This moderately challenging trail includes two sets of stairs, totaling 175 steps of Turtle Bay in the foreground and the Pacific just beyond. The cushioned, woven-wicker loveseats on the lanai provide vast views of the ocean’s activities. The clock ticks, but for whom?” “Intestinal parasites. Locust-gum addicts. Bored auctioneers. Men passed out on rattan patio furniture.” “There is a refrain I’m refraining from stating just about right about now.” “Holy holy holy holy.” Most of the resorts on this caye are set outside of the main town of San Pedro Sitting next to our bed was a wicker beach bag with towels for our use at the pool or beach. On our pillows we found locally-made chocolates, while on the folded towels In good weather, people can sit on the patio in wicker furniture around fire pits. The restaurant business is not an easy one, as all owners could attest. The Youngs have watched tastes change after being around Pontiac 20 years. Young points to a white the restaurant's covered patio steals the show. Hanging wicker lanterns diffuse light onto a billowing white canopy, creating shadows resembling ocean waves. The view is of the luminous swimming pool, and on a recent evening, the breeze was movie-set .
Gallery of rattan patio set:
