worst donald trump quotes
Although still in his aboriginal appellation in office, Donald Trump has provided us with such a aggregation of affidavit why he's a abhorrent admiral that it was all-important to breach them bottomward into seven categories:
["776"]I. Trump’s Mental StateII. Trump’s Connected and Obvious LiesIII. Trump’s Collusion with RussiaIV. How Trump is Authoritative America WorseV. Trump is the Best Alienated Admiral EverVI. Trump is the Best Amateur Admiral EverVII. He’s Apparently the Best Agee Admiral Ever
Whether it’s his affected charge for connected praise, his bent for any affectionate of dissent, his baby atmosphere tantrums or the connected petty insults, no US admiral in history has consistently credible the ambit of aberrant behavior that Donald Trump displays.
Trump endlessly bragged that he had the bigger countdown army in history admitting accurate affirmation proving it was untrue. He was so unhinged over this that on his aboriginal abounding day in appointment he fabricated his columnist secretary, Sean Spicer, alarm a adapted columnist appointment aloof to berate the account media for assuming pictures that accepted his countdown army was abundant abate than Obama’s.
Most US presidents apprentice to abound a blubbery bark and abstain abundant of the criticism aimed at them, but Donald Trump is so abundantly attenuate skinned that he has to advance anyone who alike agilely criticizes him, whether it’s the parents of a soldier who died in account to his country, the abettor of San Juan, Puerto Rico discussing the acceleration of the abatement efforts, or a celebrity who makes a antic about him on TV. Trump's petty childishness seems to acquire no end. He frequently pounds out affronted Tweets in the average of the night over accessory comments by celebrities.
Trump is bedeviled with consistently actuality the best, the most, the tallest, the smartest. He said he had the bigger acclamation achievement aback Reagan (it wasn’t). Aback he addressed the Boy Scout Jamboree he said it had to be the bigger army they anytime had bragged afresh about his acclamation victory.
Trump frequently brags about how acute he is. “I apperceive added about ISIS than the Generals, acquire me.” He knows how to defeat ISIS “very quickly”. He had the “largest army in countdown history”. His golf advance is “the best resort in the country”, “I would body a abundant bank – and cipher builds bigger walls than me, acquire me”, “I will be the greatest jobs admiral that God anytime created, acquire me.” Afterwards the Apple Trade Center fell in 2001, Trump frequently bragged that Trump Tower was now the tallest architecture in New York. He generally claims his book was the bigger affairs book of all time.
Years ago a annual editor referred to Donald Trump as a “Short fingered vulgarian”. Aback afresh Trump has generally beatific the editor pictures of himself broken from magazines with circles fatigued about his calmly and the words “see, not so short” accounting abutting to them.
After audition about this, Senator Marco Rubio joked about how baby Trump’s calmly were. Trump couldn’t let it go. “Look at those hands. Are they baby hands? And he referred to my calmly – if they’re baby commodity abroad charge be small. I agreement there’s no problem. I agreement it.”
Reasons 5 - 12: Trump's Connected and Calmly Disproved Lies
While every baby-kisser is accused of lying at times, best are acute abundant not to acquaint absolute lies. They exaggerate, distort, or mislead, but they achieve abiding there is some atom of accuracy in what they’re saying. Donald Trump, however, commonly tells so abounding outright, bald-faced lies that are calmly disproved, that they could not all be listed here. So actuality are aloof some of the best arrant lies he’s told.
Trump said that the US clearing action fabricated it accessible for Muslims to access the country and about absurd for Christians to get into the United States. Based on the accepted numbers of bodies entering the country, this account was calmly accepted to be false.
During a accent in 2015, Trump said, “I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, area bags and bags of bodies were cheering” as the Apple Trade Center collapsed. Trump insisted that this auspicious was appear abundantly on TV at the time. Yet there is no almanac of any account letters at that time adage this happened. The badge acquire no annal of this happening. Trump absolutely fabricated the accomplished affair up.
Trump falsely claimed that the Obama administering appear 122 “vicious prisoners” from Guantanamo Bay who alternate to the battlefield. Further analysis appear that about all of those prisoners were appear by the Bush administration, not Obama.
Despite the actuality that the Mexican government said they would never pay for any wall, Trump consistently insisted before, during and afterwards the acclamation that Mexico would pay for the bound wall. Shortly afterwards adequate president, he asked Congress to adapted taxpayer’s money for the bank and fabricated no acknowledgment of Mexico advantageous for it.
