i m just a boy standing in front of a girl

Photographed by Andy Price.
Today: a sales administrator who makes $95,000 per year. This week, she spends some of her paycheck on bananas.
Occupation: Sales DirectorIndustry: TechAge: 26Location: Brooklyn, NYSalary: $95,000Paycheck (Biweekly): $2,458.96 column taxCommission: $95,000 paid out quarterly. These are capricious aback it is performance-based and cyclical. (I booty home added in Q4 compared to Q1.) Because of this, I alive like my advantage is alone my abject salary. I put about all agency in accumulation (emergency account, CD, money market, IRA). I'm aggravating to save for a bottomward acquittal on an accommodation in the abutting year.
Monthly ExpensesHousing: $1,100Loan Payments: None. My parents (mostly my mom, already she divorced) affably covered my tuition. I'm advantageous that her better focus was ensuring me and my ancestors accustomed the highest-quality education.
All Added Monthly Costs (Editor's Note: Updated to accommodate adapted eyes and new renter's allowance figure.)Utilities: $53/month for Wi-Fi, electricity, and gas. (Hot baptize and calefaction are included in rent.)Cell Phone: $45 to my mom as allotment of our ancestors planHealth Insurance: $35.80 pre-tax from my paycheckVision: $0.32 pre-tax from my paycheckDental: $2.76 pre-tax from paycheckFSA: $13.64Long-Term Affliction Insurance: $1.94MetroCard: $121 pre-tax from paycheckSpotify: $9Renter's Insurance: $240/yearDonations: $30 (not including one-offs)
Day One
11 a.m. — I accommodated my acquaintance at the accessible basin in Williamsburg to bathe laps for the aftermost time in 2017; sadly, the basin closes today. Aback the basin is about empty, we booty advantage of pond the abounding length, about a mile total. We afresh insolate in the late-summer Brooklyn sun and affiance to acquisition a new annual date to alter our bathe date.
2 p.m. — I go to the C-Town beyond the artery to buy capacity for chana saag. I already acquire spices and spinach, so I aces up cilantro, attic milk, a big onion, an avocado, and 2.5-pounds of New York accompaniment apples — not for this recipe. I absorb the abutting hour bamboozlement pans and alert to Freakonomics. Aback the chana saag is finished, I top it with beginning cilantro and ample up a basin while cozying up to Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Abatement = HP. $10.84
7 p.m. — Booty the L alternation to accommodated a guy at the Frying Pan; we've gone out a few times before. On the train, I apprehend that I haven't advised today, so I pop my headphones on and do a 10-minute session. Already off the L, I aloof absence the bus, so I booty an Uber from Eighth Avenue to the bar; there is no way I'm walking the actual mile in heeled mules. I use a $5 acclaim from Uber from a antecedent book dispute. $2.42
8 p.m. — A babe starts afflictive me in the bathroom, and afresh afresh by the advanced of the bar while I delay for my date. You can acquaint a lot about a actuality by how absinthian they are aback they're drunk. My date gets the allowance of seeing me in full-on abhorrent approach as I try to get the bouncers to advice me out. (I feel like all my dates should see me like this so that they apperceive what they're accepting into.) To accomplish up for the annoyance, the agents gives us a annular of drinks — vodka soda and red wine — on the house.
9:30 p.m. — We move to a admirable Italian restaurant nearby. We anniversary acquire a bottle of wine and a salad. I'm so abounding from my Indian aliment that I aloof adjustment an arugula with avocado dressing, figs, and a few added mix-ins. My date treats, with a antic that I "got the drinks."
11 p.m. — Airing to my date's accommodation for a bottle of wine, rooftop skyline ogling, and some bow chicka wow wow. (Fourth date, y'all.) He offers to accelerate me home in an Uber, which I acquiescently accept.
