Im BMW M3 DTM der Neuzeit habe ich dann gleich in meinem ersten DTM-Jahr 2013 einen Sieg gefeiert. Das war ein ganz besonderer Moment. Und ich glaube, solche besonderen Momente zu schaffen, darauf ist der BMW M3 einfach programmiert.“ Timo Glock The first color on our list is Fire Orange. This color was first shown in the US on the 2013 bmw m3 Limerock Park Edition. You could get this color a few years earlier on the M3 GTS, but that hardcore track edition never made it stateside. The Limerock Osobně jsem původní M3 řídil na závodním okruhu a musím uznat, že v porovnání se současnými závodními vozy to bylo mnohem náročnější. Ve své první sezoně DTM v roce 2013 jsem slavil vítězství s moderním BMW M3 DTM, a byl to pro BMW M3 четвертого поколения (седан и универсал E91, купе E92 и кабриолет E93) выпускалась с 2007 по 2013 год. В 2014 году дебютировало новое поколение м Come to our BMW Orange County dealer to find the latest selection of BMW models, including the BMW M3, 2013 BMW 335, BMW 328, BMW 535 Gran Turismo, BMW 550 Gran Turismo, BMW 550, BMW 535, 2013 BMW 528, BMW X6, 2013 BMW X5, BMW 750, BMW 740 and more! BMW M3 четвертого поколения (седан и универсал E91, купе E92 и кабриолет E93) выпускалась с 2007 по 2013 год. В 2014 году дебютировало новое поколение моде .
BMWは1986年、初代M3を発表。モータースポーツの技術を導入し、高性能な小型スポーツセダンの基準を打ち立てた。30イヤーズM3は、M3のデビュー30周年記念車となる。 30イヤーズM3は、2013年12月 In '13 we saw him dominate Formula D in his E46 BMW M3, but in '15 he had the opportunity to work with Street Legal Performance and campaign a 2013 Chevrolet Camaro SS. Results however weren't as nearly as good as it was when he was behind the wheel of a finished runner-up at the Nürburgring in both 2013 and 2014. The last victory came courtesy of Augusto Farfus (BR), Jörg Müller (DE), Uwe Alzen (DE) and Pedro Lamy (PT) with the BMW M3 GT in 2010. The BMW Z4 GT3 claimed a highly-acclaimed victory at the finished runner-up at the Nürburgring in both 2013 and 2014. The last victory came courtesy of Augusto Farfus, Jörg Müller, Uwe Alzen and Pedro Lamy with the BMW M3 GT in 2010. The BMW Z4 GT3 claimed victory at the 24-hour classic at Spa-Francorchamps .
Gallery of 2013 bmw m3:

