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In 2014, we appear a annual of video bold bodies to chase on Twitter. I’m not abiding I’d accord the aforementioned admonition today.
Twitter is a absolute altered abode than it acclimated to be in 2014, aback our annual of which video bold bodies to chase was originally published. Sometimes it’s a beam anarchism of absorbing jokes and affection. Added canicule aloof aperture the app feels like torture. I bethink abutting the belvedere in aboriginal 2013, and it acquainted like an experimental, chargeless anatomy amplitude area you could bandy thoughts out into the abandoned afterwards a affliction in the world. Now those thoughts are dredged up aback you say commodity ambiguous and some drifter wants commodity to email to your boss.
But it’s not like Twitter’s dead. It’s still a acceptable abode to accumulate up with the news, to get some scoops, or aloof booty the temperature about how the association feels about something. On the best days, it’s still an alarming abode to accomplish friends. That’s why bodies are still on it, and maybe that’s why you appetite to use Twitter too.
Like all amusing media platforms, Twitter had a shelf activity afore it started to get awe-inspiring and bad. I’ve been through the gamut. I bethink LiveJournal with a conceivably disproportionate fondness, but, while I was in aerial school, the aggregation was bought and they shut bottomward a lot of fanfiction communities. My accompany and I broadcast aback they started agreement ads on our blogs. Tumblr was fun, once, if you can accept it. In 2014, it seemed like every day on Twitter you’d accommodated a new friend. Now, you’re added acceptable to accomplish a constant adversary absolutely by accident.
In 2017, then, you charge beneath of a annual of bodies to follow, and added of guideline for how to accumulate your arch aloft water.
As far as our absolute list, In 2014 we recommended some absolutely air-conditioned and absorbing bodies to chase like artisan Olly Moss or our anew assassin Features Editor Chris Kohler. But now, some of these picks are duds. Vince Zampella, CEO of Respawn, was on our old list. He hasn’t tweeted aback May 13th and mostly it was pictures of the Santa Monica pier. There are a few added bodies on the annual who are still alive professionals in amateur but aloof don’t cheep about amateur as generally as they acclimated to. They shouldn’t accept to, of course. But that makes them a poor advancement three years later.
If you analyze the old list, some of those bodies are still annual a follow, as far as I’m concerned. I still do chase Hideo Kojima, but mostly for his fanboying over Mad Mikkelsen. And you know, I still acclaim you chase Chris Kohler. He’s alright. It’s not a bad basal advertence point—it’s aloof that Twitter has changed, and I’d be behindhand if I encouraged addition to be added alive on the belvedere afterwards answer to them what they’re gonna get.
In 2013, Twitter still had some affinity of actuality about bodies and accustomed life. You could cheep about your cafeteria and others would be absolutely absorbed in whatever you had for lunch! Now, it’s added about l’esprit de l’escalier. It’s a accumulating of amusing retorts or absolute air-conditioned blame bodies branch while on the toilet. If you’re tweeting a pic of your cafeteria it bigger appear with a post-modern antic about the attributes of cafeteria and man. For bigger or worse, Twitter is abstract now. In 2017, it’s beneath about who you chase than how you use Twitter.
Here are a scattering of Twitter tips:
Because of the way the Twitter is designed, you are incentivized to post. You do not accept to. This ability assume easy, but aback you’ve got a absolutely blaze booty on the ball du jour, it can be adamantine not to let it out. And frankly, on canicule aback the annual is slow, Video Bold Bodies on Twitter are decumbent to acrimonious chat or flights of fancy. You can set them all off by allurement if a hot dog is a sandwich (it’s not). If you don’t get abundant activity on your account, sending the appropriate tweets on those canicule can beggarly you’re aback ample in retweets and faves! It’s like cutting those sneakers that ablaze up on the aboriginal day to school—the cast name ones even. Anybody wants to aloof acquaint you how air-conditioned you are! But accepting circuitous is consistently a mistake. Not continued afterwards the retweets will appear the bodies who are Mad For No Reason. They’ll appeal an annual for whatever aberration you accept accordingly made, big or small, and whatever you do will aloof accomplish them madder. You will never absolutely get to say what you beggarly in 140 characters. This will be infuriating. You’ll cheep added and more, aggravating to explain with added detail, but instead of authoritative you feel better, it will accomplish you feel worse. And as you’re tweeting and accepting angrier and angrier, the bodies who are mad at you will apparently acquisition your acknowledgment absolute funny. If you ever, anytime acquisition yourself communicable animosity over a tweet, you charge to get offline. You’ll aloof get trapped in a aeon of announcement that will accomplish the website stop actuality fun forever.
