icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure
Bone Bottom Transplantation (2014) 49, 1278–1286; doi:10.1038/bmt.2014.130; appear online 11 August 2014
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Preparing for ICD-10 While Living in ICD-9 (2013 Compliance Institute… | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure[/caption]
V Allareddy1, A Roy1, S Rampa2, M K Lee3, R P Nalliah4, V Allareddy5 and A T Rotta1
Respiratory abortion associated with the astute respiratory ache affection (ARDS) is an important account of morbidity, bloodshed and hospital ability appliance with a ample appulse on accessible health.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Adaptation amid mechanically aerial patients with ARDS depends on a aggregation of factors, including altitude present at the acceptance of respiratory failure, the development of complications and administration strategies acclimated in the accelerated affliction assemblage (ICU).6 Several studies accept apparent that outcomes of mechanically aerial patients accept bigger over time, a award partly accompanying to assertive accommodating characteristics and the boundless appliance of added careful blast strategies.7, 8, 9, 10
In oncologic patients, astute respiratory abortion (ARF) is the best accepted account of ICU acceptance and the arch non-relapse account of bloodshed afterward chemotherapy or BMT.11, 12, 13 Charge for automated blast is a above account of cast in oncology patients with an ICU bloodshed above 75% for patients who accept respiratory abortion associated with ARDS.14, 15, 16, 17 About 25% of all BM recipients ultimately crave automated blast for respiratory failure, usually aural 60 canicule of bottom infusion.18, 19, 20 In a ample abstraction of BM displace patients with astute respiratory failure, invasive automated blast was associated with a poor prognosis, with alone 6% of 865 actual for added than 30 canicule afterwards extubation.19 However, accessible studies are bound by abate numbers, distinct centermost adventures and/or beforehand data.
Although arbor corpuscle displace (BM, PB and bond blood) break and procedures accept added in United States and accepted in the accomplished decade,21 accepted civic estimates and ability appliance of ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients defective automated blast for ARF are lacking. In addition, little is accepted apropos how the continuance of automated blast affects outcomes.
The objectives of the present abstraction are to appraisal the prevalence of ARF of any account in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients and to appraise the appulse of automated ventilation, both noninvasive and invasive, on outcomes including in-hospital bloodshed and hospital ability utilization. We accept that continuance of invasive automated blast is an absolute augur of college bloodshed amount in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients with astute respiratory failure.
The Civic In-patient Sample (NIS) for the years 2004–2010 was acclimated for the present study. The NIS is the bigger all-payer in-patient database in the United States. It is a allotment of the Healthcare Amount and Appliance Project sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare Assay and Quality.22 The sampling anatomy of NIS is based on hospital area (rural or urban), hospital geographic region, bed admeasurement of hospital, teaching cachet and ownership/control. NIS provides acquittal admonition on abutting to 40 actor hospitalizations, which approximates to 97% of all hospital discharges occurring in the United States annually. A aggregation of abstracts elements including primary and accessory diagnoses, comorbidity measures, procedures performed during hospitalization, acquittal cachet of patients, accommodating demographic admonition (including age, gender, chase and allowance status), blazon of acceptance (elective or emergency/urgent), assay accuse and breadth of break in hospital are accessible in the NIS.
The present abstraction was absolved of Institutional Review Board approval by the University Hospitals Case Medical Centermost Institutional Review Board. We completed a data-user acceding with Healthcare Amount and Appliance Project-Agency for Healthcare Assay and Affection and acquired the NIS abstracts sets. According to the data-user agreement, alone table corpuscle counts of 10 or lower cannot be presented to bottle accommodating confidentiality. Consequently, these abstracts were not appear in our abstraction and are represented by the appellation DS, for acquittal admonition suppressed.
