major neurocognitive disorder icd 10
Evans VC; Iverson GL; Yatham LN; Lam RW
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OBJECTIVE: Neurocognitive deficits are approved in above depressive ataxia (MDD) and best acceptable accord to the anatomic crime accomplished by afflicted individuals. We systematically advised the affirmation on neurocognitive deficits and their relationship(s) to psychosocial activity in MDD.
DATA SOURCES: English-language abstract was searched in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Science Direct, and PsycInfo databases for the years 1980-October 15, 2013, with the afterward terms: (depressive ataxia or depressive disorder, major) and permutations of (cognitive, neurocognitive, neuropsych*) with (impairment, deficit, performance, test) and (quality of life; anatomic outcomes; aftereffect assessment, bloom care) or (assessment, outcomes; assessment, accommodating outcomes; outcomes assessment; outcomes assessments, patient).
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STUDY SELECTION: Admittance belief were (1) nongeriatric adults (< 60 years) with a primary analysis of MDD by DSM-IV, ICD-9, or ICD-10 criteria; (2) use of neuropsychological tests; and (3) use of a specific admeasurement of social, occupational, or circadian functioning. Of 488 accessories articular in the antecedent search, 10 met the admittance criteria.
DATA EXTRACTION: Two absolute appraisers adjourned accommodation of the studies. Substantial adverse in the samples and methods precluded a quantitative meta-analysis, so we performed a anecdotal anecdotic review.
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RESULTS: The included studies active a array of neurocognitive tests and assessments of psychosocial functioning. Overall, depressed samples had neurocognitive deficits in assorted domains that were associated with altered measures of psychosocial functioning. However, these allegation were accountable by abstruse limitations of studies.
CONCLUSIONS: The bound affirmation abject suggests that neurocognitive activity appears to be broadly associated with anatomic crime in individuals with MDD, but the affection of affirmation is weak. Further studies to analyze the relationship(s) amid neurocognitive and psychosocial activity in MDD will account from beyond and added constant samples, -to-be designs with multivariate analyses, and use of absolute assessments of psychosocial activity that are accurate in depressed populations.
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From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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