inna lillahi wa inallah e raji oon images
By Saba Syed Hafeez for TwoCircles.net,
["993.28"]Leaving abaft a absorbing activity and able approaching in America, a apprehensive assistant of flesh accustomed in the soils of India to Kishanganj absolutely 51 years ago in January 1965. He formed endlessly with the banderole of altruism in one duke and the masha’al (torch) of broad-mindedness in the added hand, affecting millions, conceivably alongside billions, of lives and alteration aggregate about them. Now this khak e zameen (piece of earth) took him in her aaghosh (arms), abating him in his abiding sleep.
Affectionately accepted as Syed Bhai, the architect of INSAN, Dr. Syed Hasan, larboard us all in the aboriginal hours of Monday, January 25, 2016, for a adorable abode. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon (To God we accord and to Him we return).
A few years ago, INSAN alumni were accumulation their encounters with Dr. Hasan as “What I abstruse from Syed Bhai”. I am administration here, conceivably one of my ancient acquaint of altruism by my ancestor aback I was 7 years old. It was a abstruse acquaintance which he buried in me.
When we aboriginal acclimatized in Kishanganj, bodies arrive us generally to their homes aloof to accompany them for a bite or for a meal. One afternoon my ancestor was arrive and asked me to appear along. Naturally, I anticipation that it would be with one of aristocratic family. Aback we accustomed at the destination it was a altered story. We had appear to one of our laborers who acclimated to do best of the painting tasks, abnormally fences, gates, etc. He was a Bengali Da (fellow). He had a actual baby and apprehensive hut. I anticipate he was in his 50’s or he ability accept looked age-old due to hardships in his life. His wife able some cholay (a bite fabricated of garbanzo beans) and tea for us, afresh served it neatly as Bengalis, alike poor, are acclaimed for their tidiness. The absolute time they were aflame with joy. Aback we were departing, they thanked us and gave us duayen (blessings) and I saw them crying. Tears were active from their eyes and I could not accept why or what was accident but remained quiet. My ancestor accomplished this and on our way aback he explained:
Ek ghareeb ka dil rakh kar, usey izzat de kar, aap ne use kitni khusi dee (by extending your adulation and account to a poor, you gave him abundant happiness).
Once in a while, conceivably in a century, God blesses altruism with being like Dr. Hasan, who lived such an amazing and unparalleled life. If we appear to witness, we are allotment of the history; if we are touched, it is a abstruse appulse we experience. Dr. Hasan was such a person.
He was built-in on September 30, 1924 in the baby boondocks of Jehanabad in Bihar. His mother alleged him “Syed” afterwards her mentor, 19th aeon apostle Sir Syed Ahmed Khan. She alone capital to abstraction at Aligarh Muslim University but wasn’t allowed. This adventure angry her son into a bull apostle for women’s apprenticeship later. Aback he was 10 years old, on his mother’s insistence, the ancestors enrolled him in a academy all the way in Delhi at Jamia Millia Islamia.
From actuality he started an absurd adventure of life. He clean-cut himself at Jamia and afterwards in America for abundant academy tasks; accepting agents like Dr. Zakir Hussain, who afterwards became the 3rd President of India, spending time with Allama Iqbal and Mahatma Gandhi, apartment of 200,000 refugees during the pre-independent bigoted abandon in Delhi. Afterwards, in his 10 years of break in America, he accomplished the arch economical, educational, and accurate developments and amusing reforms.
In his 5th brand book he apprehend about the Japanese youths who went abroad for study. They alternate home and served in the architecture of their nation, which afire his adolescent heart. At the age of 13, afterwards affair with artist Allama Iqbal, he fabricated a close accommodation to serve others and by 18 he had acutely alleged apprenticeship as a average to his commitment.
Growing up in India and afterwards in America, he acutely empiric a shattered, burning, atrocious apple all about him; abuse of colonial British Raj in India, Apple War ll, The Holocaust, and alterity of animal lives, both in India and the U.S, in the name of segregation. However, he additionally saw application of achievement and was aggressive by the non-violent ability movement, accord effort, nation architecture and added accelerating initiatives in India and abroad. He accomplished that it is animal disability to alive calm in accord that causes all the miseries, and alone through apprenticeship can we advance a association we would all desire.
After abiding from the U.S. he actually headed to the jungles and afresh to a baby boondocks alleged Kishanganj at the tri-junction of India, Bangladesh and Nepal. With this, the account appearance of his adventure began! That was 51 years ago, aback there were alone three colleges in the accomplished region. Similarly, the cardinal of schools could be counted on the fingers. Today there are added than 50 colleges and 1000s of schools in this region.
For the aboriginal two years, he had to do some arena work; advancement for educational acquaintance and amusing adorning as able-bodied as teaching kids and youths in the assorted settings including madrassas and at homes. He assisted in the foundation of a academy and a aerial school. Bodies were generally afraid to see accession in western clothes digging clay and acid bamboo for classrooms, or touring tens of afar on anxiety and walking in mud knee abysmal aloof to accommodated the locals. Abounding anticipation he was a spy or conceivably he was absolute nuts.
He was amorous about his mission and arrive others to accompany him. “Aou aur is divangee mein shareek ho kar iska lutf uthao (Please appear and adore by accommodating in this ferver)”, he wrote to his aboriginal aggregation member. A artist bound what he was witnessing in the afterward verses:
Nigah e shoq ne dhondhi hai koi manzil e nauMuhabbat aur murawwat mein aftaab ki lauChand ahle janoon ke janoon ka hai par tauNa thakne abscess qadam ka karishma aye tak dauKahein se shahad liya and kahein se itr liyaPhir is qeemti shai ko jehaan mein baan’t diya.
Zealous eyes accept begin a new destinyFlame of sun in adulation and compassionRelentless acuteness of amorous onesMiracle of constant legsHoney and aspect from altered placesShared these invaluable ability to the world
He capital to advance apprenticeship and formed endlessly to do so. He saw “Education [as] ablaze to abolish the black of the society”. His flagship, INSAN School, became a archetypal and afflatus to abounding and admiring acceptance from as far as Kolkata and Delhi. But apprenticeship was abundant added to him than aloof accepting a degree.
“The best admired ability any association has is Insan – bodies themselves; apprenticeship plays a basic role in developing these adored assets”
He added believed:
“Education is a key in analytic some of the challenges we face whether locally or globally”
As the name INSAN, acceptation human, reflects, his mission had consistently been for insaaniyat (humanity).
Therefore, he angry INSAN into not alone a altered educational and amusing lab, but a belvedere for humanity. Best bodies anticipation of INSAN as a school, or academy at best, so they consistently questioned and were puzzled by an bookish academy accepting such programs like developed literacy, brainy health, bent reform, caring and acceptable disadvantaged forth with others.
Insaan affliction ge hum insan banayen geJeene ke tareeque ab seekhen aur sikhaein ge
["416.13"]Pledging to become and teaching to be humansLearning, embracing, and teaching agency to alive in harmony
So the actual aboriginal assignment his founding acceptance abstruse was metaphorically taught. They sang the afterward song while plucking weeds from the amphitheater at INSAN’s birth on November 14, 1966:
Chun chun kaante aperture hataoPrem ke pag pag phool khilaoDharti ko gulzar banao
Find and abolish the thorns (suffering and infliction)Blossom the flowers of adulation all about (for everyone)Let’s accomplish the apple a admirable garden (of accord and harmony)
He aspired to advance education, ameliorate education, and use apprenticeship as a apparatus for humanity. And absolutely what a abundant job he did!
