get element by class name
This commodity has been taken from the cast new copy of Python Apparatus Acquirements by Sebastian Raschka and Vahid Mirjalili.
TensorFlow is a scalable and multiplatform programming interface for implementing and alive apparatus acquirements algorithms, including accessibility wrappers for abysmal learning.
TensorFlow was developed by the advisers and engineers of the Google Brain team; and while the capital development is led by a aggregation of advisers and software engineers at Google, its development additionally involves abounding contributions from the accessible antecedent community. TensorFlow was initially congenital for alone centralized use at Google, but it was afterwards appear in November 2015 beneath a acquiescent accessible antecedent license.
To advance the achievement of training apparatus acquirements models, TensorFlow allows beheading on both CPUs and GPUs. However, its greatest achievement capabilities can be apparent back application GPUs. TensorFlow supports CUDA-enabled GPUs officially. Abutment for OpenCL-enabled accessories is still experimental. However, OpenCL will acceptable be clearly accurate in abreast future.
TensorFlow currently supports frontend interfaces for a cardinal of programming languages. Lucky for us as Python users, TensorFlow's Python API is currently the best complete API, thereby alluring abounding apparatus acquirements and abysmal acquirements practitioners. Furthermore, TensorFlow has an official API in C .
The APIs in added languages, such as Java, Haskell, Node.js, and Go, are not abiding yet, but the accessible antecedent association and TensorFlow developers are consistently convalescent them. TensorFlow computations await on amalgam a directed blueprint for apery the abstracts flow. Even admitting architecture the blueprint may complete complicated, TensorFlow comes with high-level APIs that has fabricated it actual easy.
We'll apprentice aboriginal of all about the low-level TensorFlow API. While implementing models at this akin can be a little bit bulky at first, the advantage of the low-level API is that it gives us added adaptability as programmers to amalgamate the basal operations and advance circuitous apparatus acquirements models. Starting from TensorFlow adaptation 1.1.0, high-level APIs are added on top of the low-level API (for instance, the alleged Layers and Estimators APIs), which acquiesce architecture and prototyping models abundant faster.
After acquirements about the low-level API, we will move advanced to analyze two high-level APIs, namely TensorFlow Layers and Keras. However, let's activate by demography our aboriginal accomplish with TensorFlow low-level API, and affluence ourselves into how aggregate works.
In this section, we'll booty our aboriginal accomplish in application the low-level TensorFlow API. Depending on how your arrangement is set up, you can about aloof use Python's pip installer and install TensorFlow from PyPI by alive the afterward from your Terminal:
In case you appetite to use GPUs, the CUDA Toolkit as able-bodied as the NVIDIA cuDNN library charge to be installed; again you can install TensorFlow with GPU support, as follows:
TensorFlow is beneath alive development; therefore, every brace of months, newer versions are appear with cogent changes. At the time of autograph this chapter, the latest TensorFlow adaptation is 1.3.0. You can verify your TensorFlow adaptation from your Terminal, as follows:
If you should acquaintance problems with the accession procedure, I acclaim you to apprehend added about system- and platform-specific recommendations that are provided at Agenda that all the cipher in this affiliate can be run on your CPU; application a GPU is absolutely alternative but recommended if you appetite to absolutely adore the allowances of TensorFlow. If you accept a cartoon card, accredit to the accession folio to set it up appropriately. In addition, you may acquisition this TensorFlow-GPU bureaucracy adviser helpful, which explains how to install the NVIDIA cartoon agenda drivers, CUDA, and cuDNN on Ubuntu (not appropriate but you can acquisition recommended requirements for alive TensorFlow on a GPU here).
TensorFlow is congenital about a ciphering blueprint composed of a set of nodes. Anniversary bulge represents an operation that may accept aught or added ascribe or output. The ethics that breeze through the edges of the ciphering blueprint are alleged tensors.
Tensors can be accepted as a generalization of scalars, vectors, matrices, and so on. Added concretely, a scalar can be authentic as a rank-0 tensor, a agent as a rank-1 tensor, a cast as a rank-2 tensor, and matrices ample in a third ambit as rank-3 tensors.
Once a ciphering blueprint is built, the blueprint can be launched in a TensorFlow Affair for alive altered nodes of the graph. As a countdown exercise, we will alpha with the use of simple scalars from TensorFlow to compute a net ascribe z of a sample point x in a apparent dataset with weight w and bent b:
The afterward cipher shows the accomplishing of this blueprint in the low-level TensorFlow API:
After alive the antecedent code, you should see the afterward output:
This was appealing straightforward, right? In general, back we advance a archetypal in the TensorFlow low-level API, we charge to ascertain placeholders for ascribe abstracts (x, y, and sometimes added tunable parameters); then, ascertain the weight matrices and body the archetypal from ascribe to output. If this is an access problem, we should ascertain the accident or amount action and actuate which access algorithm to use. TensorFlow will actualize a blueprint that contains all the symbols that we accept authentic as nodes in this graph.
