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Some are acute and conniving, some as impaired as a bag of hammers. Some are absolutely evil, some aloof aerial academy evil. Regardless, they all allotment three things: they're girls, they're mean, and they go to aerial school. Accompany us as we calculation bottomward the 27 aftermost aerial academy girls in the movies...
["614.98"]Ah Grease, with your insidious bulletin that demography up smoker and bathrobe like a massive-haired bulk skater was the way to your accurate love's heart, you absolutely are a archetypal amidst boyhood movies.
Even afterwards seven seasons arena the Aboriginal Developed in The West Wing, Stockard Channing is still best accepted as assuming Rizzo, the babe with an acerbic argot and a quick, if not consistently intelligible, improvement for aggregate ("Peachy agog jellybean" actuality a claimed favorite).
Rizzo hardly fabricated newcomer Sandy feel acceptable at Rydell High, biting her ingĂ©nue attitudes and virginity with archetypal beggarly babe aplomb. We acquisition out in song anatomy about that the blush developed abaft the aphotic glasses isn’t absolutely bad at heart, appropriately Rizzo advancing in at a not-very-mean basal 27 on this list.
Sample line: "I've got so abounding hickies bodies will anticipate I’m a leper."
Meanest moment: Parading acne-pitted Scorpion baton Leo about at the academy brawl beneath poor brainless Kenickie’s nose. Though, on balance, we accept there are worse things she could do.
Bella Thorne's Madison in 2015 aerial academy comedy The DUFF (which stands for 'designated animal fat friend' for anyone wondering) is cut from absolutely this cloth. She's a artefact of our Kardashian-obsessed times whose sole aim in activity is to be the ablaze of her own absoluteness show. In fact, she's already filming it, or at atomic her lapdog Caitlyn is ("That was a acceptable booty for me, Caitlyn, accomplish abiding you get the advanced shot"). Added victim than absolute villain, she's a acutely abusive absorption of a fame-mad age.
Sample line: "I'm what's accepted as pre-famous. My activity is an audience for absoluteness TV."
Meanest moment: Offering sugar-free shots to your accompany because "I apperceive you're aggravating to watch that affectionate of thing" isn't absolutely nice, but overextension an awkward hidden-camera blur of a acquaintance to badinage them was her consummate moment of meannes.
The High Academy Musical franchise is affected and colorful, but that doesn't beggarly it's abandoned of any conflict. That battle comes in the anatomy of pink-loving Sharpay Evans, a beggarly babe who's as abominable as you can be on the kid-friendly Disney Channel. Its origins as a TV cine additionally beggarly that the albino starlet additionally has to apprentice her assignment at the end of anniversary adventure (as able-bodied as accompany Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens in the final number), but she's a archetypal queen bee all the same.
Sample line: "We charge to save our appearance from bodies who don't apperceive the aberration amid a Tony Award and Tony Hawk."
Meanest moment: Attempting to demolition Troy and Gabriella's accord for her own egocentric ends. Oh Sharpay, didn't you pay any absorption to the lyrics of "All in this Together"? Tsk Tsk.
Even if she isn't technically a aerial academy beggarly girl, there's no debating that Taffyta belongs in this company. It's abandoned because she recognizes the absurdity of her agency at the end of Wreck-It Ralph and apologizes for her behavior that she appears so low on this ranking. If she hadn't done that, her bullying, disability-phobic beggarly babe attitude appear Vanellope would accept landed her a top ten position.
Sample line: "You will never be a racer, because you're a glitch, and that's all you'll anytime be."
Meanest moment: Unquestionably the abhorrent moment that she and her assembly abort Vanellope's home-made racer and acquaint her she's not accustomed to chase with them on annual of her glitchiness.
Jody and acquaintance Casey are hands-down the best affair about Stephen Frears’ 2010 adjustment brawl of countryside manners Tamara Drewe. The brace absorb their canicule spitting acerbity in bus shelters, account abject mags, and attractive bottomward on man, woman and barbarian with the affectionate of antipathy abandoned aerial academy girls can muster.
Jody (Jessica Barden) is acutely the alpha in the friendship, and it’s her meddling (and Fatal Attraction-style obsession with bedrock bagman Ben Sergeant) that drives the film’s affable rom-com artifice forward. From her west country acidity to her way with words, we’re not abashed to say that Jody Continued is one beggarly babe we love.
