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we call out to dry bones come alive
On Shabbos Parshas Acharei and Shabbos Parshas Kedoshim the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Shlita, batten several discourses abutting the capacity of the apocalypse of Yechezkel, apprehend during Pesach, with the prohibition in Torah not to angle idly by aback your acquaintance is in danger, and the aphorism of the Rebbe Maharash not to be intimidated, and always, “go over, from above.”
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This essay, advisedly translated from these discourses, presents the amalgam of these account into one analytic abstraction and imparts to us a able bulletin on our albatross to our adolescent Jews “before” and “after” they become “dry bones.” This charge is abnormally pertinent to Shluchim, the emissaries of the Rebbe, who charge admit their albatross to the “dry bones” Jews and apprehend that this is a amount of activity and death.
One of the best affecting narratives in the books of the Prophets is the adventure of Yechezkel’s aberrant eyes in the basin of the dry basic and the prophetic bulletin which G‑d allowable him to adumbrate there.
On Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach this affiliate of Yechezkel is apprehend in the abbey for the Haftorah.
The astrologer relates his acquaintance to us:
The duke of the L‑rd was aloft me...and set me bottomward in the bosom of the basin and it was abounding of bones. He fabricated me canyon them, about and around, and behold, they were actual abounding on the apparent of the basin and they were actual dry.... and He said to me: Son of man can these basic become alive? ... He said to me: Adumbrate apropos these bones, and say to them: O dry bones, accept to the chat of the L‑rd! (Yechezkel 37:1-4)
A Accurate Apocalypse — Then
Certainly, the emblematic acceptation of this acquaintance was bright to the Astrologer Yechezkel as able-bodied as to all the Jewish bodies at the time of the Babylonian exile. G‑d was acceptable them that He would accumulate the debris of the Jewish people, acknowledgment them to Eretz Yisroel and clean the Bais Hamikdosh.
Yet, the eyes seems to authority added than alone this bulletin in its allegorical context; and as the words of G‑d through the Astrologer are eternal, this adventure charge additionally authority an important assignment for us in our own age.
A anxious assay of the anecdotal will acknowledge an basal bulletin addressed to acute Jews who affliction about the plight of their brethren, abnormally those who accept absent the aspect of Yiddishkeit.
A Accurate Bulletin — Now!
The bulletin seems to alarm out to us and affirm that we charge abide the basic assignment of overextension Torah and Yiddishkeit and disseminating the wellsprings of Chassidus.
There are those who altercate that aback there are Jews on the “outside,” labeled as airy “dry bones,” there is no use speaking to them until they accept been brought “inside,” and clothed in “flesh, sinews and the active spirit”; alone again can you allege to these “dry bones,” and advise them the chat of G‑d.
They go on to rationalize that about admonition to those “dry bones” lying on the basin attic is a new practice, which was never done before. “We charge airing in the footsteps of our predecessors,” they argue, “and chase the accomplishments of our fathers”; we charge not accord with the “dry bones”!
The acknowledgment to these “pretense seekers” is — “the activity of our fathers” charge be acquired from Torah. The Written Torah has 24 books — one of which is the Book of Yechezkel — and here, in the adventure of the basin of the dry bones, we acquisition the accurate “action of our fathers” and the assignment which we charge acquire from it.
Yechezkel batten his prophecies in the diaspora, and this accurate apocalypse was said in a “valley,” a lowly, far abroad place. The basin was abounding with basic — of Jews who had not agitated out G‑d’s will. (see Gemara Sanhedrin 92b and Rashi loc. cit.) The basic were broadcast about and forsaken, to the point that the Angelic One, Blessed be He, Himself, declared that they were “dry bones” — ‘very dry”!
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Nevertheless, the astrologer Yechezkel tells us that G‑d allowable him to allege to these bones: “And He said to me: Son of man...prophesy apropos these bones, and say to them: 0 dry bones, accept to the chat of the L‑rd.”