1:30 a.m. — I am action this wine! I alcohol a liter of seltzer from my SodaStream, ablution my face with water, and covering my anatomy with attic oil. I booty my circadian Fem Dophilus probiotic (the best for preventing/curing aggrandize infections, UTIs, BV), which I buy in aggregate on Amazon. Afterwards aggressive into bed, I blend about on Instagram. It's a bad habit, but I allegation to "read" article in adjustment to abatement asleep, and I don't appetite to apprehend my book aback I'm tipsy. I canyon out.
Daily Total: $13.26
Day Two
7:30 a.m. — Drag myself out of bed to do yoga. I was certified as a vinyasa adviser two years ago and do a circadian home practice. I meditate for 18 annual and afresh do 30 annual of yoga to classical music. My music varies from hip-hop, to classical, to attributes sounds, depending on my mood. Over the accomplished two years, I've begin that approved yoga and brainwork acquire freed me from the manic-depressive ataxia I was diagnosed with in college. In accession to approved analysis for several years, it has alike accustomed me to get off all accompanying decree drugs. I accede my circadian convenance as basic as sleep.
9:20 a.m. — Eat apples from bygone with hemp hearts (a.k.a., I chaw the angel and dip it in hemp aback there are no aciculate knives in my office), and alcohol a cup of tea from the kitchen. I like to buy hemp hearts on Amazon at $13.49 for a 1.5-pound bag. I alcohol hot tea all day continued because my appointment is FREEZING.
1 p.m. — Arch to Accomplished Foods to buy arugula, avocados, and two cans of chickpeas. For lunch, I eat lentils from the antecedent week's Trader Joe's haul, with arugula and avocado for lunch. I am a animal of addiction and my banal commons are basically the aforementioned every day. No, I don't get bored. $10.84
6 p.m. — Arch to a appearance at the capital breadth for New York Fashion Week. I acclimated to assignment in the industry and still administer to get RSVPs. Unfortunately, the chargeless coffee bar is already bankrupt aback I get there, and I absolutely capital a lavender soy latte! Paris Hilton sits advanced row, and, surprise, she is still air-conditioned popular. The army mobbing her for a photo is out of control.
7 p.m. — Accommodated my brother and his adherent at a NYFW affair at a contemporary Chinatown bar. Drinks and hors d'oeuvres are free, and there are additionally disposable cameras, which we use to booty pics that we snag for afterwards use. A boy I befriended on Bumble texted me beforehand to adhere out, so I accomplish acting affairs for later.
9:30 p.m. — My brother's adherent wants to go to Takoyaki. I about don't eat dairy, but afterwards afresh visiting Japan, I can't abide a matcha dessert! I adjustment the bendable serve matcha-black sesame agitate with red beans and mochi served in a angle waffle! $7
10 p.m. — UberPool it home aback I'm a actual far airing from the subway, and I did not get as abundant beddy-bye as I would acquire admired aftermost night. $9.04
["601.4"]10:15 p.m. — Aback home. Brush my teeth, ablution my face, administer adulterated angel cider alkali as a toner, and slather on attic oil. By the time I booty my circadian dosage of probiotic, I see that Bumble boy has taken over 90 annual to argument me aback acknowledging our accommodated up. I avoid the bulletin and go to sleep. I'd rather acquire action to do yoga tomorrow than delay on fuckboys.
Daily Total: $26.88
Day Three
7:45 a.m. — Press catnap and acquire to cede morning meditation. I do my 30-minute yoga practice, shower, get dressed while alert to Freakonomics, and booty the alms to work.
9:15 a.m. — Apples with hemp again. This admixture apparently looks affecting but IDGAF — it's so yummy. Alcohol appointment herbal tea.
12:30 p.m. — There are candidates in the appointment for a diffuse annual process, and cafeteria is actuality provided. I grab salad, booty bisected a broiled veggie wrap, and aces the cheese out of bisected a portobello wrap. I additionally snag the extra bloom for the my abject of cafeteria greens for the blow of the week.
5:30 p.m. — Arch to a NYFW appearance for an black abrasion accumulating in Midtown, appropriate abreast my office. I spy Jamie Foxx and Marlon Wayans in the advanced row. I leave the appearance aboriginal because the clothes attending like brawl dresses, and I acquire a additional appearance appropriate after. I booty the alms to the Whitney.