What if you can’t stop posting? Well:
You’ve approved to not post, but the alarm of announcement is too strong. If you aloof can’t resist, accomplish a second, bound annual for venting. Grab a few accompany you assurance and allure them to apprehend it, and you’ve got a bound admirers for all your best takes that are added agitation than they’re worth. You’ll apparently end up affection your clandestine annual more. Your accompany and you will advance central jokes, and you’ll apperceive to about-face over to your bound aback anybody starts arguing about whether or not boneless wings are wings (they’re not). You’ll get to be honest in a way that you can’t be in public. Those trusted few absolutely affliction about you. It won’t be about accepting brand and retweets, it’ll be about absolute animal connection. You can livetweet your brainy breakdowns and booty all the selfies you desire. Actually, if you’re aloof abutting Twitter and you already apperceive bodies on the service, aloof get a locked. Save yourself.
You acclimated to be able to aloof aphasiac users, but now you can aphasiac words and hashtags and you can set your mutes to expire afterwards a assertive bulk of time. Excited for E3, but don’t absolutely affliction about Nintendo? You can aphasiac the behind chat for 7 days. You will artlessly not see any cheep about Nintendo in your timeline for that aeon of time. The abstraction is to absolute the bulk of time you attending at tweets that accomplish you annoyed, appropriately cartoon you into announcement acquiescent aggressively about whatever is annoying you. Whatever you acquisition annoying, addition abroad apparently absolutely likes. Be alert of that, and do your best to abstain what you don’t like. Accomplish Twitter happier for everyone.
You can additionally use the above, in a way, to anticipate about who you’d appetite to chase and why. Addition ability be funny or absorbing but if the absorb best of their time tweeting about the things that abrade them, and they cheep a lot, maybe accord them a pass. You don’t charge that abrogating activity in your life.
I anticipate the abstraction of alienated negativity and managing your own reactions is abundant to let you fly chargeless and acquisition who to chase on your own, affable reader. But if you still appetite my admonition on who to follow, able-bodied alright. I’ll do my best.
Wait, one second, one added tip:
Twitter moves fast and if you chase over a thousand bodies there’s absolutely no way you’re gonna accumulate up with it. In fact, you should be afterward bisected that number. Alike again you’re gonna accept added tweets than you can possibly read, but you’ll apparently accept abundant follows that Twitter won’t be assuming you accidental tweets that bodies you followed faved, which is addition way Twitter is altered and worse in 2017.
With all that in mind, here’s a few of my suggestions:
Cool Box Art | Posts air-conditioned box art, with an accent on best covers and all-embracing variants.
Mushbuh | Artisan for accessible bold Burrito Galaxy, maker of accurate hats.
Corey Schmitz | Graphic Artist amenable for that absolutely air-conditioned Rez Infinite box art, amid added things.
Paper Beats Scissors | Will absolve your timeline with cartoons of cats.
Olly Moss | A air-conditioned dude who makes acceptable art and frequently tweets it.
Alex Norris | That guy who makes comics area the punchline is consistently “oh no.”
Cara McGee | Sells absolutely beautiful stickers of Dragon Age characters and mugs with sharks on them.
Eliza Gauger | Makes agnostic glyphs to advice break your problems.
Point and Clickbait | The Onion, but for video games.
Austin Creed | Professional Wrestler, amateur YouTuber, all about acceptable dude.
Pippin Barr | An astute indie dev you should chase for his funny “Game Idea” tweets.
Leon | One of your admired video bold memes apparently originated from here.
SungWon Cho | You may bethink him as the alone acceptable video bold Viner. His Twitter is additionally good.
Melville House | Air-conditioned tweets about accurate books.
Andrew W.K. | Tweets “party tips” for admiring yourself.
Dril | A antic annual that additionally aback catalogues of every way to be mad online.
Mitski | A absolute acceptable accompanist songwriter with some abundant tweets.
Chrissy Teigen | Model, ancillary eye-er, anew a Kotaku reader.
Anjali Bhimani | Symmetra’s articulation extra absolutely loves actuality Symmetra’s articulation actress.
Shiba Pic | A bot that tweets pictures of Shiba Inus.
Gradients | A bot that tweets about generated gradients.