All hospitalizations that had an SCT action and developed respiratory abortion during the assay were called for analysis. The All-embracing Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Analytic Modification (ICD-9-CM) procedural codes acclimated to analyze SCT procedures included BM transplant: not defined (ICD-9-CM action cipher of 41.00), autologous BM displace afterwards ablution (41.01), allogeneic BM displace with ablution (41.02), allogeneic BM displace afterwards ablution (41.03), autologous hematopoietic arbor corpuscle displace afterwards ablution (41.04), allogeneic hematopoietic arbor corpuscle displace afterwards ablution (41.05), bond claret arbor corpuscle displace (41.06), autologous hematopoietic arbor corpuscle displace with ablution (41.07), allogeneic hematopoietic arbor corpuscle displace (41.08) and autologous BM displace with ablution (41.09). The ICD-9-CM assay codes acclimated to analyze respiratory abortion included astute respiratory abortion (ICD-9-CM assay cipher of 518.81), pulmonary dearth (acute respiratory distress, astute respiratory dearth or developed respiratory ache syndrome) (518.82), astute on abiding respiratory abortion (518.84), respiratory ache or dearth (786.09) and respiratory arrest (799.1) (Table 1).
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Preparing for ICD-10 While Living in ICD-9 (2013 Compliance Institute… | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure[/caption]
The primary aftereffect variables of absorption in the accepted abstraction were in-hospital mortality, assay accuse and hospital breadth of stay. All assay accuse were adapted to year 2010 US dollar ethics application the hospital affliction aggrandizement ante acquired from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.23 The NIS provides admonition on disposition cachet of accommodating afterward hospitalization. Afterward hospitalization, anniversary accommodating is assigned a disposition status, which includes accepted acquittal from hospital, alteration to accession concise hospital, alteration to a abiding affliction facility, absolved adjoin medical advice, acquittal to home bloom care, died in hospital while ability assay and absolved alive, but destination is unknown. In the accepted study, we acclimated the disposition cachet capricious to appraise hospital mortality. In the accepted study, hospital bloodshed refers to afterlife in the hospital while ability treatment.
The capital absolute variables of absorption were achievement of connected invasive automated blast and/or noninvasive automated ventilation. The ICD-9-CM action codes acclimated to analyze these procedures during assay were connected invasive automated ventilation-unspecified continuance (ICD-9-CM action cipher of 96.70), connected invasive automated blast for <96 h (96.71), connected invasive automated blast 96 h (96.72) and noninvasive automated blast (93.90). The demographic variables advised included sex, race, blazon of admission, allowance cachet and comorbid burden. The NIS comorbid severity files were acclimated to appraisal the comorbid burden. The NIS severity files appraise 29 altered comorbid altitude including AIDS, booze abuse, absence anemias, rheumatoid arthritis/collage vascular diseases, abiding claret accident anemia, congestive affection failure, abiding pulmonary disease, coagulopathy, depression, apprehensible diabetes, diabetes with abiding complications, biologic abuse, hypertension, alarmist disease, lymphoma, aqueous and electrolyte disorders, metastatic cancer, acoustic disorders, obesity, paralysis, borderline vascular disorders, psychoses, pulmonary apportionment disorders, renal failure, solid bump afterwards metastasis, comestible abscess ache excluding bleeding, valvular ache and weight loss. The accident of anniversary of these altitude was summed to compute the comorbid burden.
The affiliation amid in-hospital bloodshed and connected invasive automated blast and noninvasive automated blast was advised by a multivariable logistic corruption model. Allowance ratios and 95% aplomb intervals were computed in the logistic corruption model. Multivariable beeline corruption models were acclimated for hospital accuse and breadth of break in hospital. As assay accuse and breadth of break abstracts were skewed, these were log adapted and acclimated as abased variables in the corruption models. The furnishings of age, sex, race, allowance status, blazon of transplantation, comorbid burden, year of hospitalization, hospital-teaching status, hospital arena and hospital bed admeasurement were adapted in the multivariable corruption models. Taylor linearization acclimation was acclimated to fit the corruption models. Hospital degree was acclimated as the stratification variable. The assemblage of assay was anniversary alone hospitalization. The furnishings of absorption of outcomes were adapted in the corruption models. All statistical tests were alternate and a P-value of <0.05 was accounted to be statistically significant. Statistical analyses were conducted application SAS Version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) and SUDAAN Version 10.0.1 (Research Triangle Institute, Durham, NC, USA) software.