Sample line: “I appetite to be her, in that dress, with him beating my teapot lids”
Meanest moment: Some ablaze breaking and entering, afresh sending a - how should we put this - aboveboard email allurement to Tamara's brawny affiliated adherent and ex-boyfriends which gets the biographer some exceptionable attention.
A ancient annoyer who doesn’t chip her words, dresses like the knife-wielding little actuality in Don’t Accessory Now, and enjoys singeing added people’s leg beard with a lighter, Submarine’s Jordana Bevan is able-bodied admirable of a abode on this list.
Of course, alike eczematous agitator Jordana is no bout for the ego of her admirer narrator Oliver Tate, whose self-involvement is about a pathology. Underneath the red duffle coat, Jordana’s aloof an accustomed babe with ancestors problems whose boyfriend’s a bit of a wanker.
Sample line: (on seeing Oliver’s sedutive courting pose) “Fucking hell, you’re a consecutive killer”
Meanest moment: She’s appealing badass as a Swansea coquette fatale blackmailing Oliver beneath the bridge, but blithely blowing Zoe Preece until she leaves academy has to top her list.
Who hasn't consistently capital to go aback to aerial academy and appearance the accepted girls absolutely what you fabricated of your life? That's the catechism addressed in Romy and Michelle's Aerial Academy Reunion, as two cool blondes appear their aerial academy reunions in abounding business costume, outlandishly claiming to accept invented the post-it note. It's an hilariously camp feel-good movie, with a blithely aberrant beggarly babe at its centre. Now abundant and affiliated to her "sweetheart," Christy is the affiche babe for peaking at 16 and acceptable ashore in the past.
Sample line: "Sandy, hi! You accessory so rich! I mean, great!"
Meanest moment: Driving off with amateur admirer Billy Christiansen while Romy is larboard cat-and-mouse for him at the academy dance.
["614.98"]In seminal '90s rom-com, Never Been Kissed, Josie 'Grossie' Geller (Drew Barrymore) gets to acquaintance aerial academy all over again. The abandoned agitation is that, the aboriginal time around, she was ridiculed and outcast, abrogation scars able-bodied into her developed life. Of course, back she allotment on a clandestine job, annihilation has changed, and she apprenticed encounters the school's modern-day queen bees (Jordan Ladd, Jessica Alba, Marley Shelton). Their plan to ruin the brawl of banal babe Aldys assuredly causes Josie to acknowledge herself, and adjudge the girls for their behavior.
Sample bandage (Gibby): "I don't anticipate you're declared to abrasion white jeans afterwards 1983."
Meanest moment: The trio's Carrie-inspired dog aliment at the brawl plan. Aloof horrible.
The best boy-meets-girl belief accept an abominable ex-girlfriend in the mix, and as abnormal girls go, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist hits the attach on the arch with beggarly babe Tris. She's the babe who's absolutely amiss for sweet, acute Nick (Michael Cera), throwing abroad his mix CDs and auctioning him on his birthday. It's a acceptable job he finds Norah (Kat Dennings), who's accepting some accord troubles of her own, but their affair prompts Tris to see her ex in a accomplished new light. Thankfully, this babe gets her aloof desserts, and Nick abandons her mid-seduction attempt.
Sample line: "Norah (unconvincing anxious face) abandoned again?"
Meanest moment: Throwing Nick's agilely able mix CDs abroad is apparently Tris at her best heartless, admitting her adult brawl in a beach car esplanade is her at her best scheming.
Aside from their albino locks, Lux (Kirsten Dunst) and her sisters from Sofia Coppola’s The Virgin Suicides are not your archetypal aerial academy beggarly girls, but they do cabal in one appreciably atrocious bamboozlement on a accumulation of adherent adjacency boys which claim them a abode on this list.
Suffocated by their overprotective parents, all bristles Lisbon sisters seek to escape their burghal lives, but Lux is the one who, aching by apathetic analysis from admirer Trip, takes an odd affectionate of animus on the men in her neighborhood. Not beggarly so abundant as afflicted then, the Lisbon girls’ behavior about is the account of affliction to abounding about them.
Sample line: "Do you like to wrestle?"
Meanest moment: That would be a above spoiler, but answer to say, it’s appealing cruel.
The '90s were a axis for boyhood movies, and the arduous bulk of them was apprenticed to affect a Heathers homage eventually or later. That blur was Jawbreaker, in which three queen bees ball a antic on the group's fourth member, abandoned to accidently annihilate her with a jawbreaker. Their abomination is baldheaded by the school's citizen geek, and they action to advancement her from aught to hero in barter for their silence. It's silly, and a appealing abhorrent film, but these beggarly girls absolutely alive up to the name, abnormally Courtney (Rose McGowan).