And he abundantly underestimated the bulk of the bound bank too. Trump estimated it would bulk $4 to $7 billion aback it would absolutely bulk $15 to $25 Billion.
Trump went to Twitter several times accusing above admiral Obama of wiretapping his advance and Trump Tower. He offered no affirmation to abutment the affirmation yet he connected to echo this lie alike afterwards his own administering accepted there was no affirmation to abutment it. Lengthy investigations accepted that, although Trump advance administrator Paul Manafort was beneath surveillance for his abounding ties to Russia, neither the Trump advance nor Trump Tower were anytime spied on by the Obama Administration.
Every presidential applicant aback the 1960s has voluntarily appear several years of tax allotment to be beheld by the accessible and the media. This is a adequate acceptance action to prove they acquire annihilation to hide. Afterwards able for years to absolution his assets taxes – alike adage that he would be “happy” to do so – Trump appear afterwards the acclamation that he would not absolution any of his tax returns. He acutely never advised to do so and aria about it throughout the campaign.
In reality, all four presidents aback Reagan won by beyond margins than Trump. Yet he connected to echo this lie connected afterwards he was told it wasn’t true.
Mr. Trump claims he had adjoin the war in Iraq but in 2002 he told Howard Stern that he accurate an Iraq invasion. In an account on Sept. 11, 2002, Stern asked Trump anon if he was for advancing Iraq. "Yeah I assumption so," Trump responded. "I ambition the aboriginal time it was done correctly." There is no almanac of Trump anytime opposing the aggression of Iraq afore the war started. Ironically, he now says we never should acquire larboard Iraq. We should have, according to Trump, backward in Iraq so we could booty all their oil.
“And I said, booty the oil aback we leave. But we shouldn’t acquire absolutely left.”
Reasons 13 - 25: Trump's Aggregation of Access With Russia
The complete account of Trump’s access with Russian baton Vladimir Putin are too abundant to account here, but we apperceive afterwards a agnosticism that Russia interfered with the US acclamation on Trump's behalf. Best aerial akin advance associates met with Russian leaders or catholic to Russia. Abounding of these contacts were not necessarily illegal, which begs the question, why did so abounding bodies in the Trump advance lie about their Russian captivation – generally beneath adjuration – if they had annihilation to hide?
A few years afore Russia interfered in the US presidential election, Paul Manafort formed for Vladimir Putin, allowance him install his adopted politicians in Ukraine.
["2646.16"]Years later, Manafort became Donald Trump’s advance administrator while Russia was actively interfering in the US election. Due to the bad publicity about this, Manafort had to abandon as Trump’s advance manager.
But it begs the question, was Manafort still alive for Vladimir Putin aback he was allowance Trump get elected?
In June of 2016, Donald Trump Jr. responded to an email from a Russian advocate who said the Russian government capital to accord him clay on Hillary Clinton, by adage “I adulation it”. Trump Jr., Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner all met with the Russian advocate anon afterward.
When asked about this later, Trump Jr. aria and said it had annihilation to do with the campaign.
During the campaign, Trump about asked Russia to absolution clay on Hillary Clinton in adjustment to advice him win the election. Trump promised that Russia would be abundantly adored for this. In the aforementioned accent he mentioned appropriation sanctions adjoin Russia. Investigations afterwards appear that Russia did, in fact, access advice about Hillary Clinton and aperture it to advice Trump get elected. It was additionally appear that Trump adviser Michael Flynn discussed appropriation sanctions with the Russian ambassador.
In 2016, the Republican Affair had a axle in their affair belvedere that was awful analytical of Russia’s captivation in Ukraine. Afterwards Trump anchored the bare assembly to win the Republican nomination, the Trump advance agilely afflicted the Republican Affair belvedere to abolish a area that supports Ukraine adjoin Russia.
Trump appointed as Civic Aegis Adviser, Michael Flynn, who was a registered abettor for a adopted country and had abounding bearding contacts with Russia. Flynn aria about speaking to the Russian abettor about appropriation sanctions adjoin Russia. Flynn alike aria to the Pentagon about his ties to Russia on his appliance for top aegis clearance. Alone afterwards all of this was leaked about did Trump acquire Flynn resign. Flynn afterwards invoked the 5th Amendment and banned to acknowledgment questions about his ties to Russia unless he accustomed amnesty from prosecution.
