryptic if the administrator alternate fire.
The sheriff's administration said Ashmore afresh went to a Chevron gas base on Highway 20 and Keys Boulevard. As he absolved into the accessibility store, Ashmore hit a bell-ringer who was leaving. Surveillance video shows Ashmore get affronted and shoot at the man. The annular absent and went through a assurance and a canteen window.
Surveillance video afresh shows the doubtable airing through the accessibility abundance with a rifle, grab a 2-liter canteen of soda from the fridge and afresh airing out.
As Ashmore absolved out of the store, he attempt at the bell-ringer afresh and missed, the sheriff’s administration said. The vendor, who is accountant to backpack and burrow a firearm, affective his gun from his barter and accursed at Ashmore, hitting his vehicle.
No one was afflicted at the accessibility store.
Ashmore afresh collection abroad and went to the Power Market-Chevron on Hwy. 20, abreast Foothill Boulevard, breadth he blanket cigarettes. He afresh acicular a gun at the commune manager, Aaron Ohlen and accepted a lighter.
"He's over there avaricious cigarettes off the top shelf and I aloof affectionate of angry to attending at him and abutting affair you apperceive he's angry appear me and aloof acicular a gun," Ohlensaid. "Like, actually attractive bottomward the butt of a gun."
The sheriff's administration said Ashmore afresh collection away. Ashmore may accept accursed his gun afterwards abrogation the market.
No one was afflicted at the scene.
Witnesses declared Ashmore's agent to law administration and said he was active on High Valley Road. As assembly were analytic for the gunman, they got letters of a cutting at a adjacent winery.
Ashmore attempt at advisers at Brassfield Estate Winery and afresh collection off back assembly accustomed at the scene, the sheriff's administration said. Assembly chased afterwards him for several miles.
Deputies, CHP and Lakeport badge set up a roadblock abreast the winery on High Valley Road. Back Ashmore accomplished it, he chock-full and surrendered.
Officers and assembly begin several accoutrements in Ashmore's vehicle. Investigators accept the weapons were acclimated in the baleful shootings.
Ashmore will be appointed into the Lake County Jail on two counts of assassination and assorted added counts of advance with a firearm.
Deputies are investigating a blaze that afire on High Valley Road during the cutting spree. It is cryptic if Ashmore set the fire.
["620.8"]People in the breadth were brash to apartment in abode during the cutting spree. The advising has back been lifted.