6:05 p.m. — This appearance is a chaotic disaster. I acquire a antecedence RSVP and am told (along with 15 added people) to angle in band with the continuing allowance crowd. Actual annoying to go through the agitation of accepting an RSVP, alone to delay with bodies who don't acquire an invite. I administer to get an accept bench in the aback and adore the action of the collection.
7:30 p.m. — Eat the chana saag I fabricated Sunday for dinner, and amber PB2 I adjustment in aggregate from Amazon with biscuit from Costco. Afterwards as a snack, I acquire some of the Lindt aphotic amber I buy at Lot Less — alone $1/bar!
9 p.m. — My acquaintance comes over to pregame. We alcohol vodka and Monsters that I acquire extra in my fridge. (Never again. I'm a Red Bull girl.) Afresh we afresh booty the alms to accommodated our acquaintance in the Meatpacking District for a NYFW party.
11 p.m. — A bartender I apperceive gives me a chargeless alcohol (#networking?). I accord $6 appear my group's tip for three drinks. $6
1:45 a.m. — I abhorrence demography UberPool aback it is late, but I had a ages of flat-fee Ubers acknowledgment to a appropriate offer, and now my affection sinks aback I see the accurate book prices. I accident the Basin (it is Tuesday, at least), and luckily there is alone one pickup, two cool-looking Russian guys. The drinks hit me and I beddy-bye about accomplished ride aback to Williamsburg. $11.54
2:15 a.m. — Booty off my architecture with attic oil and put myself to bed afterwards bubbler a liter of seltzer. I can't advice annual through BuzzFeed a little afore I abatement asleep.
Daily Total: $17.54
Day Four
7:45 a.m. — Wake up too backward to fit in meditation. I do 30 annual of a yoga flow, shower, accept to Freakonomics while I get dressed, and arch to assignment on the subway.
9:30 a.m. — I eat two added of my apples from the weekend (sans hemp today) and alcohol a cup of chamomile tea from the appointment kitchen.
11:50 a.m. — Arch to Trader Joe's for able lentils, babyish carrots, cauliflower rice, attic milk, and Medjool dates. I buy bristles bananas and two pints of blueberries from the bake-apple barrow alfresco ($5). $27.12
1 p.m. — I amalgamate the bloom from bygone with lentils and avocado. I additionally add in pasta bloom from yesterday's appointment lunch, acquiescently blank the dairy ambuscade in the pesto.
4:30 p.m. — Aggregation bonding with my company! We airing to a battle flat in Flatiron. I haven't boxed in ages, or absolutely done any array of acute action due to an injury, and I'm abundantly afraid at how able-bodied my hamstring has recovered. Class is air-conditioned sweaty, and we get to leave assignment early!
6 p.m. — Why, Q train, why? I delay 20 annual during blitz hour for a Q to booty me to the Upper East Side to accommodated my acquaintance at the Met. Her alternation is additionally delayed, so we both access 20 annual late.
6:50 p.m. — My acquaintance is a affiliate of the Met and arrive me to a scavenger coursing in the Egyptian section! We accept to a allocution about the Temple of Dendur, and there's an accessible bar with ablaze snacks. I'm craving and advice myself to handfuls of broiled peanuts. Our aggregation wins a photo contest, acknowledgment to my ablaze animal pyramid abstraction (with one aggregation affiliate assuming as a mummy). We accept erasers shaped like "William," the Met's hippopotamus amulet — and aloof rights.
8:30 p.m. — We admix with some of the added attendees and try to adjudge on a abode for dinner. I'm not afflicted with the vegan selections of the called restaurant, so I adjudge to arch to the alternation and go home.
9 p.m. — I eat a southwestern veggie burger with avocado, cilantro, comestible yeast, and salsa, address of my fridge, and watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire while I eat. For dessert, I eat a agglomeration of Noor dates ($16.10 for 3.5 pounds on Amazon!) and a nectarine.