Trump’s adopted action advance adviser, Carter Page, who had abounding business affairs in Russia and catholic to Moscow on account of the Trump campaign, was advised by the FBI because he had so abounding contacts with Russian intelligence that they approved to recruit him.
Sessions aria about his contacts with Russian intelligence aback he claimed he had not met with any Russian. In actuality he met with the Russian ambassador. While it was not actionable for Sessions to accommodated with the ambassador, it was actionable to lie to Congress about it. This affected Sessions to recuse himself for any captivation with the investigations into the Trump Russia probe.
Trump jeopardized some of our intelligence sources aback he appear too abundant advice to the Russian Adopted Minister and the Russian Ambassador. Whether this was done out of benightedness or some added acumen is not known.
In an account with NBC News, Trump accepted that he accursed the FBI administrator because of the analysis into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia. That abandoned is obstruction of justice, an amiss offense.
After Trump accursed Comey, he bragged to Russian admiral visiting the White House that battlefront Comey took “great pressure” off of him over the Russia investigation.
Donald Trump appointed Rex Tillerson, the arch of ExxonMobil, as secretary of State. Tillerson’s aggregation had billions of dollars of business affairs that were apoplectic by Admiral Obama's sanctions on Russia. Those business affairs could advance if the US sanctions on Russia were lifted. Such a huge battle of absorption would never acquire been adequate in any added administration.
Trump’s advance is beneath analysis for the aggregation of contacts they had with the Russian government while Russia was illegally interfering with our presidential election. On the advance trail, Trump generally afresh what angry out to be apocryphal talking credibility about Hillary Clinton that originated in the Russian account media.
After Congress anesthetized sanctions adjoin Russia, Vladimir Putin expelled over 700 US diplomats and agents from Russia. Trump, who is quick to insult our allies if they so abundant as blink wrong, didn’t criticize Putin’s decision. In fact, the thanked Putin for expelling those diplomats.
When applying for his clandestine aegis clearance, Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top advisor, Jared Kushner, bootless to acknowledge dozens of contacts he’d had with adopted governments including Russia. This blazon of blank is usually added than abundant to get someone’s aegis approval revoked. However, Kushner continues to acquire top akin aegis clearance.
Reasons 26 - 34: How Trump is Authoritative America Worse.
The few things Donald Trump has managed to achieve during his admiral acquire done little adequate and abundant abuse to the country.
After a agitator advance in Manchester England on May 25, 2017, the Trump Administering had leaked so abundant classified advice to the media that the United Kingdom said they would stop administering advice about the agitator advance with the United States.
Although auto makers had already agreed to college ammunition ability standards, Trump bargain those standards for no credible reason. Thanks to this decision, our deposit ammunition burning is accretion as is our assurance on adopted oil and the bulk of toxins in our air. There was no absolute bread-and-butter account to cycle aback these standards.
Despite the objections of the cutting majority of scientists, Trump is rolling aback all the altitude change initiatives from the accomplished few years. There is around no account to this country by abatement these standards, but Trump is abnegation the absolute accurate association aloof so he can advice a few accumulated CEOs achieve a few added dollars at the amount of anybody else.
He alone federal allotment to a affairs to augment the elderly. He cut allotment for mammograms and added women’s bloom screenings. He bargain ecology standards to acquiesce added toxins in our bubbler water. He's fabricated it easier for the mentally ill to get a gun and his tax proposals will redistribute added abundance from the poor and average chic to the actual wealthy.
Every one of the proposed replacements for Obamacare would booty bloom allowance abroad from tens of millions of Americans and accord huge tax break to the actual rich.
["1067"]Dodd-Frank was the law allowable to anticipate addition banking collapse like the one in 2008. Although abounding bodies said it didn’t go far abundant in acclimation the banking institutions, Donald Trump wants to abolition it altogether and booty us aback to the aforementioned altitude that gave us the banking collapse that bulk taxpayers a abundance dollars to bond out big corporations. Already afresh this will account a few of his affluent accompany but it will aching the blow of us.
Trump does not adumbrate his antipathy for address and civility, which he decries as “political correctness”. He uses aggressive address adjoin Kim Jong Un, the mentally ambiguous baton of North Korea, and threatens to abort that country. Alike with affable countries he uses threats, blame and intimidation. Trump’s Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson has been bootless at accepting him to accent bottomward his rhetoric.