During the abstraction aeon (year 2004–2010), the anniversary cardinal of arbor corpuscle displace hospitalizations gradually added (except in year 2006) to a absolute of 101 462 hospitalizations. In addition, the allotment of arbor corpuscle displace hospitalizations that developed astute respiratory distress/failure additionally added from 5.1% in 2004 to 7% in 2010 (Figure 1). Our final abstraction accomplice included 6074 hospitalizations that had an SCT action and developed astute respiratory distress/failure.
Outcomes of arbor corpuscle displace hospitalizations with astute respiratory failure. The larboard vertical arbor and band plots represent the cardinal of hospitalizations due to SCT (black circles), the cardinal of hospitalizations that resulted in astute respiratory abortion (white circles) and the cardinal of deaths in hospitalizations for astute respiratory abortion (black triangles) over the beforehand of the abstraction period. The appropriate vertical arbor and confined represent the allotment of patients with SCT who developed astute respiratory abortion for anniversary abstraction year and the admeasurement of survivors (gray segment) to non-survivors (white segment).
Of these 6074 hospitalizations, astute respiratory abortion occurred in 4780 hospitalizations, pulmonary dearth in 668 hospitalizations, astute on abiding respiratory abortion in 109 hospitalizations, respiratory distress/insufficiency in 521 hospitalizations and respiratory arrest in 52 hospitalizations. The characteristics of the abstraction accomplice are abbreviated in Table 2. The beggarly age was 40 years (median: 46 years). Males comprised 55.2% of hospitalizations. Whites comprised 73.8% of hospitalizations. Abutting to 73% of all hospitalizations occurred on an constituent basis. The primary payers included Medicare (15%), Medicaid (18.9%), clandestine allowance affairs (60.4%) and added allowance affairs (4.4%). The uninsured comprised 1.3% of hospitalizations; 87.3% of hospitalizations had a above-mentioned comorbid condition. The majority of hospitalizations (96.9%) took abode in teaching hospitals. Autologous transplantation was performed in 1987 (32.7%) of hospitalizations, allogeneic transplantation in 3467 (57.1%) and bond claret transplantation in 655 (10.8%). The blazon of transplantation was not defined in 25 (0.4%) of hospitalizations. Altered types of SCT are declared in Table 3. Eighty hospitalizations had two types of transplantations.
Among these 6074 hospitalizations, 1038 (17.1%) had connected invasive automated blast of <96 h, 2494 (41.1%) had connected invasive automated blast of 96 h and 62 (1%) had connected invasive automated ventilations of both <96 and 96 h during the break in hospital. Noninvasive automated blast was performed in 387 hospitalizations (6.4%). Of these 387 hospitalizations, 76 eventually bare connected invasive automated blast of <96 h, 148 bare connected invasive automated blast of 96 h and 15 bare both <96 and 96 h.
A absolute of 3075 patients died in hospital (50.6% in-hospital bloodshed rate) (Table 4). The in-hospital bloodshed ante were 60.6% amid those with connected invasive automated blast for <96 h, 66.5% amid those with connected invasive automated blast of 96 h, 38.1% amid those with both <96 and 96 h and 55.1% amid those who had noninvasive automated ventilation. In-hospital bloodshed amount amid those afterwards connected invasive automated blast was 30.5%. The after-effects of the multivariable logistic corruption assay analytical the affiliation amid types of automated blast and in-hospital bloodshed are abbreviated in Table 5. Afterward acclimation for furnishings of age, sex, race, comorbid burden, allowance status, allogeneic transplantation, blazon of admission, year of hospitalization, teaching cachet of hospital, bed admeasurement and hospital region, those who had connected invasive automated blast of <96 h were associated with an added allowance for in-hospital bloodshed (odds ratio=3.42, P<0.0001) compared with those who did not accept invasive automated ventilation. Those who had connected invasive automated blast for 96 h were associated with a college allowance for in-hospital bloodshed (odds ratio=4.61) compared with those afterwards connected invasive automated ventilation.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Preparing for ICD-10 While Living in ICD-9 (2013 Compliance Institute… | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure[/caption]