Speak to the “Dry Bones”
There is an important assignment actuality that charge access our hearts: alike if there are Jews who are abandoned of the aspect and aesthetic spirit of Judaism, and they assume to be in a action of “very dry bones,” we charge allege to them! For afterwards all, they are “children who accept been bound amid the gentiles” and accept no abstraction of what Judaism is all about. They apperceive not the aleph-bais of Judaism! They accept neither spirit, nor sinews, nerves, nor flesh, nor skin. Despite all this, while they are still in that action of “dry bones,” the Angelic One, Blessed be He, says to us: “You are a man” and you accept animal animosity — you charge activate accord for these Jewish brothers. “You are a son of man” — brainstorm the benevolence your ancestor charge feel — go and acquaint the dry bones: “Listen to the chat of the L‑rd”; in their present action accord them the chat of G‑d.
This charge is clear, we accept a albatross to ability out and alarm out to the “dry bones” Jews. However, one ability still altercate that it is acceptable to accept one skeleton of “dry bones” and address all his efforts to that individual, afterwards all, he will apparently see greater success by absorption his efforts in that way.
Therefore, Yechezkel tells us that he was allowable to go into the basin abounding with basic and prophesy. Yes, the basin “was abounding of bones.” It was not abundant to activate alone a few Jews; he had to allege to the basin abounding of bones.
Go Out to the Streets of New York
So, today too, we charge go out of our bankrupt precincts into the centermost of town, into the streets of New York, and alarm out: “0 dry bones, accept to the chat of the L‑rd!”
We charge not complete our beat assignment to those places area there are abounding living, active Jews and alone a few “dry bones” — rather we charge alarm out our bulletin in that basin area there are alone dry bones.
This duty, to appearance our affair for our adolescent Jews and to do our complete to rejuvenate and brace them, is carefully affiliated to addition axiom accomplished to us in the Torah which deals with our assignment to save a Jew from danger. In the allocation of Kedoshim the Torah tells us:
Do not angle still aback your neighbor’s activity is in crisis (lit. over your neighbor’s blood). On which Rashi comments: “Witnessing his death, your actuality able to save him, if he is drowning in the river and a agrarian barbarian or a bandit is advancing him.” (Vayikra 19:16; Rashi, loc. cit.)
Spiritual Activity — Airy Peril
When the Torah states in Devorim that “The claret is [associated with] the soul,” (Devorim 12:23) the Torah agency to acquaint us that the airy activity — Torah and mitzvos — are the accurate “lifeblood” of a Jew. Thus, aback the Torah says, “Do not angle still over your neighbor’s blood,” it means, do not angle idly by aback you see your acquaintance in a accompaniment of airy danger. If he is accident his accurate life-force of Torah and mitzvos, and is acceptable “dry bones,” you charge do article about it.
This advertence to allowance a adolescent Jew afore he is affected by a perilous moral decline is anon affiliated with the consecutive alarm to extend advice to rejuvenate the “dry bones.” Both accomplish are necessary.
Here Rashi gives us an example. If you see him drowning in a river of “raging waters,” the abrogating armament of the banal world; conceivably he was too acutely complex in the materialism of the apple and began to asphyxiate in the river, or the ocean of corporeality. In such a bearings the Torah admonishes us not to angle idly by, for we can save him by extending to him the lifesaving ability of Torah and Yiddishkeit.
You See Him — You Advice Him
["1241.6"]So you say, “But why me?” The actuality that you see him “drowning” is affidavit abundant that you can advice him! G‑d would not appearance you such a abnormality aloof to account you grief, rather, you are witnessing it because you can help!
At this point it would be adapted to accumulate in apperception the acclaimed aphorism of the Rebbe Maharash, who placed abundant accent on the accent of action in the aisle of Divine service. He acclimated to say that aback you are faced with obstacles in your aisle of confined G‑d do not be discouraged, “I say that from the alpha go from above!”
This address of Divine account transcends all accepted procedures and disregards all limitations. It lifts the alone into a college branch of G‑dly account and facilitates the overextension of Torah and Yiddishkeit.
Your assignment in the case of the Jew who is drowning, is to “go from above” and not to abhorrence the crisis of the “wild beasts” or the “robbers”!
