icd 10 code for narcolepsy
Nohynek H; Jokinen J; Partinen M; Vaarala O; Kirjavainen T; Sundman J; Himanen SL; Hublin C; Julkunen I; Olsén P; Saarenpää-Heikkilä O; Kilpi T
BACKGROUND: Narcolepsy is a abiding beddy-bye ataxia with able abiogenetic predisposition causing boundless daytime apathy and cataplexy. A abrupt access in adolescence narcolepsy was empiric in Finland anon afterwards communicable affliction catching and anesthetic with ASO3-adjuvanted Pandemrix. No access was empiric in added age groups.
METHODS: Retrospective accomplice study. From January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010 we retrospectively followed the accomplice of all accouchement active in Finland and built-in from January 1991 through December 2005. Anesthetic abstracts of the accomplished citizenry was acquired from primary bloom affliction databases. All new cases with assigned ICD-10 cipher of narcolepsy were articular and the medical annal advised by two experts to allocate the assay of narcolepsy according to the Brighton accord criteria. Access of narcolepsy was authentic as the aboriginal accurate acquaintance to bloom affliction because of boundless daytime sleepiness. The primary aftereffect aeon was belted to August 15, 2010, the day afore media absorption on post-vaccination narcolepsy started.
FINDINGS: Anesthetic advantage in the accomplice was 75%. Of the 67 accepted cases of narcolepsy, 46 vaccinated and 7 unvaccinated were included in the primary analysis. The accident of narcolepsy was 9.0 in the vaccinated as compared to 0.7/100,000 actuality years in the unvaccinated individuals, the amount arrangement actuality 12.7 (95% aplomb breach 6.1-30.8). The vaccine-attributable accident of developing narcolepsy was 1:16,000 vaccinated 4 to 19-year-olds (95% aplomb breach 1:13,000-1:21,000).
CONCLUSIONS: Pandemrix vaccine contributed to the access of narcolepsy amid those 4 to 19 years old during the communicable affliction in 2009-2010 in Finland. Added studies are bare to actuate whether this ascertainment exists in added populations and to annotate abeyant basal immunological mechanism. The role of the accessory in accurate warrants added analysis afore cartoon abstracts about the use of adjuvanted communicable vaccines in the future.
From MEDLINE®/PubMed®, a database of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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