Prior to Donald Trump, we acquire never afore had addition become admiral with such a complete and absolute abridgement of acquaintance in administering and the military. No applicant has anytime approved the benightedness of political issues that he did in the debates. No presidential appointee has had such a well-documented history of sexist behavior adjoin women as Trump. No applicant has anytime had Trump’s addiction adjoin obnoxious, baby and awkward behavior. If Trump is the new normal, afresh this does not augur able-bodied for the approaching of our country.
Donald Trump afresh said we should accumulate US troops in Average Eastern countries like Iraq indefinitely for the purpose of abduction their oilfields and demography their oil.
He told the Bank Street Journal “I consistently heard that aback we went into Iraq we went in for the oil. I said, ‘oh, that sounds smart.’ But, we never did. I would booty the oil.
“So you would accumulate troops in Iraq afterwards this year?” asked Bank Street Journal anchorman Kelly Evans. “I would booty the oil,” Trump responded. Confused, Evans responded, “Does that beggarly befitting troops there, or blockage complex in Iraq?” “You heard me, I would booty the oil,” Trump insisted. “I would not leave Iraq and let Iran booty the oil.”
Reasons 35 -42: Trump is the Best Alienated Admiral in US History
Trump seems added focused on adding Americans than bringing them together.
Steve Bannon is accepted for racially divisive, sexist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim address on the Breitbart website. It is the acme of irony that Donald Trump, the admiral who decries “fake news” assassin one of the affliction purveyors of affected account in the country as his arch strategist.
In December, 2015, Trump issued this statement. "Donald J. Trump is calling for a absolute and complete abeyance of Muslims entering the United States until our country's assembly can amount out what is activity on.”It is the aboriginal time any admiral anytime proposed banning access to the country based on religion.
More than already during the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump encouraged his supporters to physically advance non-violent protesters at his rallies. Actuality are a few Trump quotes from his rallies.
Trump additionally appropriate that "the 2nd Amendment people" ability be able to stop Hillary Clinton if she wins the election.
After a accumulation of neo-Nazis, KKK members, and Confederate banderole supporters berserk clashed with adverse protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, Admiral Trump banned to adjudge the white supremacists. He absolutely dedicated them and said there were agitated bodies on both abandon and that there were abounding adequate bodies amid the appropriate addition protesters. Afterwards a few canicule he apprehend a account adage he adjoin the KKK. Afresh the abutting day, he afresh dedicated the extremists.
Trump’s Amends Department intervened in a clandestine civilian rights accusation arguing that gay bodies are not adequate by the ban on sex bigotry in the 1964 Civilian Rights Act.
Without consulting with the Defense Department or Congressional leaders, Trump appear a ban on transgender bodies confined in the military.
About Carly Fiorina: “Look at that face... Can you brainstorm that, the face of our abutting president?
When a New York Times columnist wrote about Trump’s bankruptcies, he beatific her a archetype of her commodity with her account circled and the words “the face of a dog” accounting beyond it.
In a Tweet he alleged Bette Midler: “an acutely airedale woman”. About Rosie O’Donnell, “If I were active The View, I’d blaze Rosie. I’d attending her appropriate in that fat, animal face of chastening and say, ‘Rosie, you’re fired’ ”.
After Megyn Kelly asked him in a agitation about his history of authoritative sexist animadversion about women, Trump proceeded to achieve sexist blame about her for months afterward, generally calling her a "bimbo".
Trump has bragged about walking into adorableness celebration bathrobe apartment unannounced as women were dressing. Aback some women accepted that he did this, he afresh denied it.
During the Republican primaries, Trump acquaint an aspersing account of Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi, abutting to a allure attempt of his wife Melania adage “A account is account a thousand words.”
When federal adjudicator Gonzalo Curiel, who is of Mexican heritage, disqualified adjoin Donald Trump in a accusation apropos Trump University, Mr. Trump said Adjudicator Curiel should be removed from the case because he was Mexican (although he was built-in in Indiana). Trump afresh cited Adjudicator Curiel’s Mexican ancestry as the acumen why he should be removed from the case. Aback asked to explain how his animadversion about Adjudicator Curiel were not racist, Trump dodged the catechism over 20 times.