Tiny Foods | Pictures of tiny foods.
Pleasant Subtweets | A bot that tweets vague, but affectionate things.
Metal Band.exe | Autogenerated Metal bandage names and logos.
John Ricciardi | Co-founder of 8-4, lots of abundant Tweets about Japanese games.
Daniel Ahmad | Acceptable antecedent for annual on the Chinese amateur market.
Phil Spencer | Xbox big attempt who spills some acceptable actuality from time to time.
Steam Spy | All the abstracts decision about Steam you could anytime want.
Nibellion | Consistently on top of the latest gaming news, usually carrying aciculate jokes to boot.
NeoGaf New Cilia | A bot that automatically links to every new cilia on video bold appointment NeoGaf.
Wario64 | One of the best guys to chase for quick heads-ups on video bold deals, additionally shares affluence of added absorbing stuff.
Liz England | Bold artist at Ubisoft Toronto that makes air-conditioned alternate fiction amateur on the side.
Naomi Clark | Professor at the NYU Bold Center. Additionally into comics.
I accept and account your charge to accept a “take.” Not all takes are good, but some takes can absolutely advice you anatomy an opinion. Acceptable thinkers can advice you adapt things that you aren’t abiding how you feel about, behindhand of whether or not you accede with that take.
The botheration is that Twitter is a absolute Booty Delivery Machine. You can fart out a thought, columnist enter, and accept bags of bodies see it and advance it. Within seconds, you will see every accessible bend on an affair abject out, authoritative it absurd to array out your own thoughts. You will be stricken with assay paralysis. There’s too abounding choices! And not necessarily abundant sourcing on those takes for you to added dig your teeth into.
Here’s a few guidelines for alienated bad takes:
Another botheration with advising accurate booty makers is that the accessible affair to do aback you’re abashed about commodity is to ask the actuality who said it for clarification. Well, Twitter’s not abundant for that. Both you and the actuality you’re acquisitive to get a acknowledgment from are accustomed a baby bulk of characters, for one, and the abstraction you’re bamboozlement ability be absolute complex. Tone is additionally absolute adamantine to apprehend over the internet, and bodies tend to err on the ancillary of hostility. What ability alpha out as what you accept is a civilian chat can calmly about-face into a blaze war. So afore you hit send, accede this:
Once you accept over 1,500 followers, Twitter changes. I don’t apperceive if it’s an absolute algebraic change or if you aloof alpha acquainted it more, but aback added strangers will acknowledgment to your tweets. Too many. Generally they’ll all be authoritative the aforementioned antic or allurement a catechism you’ve already answered and you’ll think, “Jesus christ, if they aloof looked at the replies to this cheep they’d see I’d already answered this and abounding bodies are authoritative that joke!” It starts to feel like you’re beneath a actuality to those who are tweeting at you than the apotheosis of an opinion. They are tweeting at you not to accept a conversation, but for the aforementioned acumen you bawl at the television awning aback you’re watching a basketball game. You ability not be mad at Lebron James personally, but you are screaming, “Fuck you, Lebron James.” But best of the bodies on Twitter with delinquent takes are not Lebron James—they’re aloof a actuality who said commodity once. They will accept no abstraction how to accord with a Lebron James akin of attention. The easiest and best able way to get accord of apperception is aloof shutting anybody out, which agency whatever you are tweeting at that drifter will apparently not be seen.
At this point you may be thinking, “Why use Twitter at all?” That’s a acceptable question. I mean, there are some reasons. There are still acceptable jokes to be made, it’s still a abundant abode to get annual quickly. If you go on accessible alteration added than already a week, you’ll apparently acquisition it a acceptable way to annihilate some time. If you’re absorbed in autograph about amateur or announcement a bold you made, it is absolutely absolute advantageous to for award gigs or exposure. I mean, I still use it! Despite acerb afraid abounding aspects of the service, I use it every day.
As time has gone on, Twitter’s problems accept been magnified. On the best of days, you will apprehend some tweets that accomplish you cry with laughter, or affix with a friend, or get an amend on a air-conditioned activity you’re absorbed in. On the affliction days, bodies will cheep slurs at you aback you say things they don’t like about video games. You’ll live, but it aloof sucks. Afterwards years of it, all you anticipate about aback you see that impaired bird are all the bodies that are alone on the website to get a acceleration out of you.
Or hey, we can all move aback to LiveJournal. LiveJournal was fun, right?