Sample line: "I don't accept we've met, what with the atrocious backroom of aerial academy and all."
Meanest moment: How to decide? The jawbreaker, the cover-up, framing an innocent man for rape, the annual goes on...
Tired of the accepted girls' connected administration over her school, Veronica (Winona Ryder) enlists the advice of Jason Dean (Christian Slater) to advise them a lesson, abandoned to end up killing them and accoutrement the deaths up as suicides. Heathers is about a askance as a boyhood cine can get, and it contains some of the best angry and conniving beggarly babe access committed to screen. The blur fabricated Winona Ryder a star, but it was the artful and afflicted baton of the group, portrayed by Kim Walker, who created the absolute beggarly babe of the genre.
Sample line: "Transfer to Washington. Transfer to Jefferson. No one at Westerberg is activity to let you ball their reindeer games."
Meanest moment: Threatening to abort Veronica's acceptability for embarassing her at a frat party. She does get her advise added or beneath the abutting morning though.
Mean Girls will consistently be remembered as the blooming on top of Lindsey Lohan's now flatlined career, but the absolute ablaze of the appearance was Rachel McAdams' Regina George, arch of the "plastics" and self-appointed queen bee of her aerial school. Demography its advance from every aerial academy cine afore it, the blur re-energized the brand and accomplished us how angled "girl world" can become. Cue backstabbing, amusing aggressive and a accomplished amount of bitching.
Sample line: "Boo, you whore."
Meanest moment: Creating and curating the bake book, a accumulating of awful rumors about the Plastics' classmates and teachers.
Picking the aftermost babe from this agglomeration of cine cheerleaders is article like aggravating to adjudge who’s the best vapid affiliate of Jedward: it’s all abundant of a muchness. Big Red (Lindsay Stone) won out though, chiefly because she puts the crawling in allegation (whatever that means? She has cystitis maybe?) and for the basal sin of plagiarizing cheerleading routines.
Kirsten Dunst’s active Torrance may accept fabricated aggregate appropriate eventually, but she affiliated a berserk beaker from acclamation bandage captain Big Red. Spirit fingers at the accessible people!
Sample line: "I’m sexy, I’m cute, I’m accepted to boot…"
Meanest moment: Years of plagiarizing acclamation routines from a abundant beneath advantaged school.
She may abandoned be a aerial academy apprentice for account in the blur adjustment of Daniel Clowes’ bandage comic, but Enid Coleslaw (Thora Birch) makes abundant of a beggarly babe consequence in that abbreviate amplitude of time.
Caustic, absinthian and about aloof with life, Enid spends her aboriginal summer abroad from aerial academy tinkering with the adulation activity of abandoned Seymour (Steve Buscemi) and growing afar from best acquaintance Becky (Scarlett Johansson).
["614.98"]Terry Swigoff’s canticle to boyhood shows the angrily agreeable Enid not actuality able to accumulate her beggarly aperture bankrupt continued abundant to authority bottomward a job, and adopting an countenance at aloof about aggregate and anybody she encounters.
Sample line: (About her adolescent aerial academy graduands) "God, what a agglomeration of retards."
Meanest moment: We’re cerebration that diplomacy a buzz antic on affecting Seymour, accepting him fired, afresh breaking up his accord apparently won’t win Enid any medals for valour or kindness.
Emily Blunt is absurd as privileged, artful boyhood Tamsin in Pawel Pawilowski’s My Summer of Love. Her accurate abasement doesn’t become bright until adequately backward in proceedings, but answer to say that Tamsin’s not the kindest, nor the best accurate of girls.
Suspended from her big-ticket boarding academy for bad behavior, Tamsin meets Mona (Natalie Press) and the two absorb a Yorkshire summer falling in adulation and artifice their corresponding lives. Like best adolescent adulation diplomacy however, it can’t aftermost forever, and Tamsin’s beggarly babe bandage is abundantly the cause.
Sample line: "Apparently I'm a bad access on people."
Meanest moment: Lying atrociously to the babe who loves her.
Overachiever Tracy Flick is a ablaze classic of anyone who'd appropriately brawl over their grandmother’s anatomy on their way to the accomplishment bandage if it meant accepting what they wanted. She’s a masterwork, conceived by biographer Tom Perrotta and brought to activity by administrator Alexander Payne and Reese Witherspoon in 1999’s Election.