The all-embracing beggarly assay allegation was $620 765 and the absolute assay accuse for the absolute accomplice of hospitalizations was $3.34 billion. The beggarly accuse were $484 434 amid those with connected invasive automated blast of <96 h (total assay accuse for this accomplice was $490.6 million), $762 515 amid those with connected automated blast 96 h (total assay accuse for this accomplice was $1.54 billion), $916 415 amid those who had connected invasive automated blast of both <96 and 96 h continuance (total assay accuse for this accomplice was $44.8 million) and $658 420 amid those who had noninvasive automated blast (total assay accuse for this accomplice was $235 million) (Table 4). The beggarly accuse were $549 710 for those who did not accept connected invasive automated blast (total assay accuse for this accomplice was $1.26 billion). The after-effects of the multivariable beeline corruption assay analytical the affiliation amid types of automated blast and assay accuse are abbreviated in Table 6. Afterward acclimation for accommodating and hospital akin factors, those with connected invasive automated 96 h had a beggarly balance allegation of $304 474 (P<0.0001) compared with those who did not accept connected invasive automated ventilation. Those who had both <96 and 96 h of connected invasive automated blast were associated with a beggarly $360 117 (P=0.003) balance allegation compared with those who did not accept connected invasive automated ventilation.
The all-embracing beggarly breadth of break in hospital was 52.9 days. The beggarly lengths of break were 37.3 canicule amid those with connected invasive automated blast of <96 h, 61.5 canicule amid those with connected automated blast 96 h, 71.1 canicule amid those who had connected invasive automated blast of both <96 h and 96 h continuance and 56.5 canicule amid those who had noninvasive automated blast (Table 4). The after-effects of the multivariable beeline corruption assay analytical the affiliation amid types of automated blast and lengths of break are abbreviated in Table 7. Afterward acclimation for accommodating and hospital akin factors, those with connected invasive automated blast of <96 h were associated with beggarly decreased breadth of break of 12.7 canicule (P<0.0001) compared with those who did not accept invasive automated ventilation. Those with connected invasive automated 96 h had a beggarly balance breadth of break of 13 canicule (P<0.0001) compared with those who did not accept connected invasive automated ventilation. Those who had both <96 and 96 h of connected invasive automated blast were associated with a beggarly balance breadth of break of 19.7 canicule (P=0.02) compared with those who did not accept connected invasive automated ventilation. Those who had noninvasive automated blast were associated with 7.5 canicule (P=0.006) beggarly balance breadth of break compared with those who did not accept noninvasive automated ventilation.
Wide about-face in outcomes are appear for BM displace patients who beforehand respiratory abortion defective automated ventilation, but such letters are bound by distinct centermost experiences, lower numbers, specific types of transplantation and almost beforehand data.17, 18, 19, 20,24, 25, 26 Accepted civic estimates and ability appliance are unknown. Application the bigger all-payer in-patient database in United States, we appearance that the all-embracing prevalence of astute respiratory distress/failure in all ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients is 6%. In addition, a bit-by-bit annual acceptance in the prevalence of astute respiratory abortion in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients was observed. The all-embracing in-hospital bloodshed amount for ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients with astute respiratory abortion was 50%. Afterwards adjusting for a aggregation of accommodating and hospital akin factors, any charge for invasive automated blast in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients with respiratory abortion was associated with worse outcomes. Specifically, we appearance that continuance of invasive automated blast (96 h) is an absolute augur of college in-hospital mortality.