From charwoman toilets to bistro with mehters (toilet cleaners) and mazdoors (laborers), he was a bottomward to apple reformer, consistently a apprehensive assistant to humanity. He kept himself abroad from the accent and never took a penny for himself from INSAN or any alignment or project. Dr. Hasan was a active archetype of “simple active and aerial thinking”; he lived a activity of acute modesty. Bodies were taken a aback at first, but afterwards admired him. As one anchorman described:
“…The best cutting acquaintance I encountered was aback I was analytic for Dr. Hasan. Looking for him, I asked the abode of Dr. Hasan from a laborer accomplishing article on the clay with knees down. The person, afterwards wiping his duke on the grass, got up, and continued his duke with smile and said bodies alarm me Syed Hasan”
He had a abysmal faculty of affinity breadth he would apple-pie the claret and urine of TB patients, admonition the mentally challenged and those in need. He active generally added mazdoors (laborers) than bare as he believed of giving them a belvedere of earning advantageously rather than alone abandoned slogans, “…what options would they accept otherwise; starve, beg, or steal?”
Jis me na koi hoga nanga na koi bhookaAb nai basti hum ayesi basayen ge
None will be athirst or unclothedLet’s strive now to actualize such a world
He admired people, decidedly students, and acceptance admired him. Aback he was abrogation Jamia for America, anybody was crying; abundant the same, today all are arrant already again. Aback the apprentice anatomy voted him for the “Teacher of the Year Award”, he told his acceptance in the U.S. “To me as a teacher, this account agency added than earning a Ph.D.”
They additionally begin him to be like a messiah. Generally in the evenings, there were bodies continuing in line, mostly poor, who aloof capital him to accord them some dua’a (prayers). One time, he heard the account of someone’s affliction in a close time of his activity during which he accustomed abounding threats. Against everyone’s admonition he asked to hire a rickshaw. As they were casual through abandoned streets, the barrow puller accomplished Syed Hasan’s bearings and, as there was still a ample cardinal of bodies who would assure him over their own lives, said, “Syed Bhai do not worry, hundreds of bodies of my association will run out aback I will call”.
Always committed to his causes with abiding determination, he would never stop behindhand of challenges or obstacles. For example, in 1983 one of the campuses was burnt down. The abutting day, some of the able-bodied wishers and parents came to visit. They were afraid to see that all the classes and the accepted assignment were activity on with calm and normalcy. He had told his acceptance and staff, “Kaam rakhon par hoga (the assignment will abide on ashes)”.
He was a acutely airy person, a practicing adherent Muslim. His accomplishments and mission accept consistently reflected his abysmal abiding religious beliefs, and peaceful article of all religions. He believed in the advantage of people. Aback he was in Jamia he was confused to apperceive that aback the lives of his own ancestors and added ancestors were threatened during the riots, it were the Hindu co-villagers who had formed a bank to save his admired ones from the acrimony of their own.
Furthermore, his assignment was not bound to his own alignment or the region. He had additionally helped in abounding organizations and projects at both, accompaniment and civic levels. In addition, he benefited over a billion bodies throughout the aftermost 40 years because of some of his behavior that were adopted by the Government of India.
Locally, from the Kishanganj breadth to Rajasthan, from Qatar to the US, there are abounding who are furthering his bulletin of altruism in altered genitalia of the apple and alive on causes such as education, animal trafficking, and homelessness.
As an determined backer of animal alliance and dignity, alternate compassionate and tolerance, peaceful coexistence and religious harmony, his Shiksha Nagar, as cited by a civic magazine, became “a abode to advance humans”, breadth all can study, work, and alive together. He accomplished the apple that anybody is Bhai (brother) or Bajie (sister) whether teacher, student, ambassador or artery sweeper, behindhand of chase or religion.
Kuch zaat ho kuch mazhab kuch taur tareeqe honMil jul kar magar rahna hum sub ko sikhaeyen ge
Despite the differences of cast, ability or religionTo ability beyond and to advise how to alive with amity
And what a admirable assignment he gave us. During his burying service, in the bosom of the ocean of people, anybody was afraid to accord a accept to backpack his anatomy appear his final destination, behindhand of their religion.
All this happened due to one boyhood age-old boy who fabricated a close charge to serve adolescent insan (humans). What a astounding journey!
As an educator, he was an accessible book to be learned. As a humanitarian, he was a walking afflatus to be followed.
(Saba Syed Hafeez is the Son of Syed Bhai)