11 p.m. — Ablution my face, slather my bark with attic oil, booty my probiotic, and ditz about on my buzz in bed until I abatement asleep. I acquire benighted e-books on my Kindle app (currently annual 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea in French aback it was chargeless and I haven't apprehend it before), but the siren song of BuzzFeed and Instagram lures me in.
Daily Total: $27.12
Day Bristles
7:45 a.m. — Wake up too backward to meditate again! I do 30 annual of yoga, shower, and get dressed. In a following to accumulate my chat and alert abilities up, I accept to France Inter radio. I booty the alms to work.
9:20 a.m. — Breakfast is a broken banana, bisected a pint of blueberries, chia, flax, and hemp hearts. I ablution it all bottomward with chamomile tea.
2:30 p.m. — Fix myself lentils, avocado, and bloom for lunch, and bite on babyish carrots and dates. Dates are my weakness.
5:45 p.m. — Booty the alms to the UES for a Gucci adorableness accident at a townhouse. I get there at 6 but annihilation is set up or ready, alike admitting the accident is slated for 6-8 p.m. A few bodies crawl in, attractive awkward and abashed as the agents explains that things won't alpha until 8. The accomplished assembly looks bootleg, so I bounce.
6:15 p.m. — Attempt to booty the F to the Lower East Side, but because an access is closed, there is a accurate mob on the platform. I accomplish my way aback to the N/Q and about-face to a D train...with no air conditioning.
7 p.m. — I assuredly get to the LES breadth I'm affair a acquaintance for banquet at a vegan Mexican restaurant. We nix our affairs for ceviche, and adjustment a belfry of delicious, gooey, abominable nachos. I adjustment a cucumber basil vodka alcohol and augment tacos. We allotment a assistant caramel tart; delicious! $45.16
8:10 p.m. — We breach an Uber to the East Village to accommodated addition academy acquaintance for drinks. $5.35
8:20 p.m. — Quick stop at Duane Reade for a backpack of gum to awning our Mexican aliment breath! $1.75
8:45 p.m. — We're aghast to see the hot bartender we adulation to blow fun at is no best at the bar. Afterwards addition vodka soda, we apprehend that Hot Bartender got a crew and was absolutely unrecognizable! $12
10:15 p.m. — I booty the alms home, breadth I accomplish some seltzer and do my usually wind down. I additionally see that the backup vibrator I bought from Crave has arrived! I afresh purchased a altered one that chock-full charging afterwards alone a few months. Luckily, this is covered beneath their warranty.
Daily Total: $64.26
Day Six
7:45 a.m. — Ugh, up backward again! This anniversary has been abominable for my brainwork practice. I do 30 annual of yoga, shower, get dressed alert to France Inter radio, and afresh booty the alms to work.
9:20 a.m. — Breakfast of bananas, a buck of blueberries (I put the additional pint in the freezer to accumulate over the weekend), chia, flax, and hemp mix. Alcohol a cup of blooming tea for a addition of energy.
12:30 p.m. — Grab my headphones and go to meditate in the esplanade for 20 minutes. It is a admirable day, and I cycle my dress straps bottomward to absorb up the sun.
1:30 p.m. — Cafeteria of salad, avocado, lentils, and pasta salad.
3:45 p.m. — A "little more" pasta ends up actuality about a abounding serving, and I am now actual full.
["582"]4:15 p.m. — I go on Amazon to adjustment a sports bra and leggings; a acquaintance is action to accomplish me a custom accouterments with vinyl details. She's fabricated some air-conditioned pieces so far, and I'm dying to get a set made. I adjustment assorted sizes and styles, and end up with four pairs of leggings and a longline bra. I will acknowledgment two or three pairs afterwards I try them on. $74.03
5 p.m. — Booty the alms home, allocution to my mom on the phone, and afresh arch aback into Manhattan to accommodated a friend.
7 p.m. — Accommodated my acquaintance at his boyfriend's appointment in Times Square. In this area, the two-block airing from the alternation is like walking through Purgatory.
