we ain t kids no more lyrics
But not of any president.
Over the advance of his Grammy-winning career, the antagonistic rapper has acclimated his music to alpha feuds with celebrities, artists, the media and affluence of politicians.
Eminem was a angry analyzer of Admiral George W. Bush, decidedly in the baking anti-Iraq War song "Mosh," and was already advised by the Secret Service for rapping that he admired the Admiral would die. His violent, aggressive, misogynistic and anti-gay lyrics akin sparked hearings in Congress.
Never abashed to allege his apperception or account controversy, Eminem has abnormally airtight Bill and Hillary Clinton, Lynne Cheney, Tipper Gore and array of added politicians he saw as hypocritical leaders.
Here's a attending aback at Eminem's best memorable dips into backroom and political criticism.
Anti-Iraq War and Bush lyrics
Eminem, whose absolute name is Marshall Mathers, acutely criticized Bush's Iraq War behavior in his beef song "Mosh" in October 2004. The song alleged on bodies to "rebel" and "raise hell" in beef and alleged out Bush personally.
"Stomp, push, shove, mush. F*** Bush. Until they accompany our troops home, appear on," he raps.
The third ballad featured added criticisms and appropriate Bush action the war himself.
"Let the Admiral acknowledgment a college anarchy. Strap him with an AK-47, let him go action his own war, let him affect amoroso that way. No added claret for oil, we got our own battles to action on our own soil," he says.
He added tells his admirers to "look in his eyes, it's all lies. The stars and stripes accept been swiped, done out and wiped, and replaced with his own face."
In case the lyrics weren't clear, an accompanying video added bidding his political message. The video featured images of Bush as able-bodied as protesters in atramentous sweatshirts affronted the US Capitol.
At one point, an activated Eminem looks at a bank of bi-weekly accessories with account such as "Bush Knew." Another banderole reads "President Bush Signs Patriot Act," but with the chat Patriot beyond out and replaced with the chat "DEATH."
"[Bush] has been corrective to be this hero, and he's got our troops over there dying for no reason," he said.
"We got adolescent bodies over there dyin', kids in their teens, aboriginal twenties that should accept futures advanced of them. And for what? It seems like a Vietnam 2. Bin Laden attacked us, and we attacked Saddam. Explain why that is. Give us some answers."
Secret Service analysis
Eminem was already absolutely advised by the Secret Service. A lyric in his song "We Are American" talks about the president, which was Bush at the time.
"F*** money. I don't rap for asleep presidents. I'd rather see the Admiral dead," he says.
That band led to the Secret Service investigation, which is accustomed aback article that appears to abuse the admiral is brought to agents' attention.
Lynne Cheney and Tipper Gore
Eminem has generally played up his fights with those in ability as a point of pride.
That led to a acknowledgment in the song "White America" from 2002, in which Eminem proudly says he's "in agitation with the government" for his lyrics.
"I charge accept addled a ambit with somebody up in the office, account Congress keeps cogent me I ain't causing annihilation but problems. And now they're adage I'm in agitation with the government. I'm lovin' it, I shoveled s*** all my life, and now I'm auctioning it on," he raps.
In the final area of the song, Eminem unloads on Cheney as able-bodied as Tipper Gore, the wife of Vice Admiral Al Gore. Tipper Gore co-founded the Parents Music Resource Center accustomed for its "Parental Advisory" stickers.
"(I am) the agitator of this bazaar of abandoned pawns beatific to advance the advance appropriate up to the accomplish of Congress, and p**s on the lawns of the White House, to bake the flag and alter it with a Parental Advisory sticker, to discharge liquor in the faces of this capitalism of hypocrisy," he raps.
He continues in claimed language.
"F*** you, Ms. Cheney! F*** you, Tipper Gore! F*** you with the freest of accent this Divided States of Embarrassment will acquiesce me to have. F*** you!"
Trump: 'Slim Shady is a winner'
["1241.6"]Eminem's backroom accept sometimes trended added against banter than anger. In an odd TV appropriate aback in 2004, Slim Shady led the "Shady National Convention," a affected political assemblage hosted by Carson Daly and Vanessa Lachey.
A suit-wearing Slim Shady accustomed the choice for the "Shady Party and Stuff." But afore he did that, the rapper was alien by none added than Donald Trump, again accustomed added for his abundance than his political skills.
"When the Shady Party alleged and told me there's activity to be a convention, I said it's gotta be a absolutely big one and it's gotta be appropriate actuality in New York, because this is the best burghal anywhere in the world, am I right?" Trump said. "Of advance I'm right. I'm consistently right. I'm Donald Trump, I'm consistently right."
"I apperceive a champ aback I see one. And Donald Trump is cogent you appropriate now Slim Shady is a winner," he added. "He's got brains, he's got guts, and he's got Donald Trump's vote."
Eminem again took the date and explained his affidavit for active as a candidate, argot durably in cheek.
"Why me, you ask? Why Eminem? Well, let me acquaint you why if you would shut up for one second. Democrats and Republicans alike, and that added guy, they had conventions and they looked acknowledgment than this one, but so what? So what, I say to them.
"What am I active for, you ask? I don't run from anything," he said. "That's the thing. I accouterment the issues arch on."
Bill and Hillary Clinton
In his song "Role Model" on The Slim Shady LP in 1999, Eminem raps about then-President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Clinton.
"So if I said I never did drugs, that would beggarly I lie and get f***ed added than the Admiral does," he says.
"Hilary Clinton approved to bang me and alarm me a pervert. I ripped her f***ing tonsils out and fed her sherbet -- b****," he raps.



