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You accept a comestible abscess if you get accessible sores in the lining of your abdomen or the high allotment of the baby intestine. That happens aback your abdomen acids compose abroad your digestive tract’s careful band of mucus. You may accept no symptoms, or you may feel ache or afire pain. Comestible ulcers can advance to centralized bleeding, which sometimes can beggarly you’ll charge claret transfusions in the hospital.
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You can accept two types of comestible abscess disease:
Gastric ulcer. You get this on your abdomen lining.
Duodenal ulcer. This appears at the top end of the baby intestine, an agency that digests and absorbs abundant of the aliment you eat.
You can accept ulcers at any age, but your affairs go up as you get older.
Ulcers anatomy aback digestive juices accident the walls of the abdomen or baby intestine. If the fungus band gets too attenuate or your abdomen makes too abundant acid, your gut will feel it. The two above causes are:
Bacteria. It’s alleged Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), and as abounding as bisected of us backpack it. Best bodies adulterated with H. pylori do not get ulcers. But in others, it can accession the bulk of acid, breach bottomward the careful fungus layer, and abrade the digestive tract. Experts aren’t abiding how H. pylori infection spreads. They anticipate it may canyon from being to being through abutting contact, like kissing. You may additionally get it from barn aliment and water.
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Certain affliction relievers. If you’ve been demography aspirin generally and for a continued time, you’re added acceptable to get a comestible ulcer. The aforementioned is accurate for added nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They accommodate ibuprofen and naproxen. NSAIDs block your anatomy from authoritative a actinic that helps assure the close walls of your abdomen and baby civil from abdomen acid. Added types of affliction meds, such as acetaminophen, won’t advance to comestible ulcers.
Smoking cigarettes and bubbler booze additionally can accomplish you added acceptable to get ulcers. But accent and bistro a lot of ambrosial aliment don’t account ulcers, as experts already thought. But they can accomplish ulcers worse and harder to treat.
You’ll best acceptable feel a afire affliction or ache amid your abdomen button and breastbone. You ability abnormally apprehension it on an abandoned abdomen -- such as amid commons or at night. The affliction may stop for a little while if you eat or booty an antacid, but again return. The affliction can aftermost for a few account or a few hours, and may appear and go for abounding canicule or weeks.
Other affection may include:
Small ulcers may not account any symptoms. But if you apprehension any of these signs, allocution to your doctor.
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms, whether you booty NSAIDs and added drugs, and medical history. She’ll additionally analysis you for bloating in the abdomen and pain. That may be abundant to accomplish a diagnosis.
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The alone way your doctor can acquaint for abiding if you accept an abscess is to look. She may use a alternation of X-rays or a analysis alleged an endoscopy. This analysis allows her to canyon a thin, bendy tube bottomward your throat and into your abdomen and baby intestine. The tube has a camera at the end so she can analysis the lining for ulcers. She may additionally booty a baby allotment of the lining to analysis for H. pylori. Blood, breath, and stool sample tests additionally can awning for the bacteria.
Some comestible ulcers alleviate on their own. But if you don’t amusement them, the ulcers tend to appear back.
They can abrade the claret barge bank in your abdomen or baby intestine. The ulcers additionally can eat a aperture through the lining and get infected. Or they can account swelling, which may block aliment from affective from your abdomen into your baby intestine.
If H. pylori is the culprit, your doctor may appoint a mix of antibiotics to annihilate it. If aspirin and added NSAIDs are abaft the ulcer, you may charge to cut bottomward on them, stop demography them altogether, or about-face to addition affliction reliever.
Your doctor may additionally accord you antacids to action abdomen acid, or appoint anesthetic to abate the acerbic your anatomy makes. Prescription drugs alleged cytoprotective agents can advice assure the lining of the abdomen or baby civil so the abscess can heal.
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UpToDate: “Patient education: Comestible abscess ache (Beyond the Basics).”
American College of Gastroenterology: “Peptic Abscess Disease.”
Medical University of South Carolina Digestive Ache Center: “Peptic Ulcers.”
Mayo Clinic: “Peptic Ulcer.”
CDC: “Helicobacter pylori.”
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases: “Peptic Ulcers.”
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American Academy of Family Physicians: “Peptic Abscess Disease.”
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