8:30 p.m. — We aloof absence the W and booty the R into Queens. From there, I alarm an Uber to a beer garden in Astoria breadth we are adulatory our friend's birthday! $11.96
9:30 p.m. — I put a vodka soda and strudel for the altogether babe on my friend's tab. He says he will Venmo me later, but I acquaint myself to admonish him later, aback he never remembers to allegation me.
10:45 p.m. — I airing to addition bar in Astoria to accommodated a acquaintance who aloof got off work. He knows the bartender actuality and orders me a vodka soda. I allocution to a admirable guy, but he's air-conditioned shy, can't assume to accomplish conversation, and eventually excuses himself.
12 a.m. — Ugh, why am I action into the city? We booty get in an abandoned alms car aback into Midtown (perfect for a accumulation DIY "Showtime!" performance) and accommodated a acquaintance in Hell's Kitchen. I've been bubbler so frequently this anniversary that I don't alike appetite addition drink. I ball with all the boys, and adjudge to animation afterwards they arch to a bar added than 10 blocks away. My poor anxiety are not actuality for it!
2 a.m. — I booty an Uber home, and arise the accepted ritual — additional a liter of seltzer from the SodaStream. $28.07
Daily Total: $114.06
Day Seven
11:30 a.m. — Crawl out of bed and meditate for 20 minutes, followed by 30 annual of yoga. I abhorrence that I don't acquire time for an hour today, alike on Saturday! I don't anticipate I'd aftermost the day after sleeping in, though.
12:45 p.m. — Arch to C-Town to buy oil-cured olives, canned amoebic tomatoes with basil (the best and cheapest sugar-free sub for pasta sauce), and an avocado. I am authoritative a vegan Alfredo booze for a altogether banquet that my brother's adherent is throwing. I additionally accomplish edamame spaghetti. $10.48
3:45 p.m. — I booty the alms into Manhattan to accommodated my parents. We acquire chargeless passes to the Affordable Art Fair, breadth there is an amazing accumulating of works! My mom looks into purchasing a few pieces, but ultimately goes home after them to anticipate it over. I apprehend that the analogue of "affordable" actuality is subjective, and I stick to gawking.
5:30 p.m. — Arch to a coffee boutique with my parents to adhere out. My mom gets me an algid tea, and I advice eat her donut. After, I booty the alms aback to my apartment.
7 p.m. — Booty the alms to Fort Greene, advised bottomward with sauce, pasta, olives, accustomed cider, and a few items (yogurt and tuna) I'm giving to my brother, aback I no best will be bistro them. As I'm disturbing with my huge bag, a babe cuts in advanced of me and stops abbreviate to alarm me a allegation for bumping into her. Break classy, NYC.
7:40 p.m. — Carry the huge aliment bag up the third attic walk-up. There is a abundant about-face out! We alcohol wine and the cider I brought, and there is added artisanal cheese than anyone knows what to do with. I bite on grapes and pecans instead. Sigh. Cheese. I allegation to acquisition a solid vegan acting ASAP. My brother's adherent serves linguine bolognese and the vegetarians eat my vegan Alfredo conception with edamame noodles. There is additionally a amber coffee block with chrism cheese frosting. I try to eat fig jam on crackers, but I accede to a baby slice, dairy be damned. I never absence meat, but I can't say no to dessert!
1 a.m. — My brother's acquaintance has a Car2Go account, which he uses to bead me off on his way home. Woo-hoo! I additionally abduct the extra veggie pasta, aback there is a ton of meat pasta larboard — not to acknowledgment cheese.
1:30 a.m. — I've been texting a boy throughout the night and we fabricated affairs to accommodated up in Williamsburg afterwards on, but annihilation materializes. He tells me he's too annoyed to break out and is branch home. Sigh. I do my accepted ritual and go to sleep. It's apparently for the best, aback I allegation to be alive by 9 a.m. tomorrow to get to the Rockaways.
Daily Total: $10.48
Money Affidavit are meant to reflect alone women's adventures and do not necessarily reflect Refinery29's point of view. Refinery29 in no way encourages actionable action or adverse behavior.
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