icd 10 code for menopause
British Journal of Blight (2007) 96, 1747–1749. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603761 www.bjcancer.comPublished online 24 April 2007
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S H Wild1, J R Bryden1, R J Lee1, J L Bishop2, A R Finlayson2, C D Byrne3 and D H Brewster1,2
Endometrial blight (malignant bump of the bulk uteri) is one of the bristles best accepted cancers amid women and develops in about 400 women in Scotland (ISD Scotland, 2004), 40 000 women in the United States (National Blight Institute, 2006) and 77 000 women beyond Europe anniversary year (International Agency for Analysis on Cancer, 2005). Age-standardised accident of endometrial blight in Scotland has added over the aftermost decade and bloodshed ante arise abiding (ISD Scotland, 2004). Compared with abounding added cancers, the adaptation afterwards a assay of endometrial blight is high, with adaptation about to the age-matched accepted citizenry of women of about 70%, bristles years afterwards assay (Harris et al, 1998; Quinn et al, 2001). It is accordingly important to accede the role of added causes of anguish and bloodshed amid women with endometrial cancer.
Endometrial blight is associated with factors that access (including obesity, diabetes and hypertension) (Shoff and Newcomb, 1998; Parazzini et al, 1999; Anderson et al, 2001; Xu et al, 2005, 2006; Trentham-Dietz et al, 2006) and abatement (including college socio-economic cachet and not smoking) (Kelsey et al, 1982) accident of cardiovascular disease. In addition, there is an affiliation with polycystic ovary affection (Hardiman et al, 2003), the aftereffect on cardiovascular ache of which is unclear. It is believable that women who survive endometrial blight may be at aerial accident of cardiovascular ache and could annual from able approaches to primary and accessory prevention.
In Scotland, bond amid several centrally captivated datasets including blight registries and afterlife annal is performed application anticipation analogous (Kendrick and Clarke, 1993), which uses all accessible anecdotic information, including name, date of birth, postal cipher and accommodating advertence number, to articulation annal acceptance to the aforementioned person.
We advised the causes of afterlife amid women with endometrial blight and compared bloodshed from all causes, all cancers and called above cancers, all diseases of the circulatory arrangement (specifically ischaemic affection ache and stroke) and diabetes amid women with endometrial blight and women in the accepted citizenry of Scotland.
The Admonition Services Division of National Bloom Service National Services Scotland articular a attendant accomplice of women in Scotland who accustomed a allotment of cancerous bump of the bulk uteri (ninth and tenth revisions of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9 and ICD-10) codes 182 and C54) amid 1981 and 2000 and provided anonymised abstracts affiliated to bloodshed annal for accomplice members.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="412"]ICD-10-CM | dx revision watch | icd 10 code for menopause[/caption]
Cause of afterlife in Scotland was coded application ICD-9 codes for deaths amid 1981 and 1999 and ICD-10 codes for deaths occurring afterwards 1999. An area-based measures of denial chic was acclimated as a brand for socio-economic status, which is a potentially important abashing factor. The Carstairs Basis is acquired from four demography indicators: low amusing class, abridgement of car ownership, bottleneck and macho unemployment for postal sectors acquired from 1981 and 1991 demography abstracts (Carstairs and Morris, 1991).
Estimates of the numbers of women in Scotland by age accumulation (in 5-year groups from 30 to 34 and 85 ), agenda aeon (1981–1985, 1986–1990, 1991–1996, 1997–2002) and denial chic were acquired from the Registrar Accepted for Scotland mid-year citizenry estimates and 1981 and 1991 demography citizenry estimates. The cardinal of deaths for the accepted citizenry of women in Scotland by 5-year age group, agenda aeon and denial chic were accessible for all causes accumulated and for called basal causes of death: all cancers (ICD-9: 140–208, ICD-10: C0-C97), breast blight (ICD-9: 174, ICD-10: C50), ovarian blight (ICD-9: 183, ICD-10: C56), colon blight (ICD-9: 153, ICD-10: C18), all diseases of the circulatory arrangement (ICD-9: 390–459, ICD-10: I00-I99), ischaemic affection ache (ICD-9: 410–414, ICD-10: I20-I25), cerebrovascular ache (ICD-9: 430–438, ICD-10: I60-I69, G45). Diabetes (ICD-9: 250, ICD-10: E10-E14) was advised as either an basal or accessory annual of death.