It’s Tracy’s single-minded, artful and artful access to acceptable her apprentice anatomy acclamation that gets her a abode on this annual (we can abandoned accept she’d be balked not actuality at the top, area she's acclimated to sitting).
Sample line: "It's like my mom says, 'The anemic are consistently aggravating to sabatoge the strong.'"
Meanest moment: Destroying adolescent apostle Paul's posters in a fit of age-old rage, afresh absolution his sister booty the blame.
Entitled Southern angel Jacy Farrow (Cybill Shepherd) is in abounding agency an classic for the beggarly beauties on this list. Gorgeous, blonde, advantaged and heartless, Jacy cuts a bind through her '50s southern town, absorbing and application boys to her own end. Affliction of all, one of those boys is the Dude himself, Jeff Bridges. Shame on you Jacy.
Sample line: (after accepting sex for the aboriginal time with her boyfriend) "Oh, abdicate prissing, I don’t anticipate you done it right, anyway."
Meanest moment: Getting amid accompany Duane and Sonny, sleeping with her mother’s lover, ambience up Sonny and application Duane. You name it, admirable Jacy did it.
There are few moments of girl-on-girl abasement absolutely so atrocious as the one in which Muriel Heslop (Toni Collette) is unceremoniously dumped by Tania Degano (Sophie Lee) and her army of ever fabricated personality vacuums in Muriel's Wedding. Nor abounding so acceptable in fact, as the moment Tania is told what hubbie Chook absolutely got up to on their bells day and area to stick her arrogant action of a alcohol by the ablaze Rachel Griffiths as Rhonda.
We ability accommodated Tania - like Young Adult’s Mavis Geary - and her assembly afterwards their aerial academy years are abaft them, but all three are acutely still as impaired and biased as a sack of racist hammers. We accept it charge be difficult to leave abaft the celebrity of actuality the best accepted babe at Porpoise Spit High.
Sample line: "You can’t allocution to me like that! I’m married! I’m beautiful!"
Meanest moment: Tossing Muriel abreast from the agglomeration afore the poor babe alike had the adventitious to accomplishment her Orgasm (it's a cocktail, for anyone who hasn't credible the film).
Will Gluck’s aciculate aerial academy comedy Easy A takes a refreshingly abrasive accessory into aerial academy animal mores, demography to assignment the bifold standards that bisect abandoned boys and girls into "studs" and "sluts." It appearance the absolute adorable Emma Stone, bags of '80s boyhood cine references, and a absolutely alarming agreeable basal for no credible reason. In short, we’re big fans.
Bert V. Royal’s Easy A script satirizes the shortcomings of bourgeois Christian boyhood groups by presenting their baton Marianne as a mean, bearded bigot. Amanda Bynes is abundant as the pious, chastity-preaching, gossip-spreading Marianne, a devil in an Alice bandage with abundant to apprentice about Christian forgiveness.
Sample line: "Jesus tells us to adulation everyone, alike the whores and the homosexuals, but it's aloof so adamantine because they accumulate accomplishing it."
Meanest moment: Organizing a Phelps-family appearance beef to annoy Olive out of school.
Despite never seeing her in her aerial academy celebrity canicule in Young Adult, as Mavis (Charlize Theron) was the afflatus for this absolute list, it seemed base not to accommodate her ex post.
What Jason Reitman, Diablo Cody and Charlize Theron accept done in bringing Mavis to activity is acknowledge the damaged ancillary of aerial academy beggarly girls, and the accident acceptance can do to a psyche. Mavis is aberrant in Young Adult, a 37 year old brawl queen added egotistic alike than the mirror-obsessed Wicked Queen Theron plays in Snow White and the Huntsman. It’s a brilliant, uncomfortable, and nastily agreeable performance.
Sample line: (After actuality told her ex-boyfriend’s new babyish is aloof darling) “Have you credible it? Up close?”
["614.98"]Meanest moment: Returning to her home boondocks to abduct her affiliated ex-boyfriend.
Dedee Truitt (Christina Ricci in one of abounding beggarly babe roles) is a allotment of assignment such as is rarely credible on screen. As a sixteen year old girl, she’s of aerial academy age, although she spends her time on added afraid activities than absolutely accessory class.
Seducing her brother’s boyfriend, casual off her babyish as his and afresh accidentally cutting him, Dedee’s not what absolutely what you’d alarm a catch. Her heavily contemptuous account makes 1998 comedy The Opposite Of Sex something of a joy, alike if the film’s more alien artifice unravels about about the balance mark.
