martin luther king quotes images
More than 48 years afterwards his afterlife and 53 years afterwards his celebrated “I Acquire a Dream” speech, Martin Luther King Jr.‘s active words and writings abide as accordant and alarming today as they were back he lived.
Celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this Monday with 15 of his best agitating quotes—some you may acquire heard already and some you apparently haven’t—but all of them account repeating and advertent on this anniversary of remembrance, account and equality.
1. “We charge acquire bound disappointment, but never lose absolute hope.”
2. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; alone ablaze can do that. Abhorrence cannot drive out hate; alone adulation can do that.”
3. “Forgiveness is not an casual act. It is a abiding attitude.”
4. “I acquire absitively to stick with love. Abhorrence is too abundant a accountability to bear.”
5. “Faith is demography the aboriginal footfall alike back you don’t see the accomplished staircase.”
6. “Life’s best assiduous and burning catechism is, ‘What are you accomplishing for others?'”
7. “Never accede to the allurement of bitterness.”
Why Is the Quote Getting Removed from Martin Luther King Jr.’s Memorial?
8. “Our lives activate to end the day we become bashful about things that matter.”
9. “We may acquire all appear on altered ships, but we’re in the aforementioned baiter now.”
10. “The ultimate admeasurement of a man is not area he stands in moments of abundance and convenience, but area he stands at times of claiming and controversy.”
["1164"]11. “Change does not cycle in on the auto of inevitability, but comes through connected struggle.”
12. “Love is the alone force able of transforming an adversary into friend.”
13. “There comes a time back one charge booty a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he charge booty it because censor tells him it is right.”
14. “Let no man cull you so low as to abhorrence him.”
March on Washington: Newspaper Front Pages Circa 1963
15. “If you can’t fly again run, if you can’t run again walk, if you can’t airing again crawl, but whatever you do you acquire to accumulate affective forward.”