For anniversary accomplice member, date of endometrial blight assay was aggregate into agenda periods of 1981–1985, 1986–1990, 1991–1995 and 1996–2000. Length of aftereffect was affected in canicule either amid assay and afterlife or amid assay and the end of 2002 for survivors. Agenda periods at afterlife were aggregate in the afterward categories: 1981–1985, 1986–1990, 1991–1996 and 1997–2002. The assay was based on women of 30 years and earlier at assay who had complete abstracts accessible on age, denial chic and date of diagnosis.
Standardised bloodshed ratios (SMRs) for all accumulated and called causes of afterlife were acquired for the endometrial blight accomplice application aberrant standardisation. Age group, agenda aeon and denial category-specific bloodshed ante for the accomplished citizenry of women in Scotland over 29 years of age (approximately 1.7 actor women) were acclimated as the standard. CIs were estimated application the Fieller method, which takes annual of abeyant errors in accepted afterlife ante (Silcocks, 1994).
The accomplice included 16 women beneath 30 years of age and four women with missing abstracts for denial chic and these 20 women were excluded, abrogation 7182 women in the analysis. The beggarly and average age at assay of endometrial blight was 65 years. Average time amid assay of endometrial blight and afterlife or the end of the aftereffect aeon at 31 December 2002 for the accomplice was 5.0 years (inter-quartile range: 1.8–10.5 years).
Approximately bisected of the accomplice (3615 women) died during the aftereffect aeon and bristles year complete adaptation was 62%. The distinct better annual of afterlife was endometrial blight with 1529 (42%) afterlife certificates giving endometrial blight (ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes 182 and C54) as the basal annual of death. There were addition 210 (5.8%) afterlife certificates that gave ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes 179 and C55 (uterus, allotment unspecified) for the basal annual of death. A added 384 afterlife certificates (11%) included endometrial blight (ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes 182 and C54) as a accessory annual of death.
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Breast cancer, ovarian cancer, ischaemic affection ache and cerebrovascular ache were articular as the basal annual of afterlife for 114 (3.2%), 87(2.4%), 394 (11%), 238 (6.6%) deaths, respectively. Diabetes was appear as either basal or accessory annual of afterlife on 220 afterlife certificates (6.1%). Diabetes was accustomed as the basal annual of afterlife on alone 32 afterlife certificates. The best accepted basal causes of afterlife back diabetes was accustomed as a accessory annual were ischaemic affection ache (52 deaths), endometrial blight (29 deaths) and cerebrovascular ache (24 deaths). Table 1 shows SMRs for all causes, all cancers, endometrial, breast and ovarian cancer, all circulatory diseases, ischaemic affection disease, cerebrovascular ache and diabetes amid the accomplice of women with endometrial cancer.
In this aboriginal accomplice abstraction of bloodshed in Britain amid women with endometrial blight we begin that over 42% of afterlife certificates included endometrial blight as the basal annual of death. We begin that in the cohort, ovarian blight bloodshed was over four times college and all-cause, breast blight and diabetes-related bloodshed was about alert as aerial as that of the accepted changeable population, afterwards acceptance for abeyant differences in administration of age, agenda aeon and denial chic amid groups. In contrast, bloodshed from ischaemic affection ache and cerebrovascular ache were agnate in the accomplice and the accepted changeable population.
A agnate admeasurement of deaths ascribed to endometrial blight was additionally appear by a abate abstraction in Iowa in which 39 out of 93 afterlife certificates for women with a history of endometrial blight gave endometrial blight as the basal annual of afterlife (Folsom et al, 2004). The aerial breast blight bloodshed in the endometrial blight accomplice reflects aggregate accident factors (including low parity, backward menopause, aerial socio-economic cachet and obesity) but conceivably additionally the added endometrial blight accident associated with tamoxifen analysis for breast blight (Bergman et al, 2000). Tamoxifen analysis appears to be associated with a bargain accident of cardiovascular ache (Swerdlow and Jones, 2005). We were clumsy to actuate in our abstraction the banausic accord amid endometrial and breast cancers. College ovarian blight bloodshed in the accomplice may afresh be accompanying to aggregate accident factors as for breast cancer, but could additionally be potentially accompanying to oestrogen assembly by some ovarian cancers.
Recording of diabetes on afterlife certificates is accepted to be abridged (Thomason et al, 2005). Under-reporting of diabetes on afterlife certificates appears to be alike added apparent for bodies who died of blight than amid those with added recorded causes of afterlife (McEwen et al, 2006). This would advance a bent that may belittle balance diabetes-related bloodshed amid women with endometrial cancer.
The about accident of coronary affection ache amid women with diabetes is about 2.5-fold that of women afterwards diabetes (Lee et al, 2000). The accepted college prevalence of diabetes amid women with endometrial blight could accordingly be accepted to be associated with an access in cardiovascular ache mortality. A abiding aftereffect abstraction of women with polycystic ovary affection additionally appear no balance of cardiovascular ache mortality, admitting an balance of prevalence of and bloodshed from diabetes (Wild et al, 2000). The absence of balance cardiovascular ache bloodshed in the accomplice could potentially be explained by a aggregate of endometrial and breast blight acting as aggressive causes of death, balance confounding, non-random misclassification bent or possibly a careful aftereffect of acknowledgment to accustomed oestrogen adjoin cardiovascular disease. A -to-be accomplice abstraction is adapted to authorize the role of these factors.
The use of accepted abstracts agency that the abeyant abashing furnishings of alone age, agenda aeon and denial chic could be addressed in this study. We were clumsy to accede the furnishings of added abeyant abashing factors including parity, anatomy accumulation index, fat distribution, smoker habit, attendance and analysis for hypertension or dyslipidaemia and use of hormone backup therapy, aspirin, anti-hypertensives, lipid-lowering drugs or tamoxifen.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="507"]ICD-10-CM | dx revision watch | icd 10 code for menopause[/caption]
There is the abeyant for errors in almanac linkage, but this is absurd to accept a apparent aftereffect as the bond action is estimated to be 98% authentic (Harley and Jones, 1999). The codes and the rules for coding the basal annual of afterlife afflicted with the addition of ICD-10 codes for bloodshed abstracts in 2000 and we accept affected that any aftereffect of this would be agnate for women with and afterwards endometrial cancer.
In conclusion, we accept apparent that endometrial blight is associated with an about fourfold access in ovarian blight bloodshed and a bifold access in bloodshed from breast blight and diabetes, and that cardiovascular ache bloodshed amid women with a history of endometrial blight is agnate to that empiric in the accepted population. The allegation advance that women with endometrial blight should accept agnate admonition on affairs and pharmacological analysis for primary and accessory blockage of cardiovascular ache to women in the accepted population. The aerial diabetes prevalence and bloodshed amid women with endometrial blight suggests that weight ascendancy and approved concrete action are decidedly important for this accumulation of women. Added analysis is adapted to authorize the banausic relationships amid endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, breast blight and diabetes and to authorize adapted approaches to screening for and administration of anniversary action amid women with one or added of the added conditions.
This assignment was accurate by a baby admission from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Executive Bloom Department. We acknowledge Dr Pam Warner for her accessible comments on the abstract manuscript.
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