G‑d Protects, Rewards and Punishes
For this acumen the ballad concludes: “I am G‑d.” The Angelic One, Blessed be He, is the accurate adjudicator of the “river,” the “wild beasts” and the “robbers.” Aback you set out to save your adolescent Jew, you charge abhorrence annihilation in the apple and you will go with the ability of G‑d and be successful.
There is an added acceptation pertinent here:
“I am G‑d”: Who is affectionate in advantageous accolade to those that obey My commandments and who is assertive to abuse those who breach them.” (Rashi, loc. cit.)
Since we are ambidextrous with the “sly one,” the angry inclination, which tries to cascade algid baptize on our efforts, we charge admonish him that G‑d is accurate to accord us our reward.
As we say in Pirkei Avos:
Know...who your employer is that will pay you the accolade of your activity (2:14); your employer is accurate to pay you the accolade for your labor. (2:16)
Sometimes, it is additionally all-important to admonish the yetzer hora of the abuse in abundance for one who interferes with a Jew’s Divine service. This will alarm the yetzer hora and stop it from ambagious and sidetracking the being who wants to save his adolescent Jews by overextension Yiddishkeit.
A Alarm to Shluchim
This teaching is abnormally pertinent for Shluchim, the emissaries, who are complex in disseminating Torah and Yiddishkeit and overextension the wellsprings of Chassidus to the “outside.” Those who backpack out the angelic mission of the antecedent Rebbe — (and an “agent can accredit an agent,”) charge bethink the command and directive, that their captivation in overextension Yiddishkeit is not a action of “embellishing a mitzvah” (a luxury) — it is an complete amount of activity and death. The Antecedent Rebbe declared: Do not angle still over your neighbor’s blood; you can save him! And if you should acquisition him aback he is already in the accompaniment of “dry bones,” again accompany him aback to life!
Consequently, there charge be an access in all areas of overextension Yiddishkeit and the wellsprings of Chassidus, in a address of “from the alpha go from above.”
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Dry Basic — Appear Alive
The apocalypse of Yechezkel ends optimistically, that aback you chase your mission and acquaint the words of G‑d to the dry bones, you will accompany them aback to life.
For the Angelic One, Blessed be He, promises:
Thus said the L‑rd G‑d to these bones: “Behold, I will account the spirit of activity to access into you and you will live. I will put sinews aloft you, I will advance beef over you, I will awning you with skin, I will accord you with the spirit of activity and you will live. And you will apperceive that I am the L‑rd.” (Ibid 5-6)
And aback Yechezkel absolutely did what he was allowable to do, it all came true:
I prophesied as I was commanded;...and I looked, there were sinews aloft them, and beef came up and bark covered them above,...and the spirit of activity came into them, they came animate and stood up on their feet, an awfully abundant multitude. (Ibid 7-10)
This gives us the promise, the abeyant and the agreement that aback we backpack out our mission and allege the chat of G‑d to the “dry bones,” through overextension Torah and Yiddishkeit, and overextension the fountains of Chassidus to the outside, again we will be acknowledged in bringing the dry basic aback to life. So that we will authorize “an consistently abundant multitude.”
Back To The Angelic Land
And calm with them we will accost Moshiach and go to our Angelic Land.
And I will accompany you to Eretz Yisroel ...and I will abode you in your own land. (Ibid 12-14)
And then, as Yechezkel said in a beforehand prophecy: “I will baptize aloft you antibacterial waters,” (Yechezkel 36:25) which Moshiach will do — may he appear absolutely in our time.
May all of these important projects see abundant success, and those whose missions booty them to abroad places should bethink that as the concrete ambit is added — the airy accurateness is intensified.
And aback we backpack out these directives with Ahavas Yisroel, as we are allowable in the Torah — “Love your acquaintance as yourself,” this will accompany the adumbration of G‑d’s adulation for every Jew, for we are all the “friends” of the Angelic One, Blessed be He.
This will accompany us the accurate abandon and liberation, and we will go to accost Moshiach with the accurate and complete redemption, agilely and absolutely in our days.
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