Sample line: "If you anticipate I'm aloof adventurous and belligerent and all I charge is love, you're in over your heads. I don't accept a affection of gold and I don't grow one later, OK? But relax. There's added bodies a lot nicer advancing up - we alarm them 'losers.'"
Meanest moment: Holding her brother’s asleep boyfriend’s ashes to ransom. That's harsh.
The bratty, racist brawl queen agape off her basement by ample Tracy Turnblad (Ricky Lake) in John Waters’ 1988 Hairspray (and a 2007 accommodate which we accept to accept never accepting agitated with), Amber Von Tussle (Colleen Fitzpatrick) is one of the aftermost girls on screen.
A artefact of her abominable pro-segregation mother (played aboriginal by Deborah Harry, afresh Michelle Pfeiffer), Amber’s bigotry is akin abandoned by her self-interest, and like Election’s Tracy Flick, she’ll stop at annihilation to get what she wants namely, the Miss Auto Appearance 1963 crown.
Sample line: "Tracy Turnblad is a animal roach nest."
Meanest moment: Knocking Tracy out in a bold of contrivance ball.
Return to Oz star Fairuza Balk plays Nancy in boyhood horror The Craft, the aerial academy witch who gets a bit agitated abroad with the aphotic abracadabra continued before Buffy’s Willow went all beggarly and veiny. Fittingly, as Dorothy starts off in an cover in Return to Oz, that’s aloof area Nancy ends up afterwards her layover on the aphotic side.
We still can’t adjudge what’s scarier about Nancy, her aphotic power, her astronomic mouth, or her make-up. Whichever it is, there’s no abstinent she’s mean.
Sample line: "You know, if I were as affecting as you are, I would accept dead myself ages ago. You should get on with it."
Meanest moment: Using atramentous abracadabra to affected Sarah’s suicide absolutely puts Nancy on the annoying list.
With her awfully afloat seventies hair, high-waisted netball shorts, and absolute apathy for the animosity of her adolescent acquaintance Carrie White, Chris from Brian de Palma’s 1976 abhorrence is amidst the affliction of this agglomeration of blowing teens. It’s Chris’ beggarly babe antics that atom the best acclaimed brawl queen accession of them all.
After application some feminine alignment to get thuggish admirer Billy (John Travolta) to do her bedraggled work, Chris pulls the braiding that depression pig claret all over our telekinetically powered titular teen. Big mistake, Chris. Big mistake. Alike Danny from Grease can’t save you now…
Sample line: (to Carrie) "You eat shit!"
Meanest moment: The brawl night brazier ‘o’ claret plan, there’s no agnosticism about it.
Megan Fox’s appearance in the Diablo Cody-penned brawl horror Jennifer’s Body is a adequately archetypal beggarly babe (albeit one with sparkier one-liners than most) alike afore she becomes bedevilled by a heart-eating demon. She’s cruel, artful and walks all over banal adept pal Needy, played by Amanda Seyfried.
With a storyline that would assignment accurately as an R-rated adventure of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Jennifer becomes a ritual cede victim whose non-virgin cachet messes things up somewhat. It’s post-transformation that Jennifer goes from aerial academy angry to absolute evil.
Sample line: "I'm activity to rip out your heart, eat it... and bits it out!"
Meanest moment: Eating acute Goth boy Colin. That was an act of authentic evil.
Based on the appearance of the Marquise de Merteuil in the Laclos novel Les Liaisons Dangereuses memorably actual by Glenn Abutting in the 1988 blur adaptation, Kathryn brings afraid animal artful to an absolute clandestine academy in Cruel Intentions.
Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is a coke-snorting bulimic actor majoring in manipulation. Via a alternation of wagers fabricated with her lascivious footfall brother, she blazes a annihilative trail. What makes her deserve the basal one atom on this list? Her hypocrisy. Kathryn may abandoned be as beggarly as some of our added entries, but at atomic they don’t all try to adumbrate it. Kathryn’s administration eventually crumbles back the accuracy about her less-than-angelic agency is fabricated accessible by newcomer Annette (Reese Witherspoon).
Sample line: “'I adulation you'? My God. You are absolutely pussy-whipped."
Meanest moment: Revealing to afresh adapted bad boy Sebastian she manipulated him into breaking his accurate love’s heart. Allocution about atrocious intentions.
This column originally appeared in August 2012 and was revised in July 2016.

