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It has been appear that the wife and three accouchement of MH370's captain confused out of the ancestors home the day afore the alike went missing.
A maid at Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah's abode in upmarket Kuala Lumpur suburb said that his wife and three accouchement were blockage at their additional home back the alike disappeared.
Their home in Malaysia's basic is aloof 15 afar from the airport.
Keen chef, prankster, camp artist and so amorous about aerial that back he wasn't in the cockpit of a absolute Boeing 777, Captain Zaharie was aerial a toy one or added alien ascendancy aircraft in his home collection
Captain Zaharie, whose 27-year-old babe Aishah (pictured aloft with her father) lives in Melbourne and is believed to be an architectonics alum of both Victoria's Deakin University and the International Islamic University of Malaysia, was additionally amorous about his home congenital simulator
Captain Zaharie in an undated photograph taken on a baiter trip
Aircraft bedeviled pilot Captain Zaharie was aerial this Cataline PBY alike (above), an amphibian aircraft with the chat 'RESCUE' corrective on top of the aircraft, and added remotely-controlled craft, back he wasn't sitting in his home f;light actor or the cockpit of a Boeing 777
Aishah Zaharie (above), who lives in Melbourne, is actuality comforted by accompany as the chase for flight MH370 continues and Malaysian authorities mull over theories about her father, the plane's pilot Captain Zaharie
Mr Shah is a agog chef, prankster, camp artist and so amorous about aerial that back he wasn't in the cockpit of a absolute Boeing 777, he was aerial a toy one or added alien ascendancy aircraft in his home collection.
And Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, the pilot of MH370 now beneath abutting analysis as the accessible brigand of the missing aircraft, fabricated a aberrant online column anon afterwards architectonics his 'awesome' flight simulator, which is now in the aegis of Malaysian authorities.
As the Malaysian government assume set on accusing Captain Zaharie, of actuality a political activist who flew the Boeing 777 off course, accompany and ancestors assert he was a 'good hearted' man who admired annihilation bigger than affable up dishes from his built-in Penang.
Pictures accept emerged of Zaharie acquaint on assorted amusing media sites and blogs affable up a acceptable rice vermicelli soup bowl alleged bihun, a tofu sambal and a angle curry.
The captain's pictures additionally accommodate the toy ability he reportedly admired to fly: a alien controlled adaptation of the Bell 222, a lighweight twin-engined helicopter, and a toy Cataline PBY plane, an amphibian aircraft with the chat 'RESCUE' corrective on top of the aircraft.
The ancestor of three, whose 27-year-old babe Aishah lives in Melbourne and is believed to be an architectonics alum of both Victoria's Deakin University and the International Islamic University of Malaysia, was additionally amorous about his home congenital simulator.
A bulletin acquaint to an online flight actor affiliation by Captain Zaharie (above, with his home simulator) asked for 'buddies' to acquaintance him about his 'awesome' actor to booty it 'to the abutting level. Motion!'
Posted by Captain Zaharie on Facebook, the missing pilot's photographs of the (left to right) adulate prawns, back-scratch angle and broccoli augment dishes he adapted at home in the family's accommodation in a affluence gated affiliation alfresco Kuala Lumpur
Another bowl served up by the captain, arch MH 370 pilot Zaharie was additionally a amorous baker of Malay dishes from Penang, such as this tofu Sambal he adapted and photographed
["679"]When he wasn't cooking, aerodynamics Boeing 777s for Malaysian Airlines or 'flying' in his home simulator, Captain Zaharie flew toy aircraft like this remote-controlled archetypal of the Bell 222, a failing twin-engined helicopter
After architectonics a flight actor from this software (above), Captain Zaharie abutting an online affiliation alleged X-Sim and acquaint a bulletin about the 'awesome view' on his actor and allurement for 'buddies' to accompany him as it was 'Time to booty to the abutting akin of simulation. Motion!'
Seized by Malaysian board in the deathwatch of the Flight MH370's disappearance, the actor was complete by Zaharie from video bold software including the ASUS Direct CUII and Rampage IV Extreme motherboard.
Police are investigating the acceptation of the pilot's affiliation with Malaysian action baton Anwar Ibrahim, who was confined anon above-mentioned to the abandonment of MH 370.
Zaharie had abutting an online flight actor affiliation alleged X-Sim and afterwards authoritative his simulator, in November 2012 he acquaint a bulletin about its 'awesome view' agreeable 'buddies' to get in blow so they could booty the actor 'to the abutting akin of simulation. Motion!'
'Elo guys, zaharie here,' says the post.
'Awesome appearance on 3 panasonic 32 in. LCD HDMI and and 3 touchscreen Dell 21 inches for basic (MCP) , centermost pedestal, aerial panel.
'Time to booty to the abutting akin of simulation.Motion! attractive for buddies to allotment this passion.
'Capt Zaharie Ahmad Shah, BOEING 777 MALAYSIA AIRLINES.'
Besides aviation, Zaharie additionally has a YouTube approach he acclimated to upload video guides he fabricated about his camp inventions and home repairs, including a adjustment of extenuative electricity by affability the air conditioner, acclimation the icemaker in his refrigerator and acclimation a aperture window in his son's house.
As Malaysian authorities investigate the possibilities of MH 370 pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah actuality a religious activist who may accept advisedly steered the Boeing 777 off course, accompany apprenticed others to abutment Zaharie's ancestors and corrective a account of a admiring and 'good-hearted' man
Captain Zaharie Ahmad Sha (pictured, right) with his wife and daughter, Aishah, was a admiring man with an attraction or aerial who would not accept comatose the missing Malaysian Airlines Boeing 77, accompany say
Instagram photograph of MH 370 co-pilot Fariq Abdul Hamid, who forth with Captain Zaharie, is beneath analysis as Malaysian admiral butt for an anser tro their missing Boeing 777
A blog column acknowledging Zaharie said 'he absolutely has a acceptable heart' and was 'an ardent chef' who aggregate 'different dishes for those about him aloof like a accurate Malaysian and Penangite'.
The blog talks about the actuality Zaharie, who best afresh was active in a affluence gated affiliation in Shah Alam, alfresco the Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur, originally came from the arctic accompaniment of Penang, whose association are colloquailly alleged 'Penangites'.
Family posts on Twitter and Instagram by Captain Zaharie's nices and nephews, begged for their uncle to 'come home, we charge you'.
Twitter user @HanifahTj posted: 'Uncle @ZAHARIES already told me 'anything you do,don't accord up' and that's back I don't accord up on him'.
Members of Australia's Malaysian affiliation acquaint suportive messages, including @MuslihahMazlan who tweeted: 'Stay able Aishah Zaharie n family. Pliz adjure for MH370. Especially to my acquaintance Aishah who's dad was the captain of the flight'.
Zaharie, a Muslim, was a subscriber to agnostic Richard Dawkins's Foundation for Reason and Science armpit and English actor Eddie Izzard's site.
He additionally like the YouTube videos of a Russian prankster, who showed how to comedy affair tricks like giving addition an electric shock and agreement a artificial cockroach in a cycle of toilet paper.
Flight actor expert, Ian Pero, managing administrator of Flight Experience, Sydney, told the MailOnline Zaharie was what was alleged a 'home simmer', one of the ten per cent or added of pilots who had flight simulators in their home.
He said Mr Zaharie's advertence to 'Motion!' in his blog column was the dream of all 'home simmers', to accept a flight actor that confused than was a anchored abject device.
But it apparently never would accept happened, because the costs of abounding motion simulators are enormous, up to $30 million,' Mr Pero said.
'We accept awash simulators to sheikhs and alike they alone get anchored abject simulators.'



