drumpf name meaning

This presidential acclamation aeon has been annihilation if not entertaining. Mr. Trump has been a accurate admired amid backward night T.V. hosts.
In one accurate 20-minute monologue, Aftermost Week Tonight host John Oliver berated the Donald, and in accomplishing so, brought to ablaze a absolute aberration of the Trump name. It would assume that the Trump ancestors name was at some point afflicted from Drumpf to Trump. Exactly back in the ancestors history the name change occurred seems unclear, and Trump himself has neither accepted nor denied the namesake. Oliver encouraged admirers to activate apropos to Donald Trump as Donald Drumpf, in an accomplishment to abstracted the man from the brand. The video bound went viral afterwards actuality acquaint aftermost weekend, and now boasts 57 actor angle on Facebook. The hashtag #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain has been trending for days.
As he states in the video, Oliver has alike filed a federal intent-to-use cast appliance for the accepted appearance mark “DRUMPF.” The application, absolutely filed by Drumpf Industries, LLC, is for use of the mark in the “provision of a website featuring multimedia.”
The Lanham act has two accoutrement accompanying to registering a person’s name. Area 2(c) confined allotment of a mark that “[c]onsists of or comprises a name, portrait, or signature anecdotic a accurate active alone except by his accounting consent.” This area prevents individuals from profiting off of others’ names. Area 2(c) has additionally accustomed Donald Trump, himself, to cast TRUMP on several occasions, by filing a accounting consent. This accouterment has additionally prevented others from registering marks such as OBAMA after the President’s consent.
Section 2(e)(4) provides that a mark may not be registered on the arch annals if it “is primarily alone a surname.” Marks that are primarily alone surnames, or aftermost names, are advised as anecdotic marks. They may be registered on the added register. Or, if the name has acquired acumen beneath Area 2(f), it may be registered on the arch register.
It’s accessible that either, or both, of these accoutrement could be cited adjoin John Oliver’s cast application.
Section 2(c) could arguably be cited adjoin the application, because although Drumpf is not Trump’s absolute acknowledged name, John Oliver makes bright that the DRUMPF name is advised to “identify[] a accurate active individual” after his consent. The acceptance of Oliver’s video, website, and hashtag may alike counterbalance in favor of an altercation that the Drumpf name is advised to analyze a accurate individual.
Section 2(e)(4) may additionally be cited adjoin the appliance on the base that Drumpf is “primarily alone a surname” after acquired distinctiveness. To authorize whether a name is primarily alone a surname, the PTO will attending at bristles factors:
["452.02"](1) Whether the surname is rare;
It does arise rare, at atomic in the U.S. A quick chase on 411.com and familypedia.wikia.com, sites acclimated by the PTO in the accomplished to appearance the prevalence of a surname, did not acknowledge any matches for the surname Drumpf. This suggests Drumpf is not primarily alone a surname.
(2) Whether the proposed mark is the surname of the Applicant or anyone affiliated with the Applicant;
Unless addition affiliated with Aftermost Week Tonight has the name Drumpf, this agency acceptable suggests that Drumpf is not primarily alone a surname.
(3) Whether the proposed mark has any accustomed acceptation added than a surname;
This can action where, for example, the appellation has a acceptation in a adopted language, or is associated with a altered brand. It’s cryptic area this agency would fall.
(4) Whether the appellation has the “look and feel” of a surname; and
A lot of elements can access the “look and feel” factor. Drumpf appears to accept been of German origin, according to biographer Gwenda Blair. Whether Drumpf is added agnate to added German surnames may affect this analysis.
(5) Whether the stylization of the book in the proposed mark is characteristic abundant to actualize a abstracted bartering impression.
The fifth agency does not administer in this case, as the appliance is for a accepted appearance mark.
Moreover, if a Area 2(e)(4) bounce is raised, could Oliver altercate that DRUMPF has acquired acumen in affiliation with the proposed casework based on the immense acceptance of Oliver’s accompanying video, website, and hashtag?
In any event, as with the blow of the election, it will be absorbing to watch area this appliance goes.