Here, we created a placeholder for x with shape=(None). This allows us to augment the ethics in an element-by-element anatomy and as a accumulation of ascribe abstracts at once, as follows:
Note that we are abbreviating Python's command-line alert in several places in this affiliate to advance the readability of continued cipher examples by alienated accidental altercation wrapping; this is because TensorFlow's action and adjustment names can be actual verbose.
Also, agenda that the official TensorFlow appearance adviser recommends application two-character agreement for cipher indents. However, we chose four characters for indents as it is added constant with the official Python appearance adviser and additionally helps in announcement the cipher syntax highlighting in abounding altercation editors accurately as able-bodied as the accompanying Jupyter cipher notebooks here.
Let's altercate how to use arrangement structures in TensorFlow. By alive the afterward code, we will actualize a simple rank-3 tensor of size , adapt it, and account the cavalcade sums application TensorFlow's optimized expressions. Since we do not apperceive the accumulation admeasurement a priori, we specify None for the accumulation admeasurement in the altercation for the shapeparameter of the placeholder x:
The achievement apparent afterwards alive the above-mentioned cipher is accustomed here:
In this example, we formed with three functions—tf.reshape, tf.reduce_sum, and tf.reduce_mean. Agenda that for reshaping, we acclimated the amount -1 for the aboriginal dimension. This is because we do not apperceive the amount of accumulation size; back about-face a tensor, if you use -1 for a specific dimension, the admeasurement of that ambit will be computed according to the absolute admeasurement of the tensor and the actual dimension. Therefore, tf.reshape(tensor, shape=(-1,)) can be acclimated to abrade a tensor.
Feel chargeless to analyze added TensorFlow functions from the official affidavit here.
Now that we accept acclimatized ourselves with TensorFlow, let's booty a attending at a absolutely applied archetype and apparatus Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression. (You can apprentice added about corruption assay in affiliate 10 of Python Apparatus Learning, Predicting Continuous Target Variables with Corruption Analysis.)
Let's alpha by creating a baby apparent toy dataset with 10 training samples:
Given this dataset, we appetite to alternation a beeline corruption archetypal to adumbrate the achievement y from the ascribe x. Let's apparatus this archetypal in a class, which we name TfLinreg. For this, we would charge two placeholders—one for the ascribe x and one for y for agriculture the abstracts into our model. Next, we charge to ascertain the trainable variables—weights w and bent b.
Then, we can ascertain the beeline corruption archetypal as , followed by defining the amount action to be the Beggarly of Squared Error (MSE). To apprentice the weight ambit of the model, we use the acclivity coast optimizer. The cipher is as follows:
So far, we accept authentic a chic to assemble our model. We will actualize an instance of this chic and alarm it lrmodel, as follows:
The book statements that we wrote in the body adjustment will affectation advice about six nodes in the graph—X, y, w, b, z_net, and sqr_errors—with their names and shapes.
These book statements are optionally accustomed for practice; however, analytical the shapes of variables can be actual accessible in debugging circuitous models. The afterward curve are printed back amalgam the model:
The abutting footfall is to apparatus a training action to apprentice the weights of the beeline corruption model. Agenda that b is the bent assemblage (the y-axis ambush at x = 0).
["931.2"]For training, we apparatus a abstracted action that needs a TensorFlow session, a archetypal instance, training data, and the cardinal of epochs as ascribe arguments. In this function, aboriginal we initialize the variables in the TensorFlow affair application the init_op operation authentic in the model. Then, we iterate and alarm the optimizer operation of the archetypal while agriculture the training data. This action will acknowledgment a account of training costs as a ancillary product:
So, now we can actualize a new TensorFlow affair to barrage the lrmodel.g blueprint and canyon all the appropriate arguments to the train_linreg action for training:
Let's anticipate the training costs afterwards these 10 epochs to see whether the archetypal is converged or not:
As we can see in the afterward plot, this simple archetypal converges actual bound afterwards a few epochs:
So far so good. Looking at the amount function, it seems that we congenital a alive corruption archetypal from this accurate dataset. Now, let's abridge a new action to accomplish predictions based on the ascribe features. For this function, we charge the TensorFlow session, the model, and the analysis dataset:
Implementing a adumbrate action was appealing straightforward; aloof alive z_net authentic in the blueprint computes the predicted achievement values. Next, let's artifice the beeline corruption fit on the training data:
As we can see in the consistent plot, our archetypal fits the training abstracts credibility appropriately:
We achievement you enjoyed this abstract from Python Apparatus Acquirements 2nd Edition. If you appetite to apprentice added about TensorFlow and how to body and administer apparatus acquirements and abysmal acquirements algorithms to a ambit of altered problems, appointment the publisher’s website to acquisition out more.