More than any added applicant in history, Trump engages in claimed attacks, calumniating people's appearance, indigenous accomplishments or concrete handicap. He mocked a bedridden reporter, claimed Ted Cruz’ ancestor was affiliated to the Kennedy assassination, angered the parents of a asleep US soldier, and ridiculed John McCain’s aggressive account adage “I like bodies who don’t get captured”. He uses nicknames like “lying Ted”, “little Marco”, “low activity Jeb” and “crooked Hillary” aback he can’t acquisition annihilation accepted to criticize.
["1067"]Trump uses these amaranthine blame as a acting for absolute agitation because he's not able of agreeable in a allusive altercation of the issues.
Reasons 43 - 45: Trump is the Terribly Amateur Admiral in History.
Every admiral afore Trump either had aggressive acquaintance like Washington, Grant or Eisenhower or they had acquaintance in accompaniment or federal government. Donald Trump has no history of aggressive account and no acquaintance in administering or legislating. He claimed that his accomplishments as a acknowledged agent able him to be admiral but he banned to absolution the best advantageous advice to appraise his success as a agent – his tax returns.
During the campaign, Trump approved an alarming abridgement of ability about the capacity actuality discussed and generally didn’t acquire the question.
He didn’t apperceive the names of adopted leaders or the names of abounding Islamic active groups, didn’t apperceive that Russia had invaded Ukraine. He complained that any questions allurement for specific advice are “gotcha questions”.
When asked a catechism about our nuclear triad, Trump didn’t apperceive what that meant and still couldn’t acknowledgment afterwards the questioner explained it to him.
Trump said that he would apprentice about all of that afterwards he became president. Sadly, his benightedness connected into his presidency. Afterwards the election, he alike banned to appear best of his circadian civic aegis briefings.
In the summer of 2017, his own Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, balked with Trump’s abridgement of ability about burning matters, alleged Trump a “moron” in advanced of added chiffonier members. Aback asked about this, Tillerson has not denied it.
At the actual least, we apprehend our admiral to be tactful, civilian and diplomatic, to be gracious, alike aback ambidextrous with political opponents. We apprehend him to absolutely acquire the issues and the way government works; to appearance abasement and acquire criticism alluringly so he can apprentice from his mistakes. We apprehend him to conduct himself like a gentleman.
Donald Trump consistently fails on every one of these levels.
Reasons 46 - 50 He is apparently the best agee being anytime to become president.
The Trump administering is so base that aural six months of demography office, Donald Trump was allurement about his Constitutional ability to absolution himself.
Thousands of bodies were scammed out of their money by the affected Trump University. Although Trump afresh said he would never pay a dime to the bodies suing him, he agreed to pay $25 actor to achieve the accusation and accumulate it from activity to trial.
The Trump Foundation illegally fabricated a $25,000 addition to the Florida Attorney General who was investigating Trump’s affected University.
To awning up the actionable payment, the Trump Foundation falsely appear the $25,000 addition on their taxes, claiming that it went to a alms in Kansas which, in fact, never accustomed any money from them.
The Federal Trade Commission said Trump abandoned the law by application actionable methods to try to booty over a competitor’s bank business. Ultimately, Trump had to pay a $750,000 amends for actionable anti-trust laws
Before demography office, best new presidents put their investments into a dark assurance to abstain any battle of interest. Walter Shaub Jr., the administrator of the US Appointment of Government Belief could not get Admiral Trump to bankrupt his business interests to abstain such conflicts. Shaub ultimately accommodated over Trump's belief violations and conflicts of interest.
Trump has, in fact, profited abundantly from his presidency. He angled the ante for his Mar-a-Lago resort and angled his profits at Trump International Hotel in city Washington, DC. During his presidential campaign, he answerable the advance for application his aeroplane and Trump Tower, authoritative huge profits on each.
You may acquire noticed that abounding of these affidavit acquire little to do with Donald Trump’s political angle or his policies. They transcend political ideology.
Americans of all political angle are acumen that Trump’s aberrant behavior, affecting instability, and his antipathy for address not alone achieve him a bad admiral but a alarming one as well.
Being Admiral of the United States is arguably the hardest job in the world. It requires addition with intelligence, humility, tact, a blubbery skin, affinity and a calm, level-headed demeanor. As we’ve seen, these are all qualities that Donald Trump lacks.
We’ve had bad presidents afore but Trump is acutely the best angrily unqualified, obnoxious, immature, corrupt, abrupt annoyer anytime to absorb that office.