Prior studies accept apparent that about 40% of BM displace recipients beforehand one or added complications that necessitate ICU care, with respiratory abortion actuality the best accepted cause,19,24,25,27 and of these at atomic 25–75% eventually charge chase support.19,20,26 In addition, above-mentioned studies acknowledge that BM displace recipients with respiratory ache defective ICU affliction but not automated blast accept a bloodshed amount of about 20%. In the present study, we address a 30% in-hospital bloodshed amount for those who did not abide automated ventilation. The college bloodshed could be due to factors such as sepsis, GVHD alarmist failure, cardiac dysfunction, renal dearth or added multiorgan dysfunction, or patient’s beforehand charge of a ‘do not intubate’ or ‘do not attack resuscitation’ status. Noninvasive automated blast (bi-level absolute airway accountability or connected absolute airway pressure) is an another administration action for respiratory ache in blight patients.14 In one accurate abstraction of noninvasive blast in oncologic patients, 13 of 23 (57%) patients were auspiciously accurate and absolved alive.28 In the present study, the bloodshed amount was 55% for noninvasive automated blast group; however, back this accumulation was compared with those who did not accept noninvasive automated ventilation, statistical acceptation was not accomplished afterwards adjusting for accepted abashing factors. The role of aboriginal noninvasive automated blast claim added research.
African Americans and Hispanics were associated with college allowance of in-hospital bloodshed in our study. The aftereffect of age on bloodshed was marginal, a 1% acceptance in accident with anniversary accretion year. Further, gender, blazon of acceptance (elective vs emergent), allowance status, year of assay and added hospital characteristics did not acceptance the in-hospital mortality, apparently suggesting that the charge for automated blast is an important augur of outcomes.
Duration of automated blast has been advised an ambiguous augur of outcomes.19,20,29,30 In our study, we appearance that 96 h of invasive automated blast is associated with the accomplished allowance of in-hospital mortality, hospital accuse and breadth of stay. Abiding automated blast (96 h) may advance astringent respiratory failure, the abridgement of able acknowledgment to accepted chase assay or multifactorial issues that may adumbrate poor outcomes.
In the present study, the blazon of affix (autologous vs allogeneic) did not acceptance the mortality. This may advance that, although GVHD is a accident agency for respiratory failure, it may not adumbrate college accident of mortality. However, added empiric affirmation is bare to abutment this hypothesis.
It is accepted that abiding automated blast is associated with best lengths of break and hospital costs.31,32 In the present study, patients who had <96 h invasive automated blast had lower hospital accuse and breadth of break compared with those who did not accept automated ventilation, which can be explained by almost college bloodshed in that group. It is absorbing to agenda that allogeneic recipients with respiratory abortion had college accuse and breadth of break compared with autologous and bond corpuscle displace patients. One accessible account could be the development of complications such as GVHD in this allogeneic population. Constituent admissions had accepted lower breadth of break compared with urgent/emergent admissions, suggesting either lower severity of affliction or beforehand diagnosis/management of illness. Noninvasive automated blast did not acceptance the in-hospital bloodshed or hospital charges, although it was associated with lower breadth of stay. Added studies are bare to arm-twist the appulse of noninvasive automated blast on outcomes in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients with respiratory distress.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="230"]ICD-10-CM Code J96.01 - Acute respiratory failure with hypoxia | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure[/caption]
To our knowledge, this is the bigger accomplice of arbor corpuscle displace hospitalizations in whom the prevalence of respiratory distress/failure was estimated. The civic sample is added adumbrative of practices above assertive distinct centermost adventures and appropriately the after-effects may be added generalizable.
There are limitations to our study. These arbor abundantly from the attributes of our abstraction architecture and use of ample accessory hospital acquittal abstracts sets. The attendant attributes of the abstraction precludes us from cartoon account and aftereffect relationships; however, the associations apparent in this abstraction are constant with above-mentioned distinct centermost experiences, and are acceptable cogitating of accurate outcomes. As in any ample authoritative abstracts set, announcement and coding inaccuracies are possible; nevertheless, added than 1000 publications to date accept accurate the account of this accurate population-based ample abstracts set.22 It is acceptable that coding practices alter amid and aural hospitals. Any analytical variations in coding patterns could crop biased estimates. The present abstraction included alone assay outcomes. We were clumsy to appraise post-discharge outcomes because of the abridgement of admonition on these variables. It would be absorbing to appraise the appulse of continuance of automated blast on actual and abiding post-discharge outcomes. Abridgement of availability of these abstracts elements precluded us from analytical the same. The hospital accuse advised in the present abstraction included alone those levied by the hospitals. Assertive medication costs, accident of abundance and added aberrant costs associated with the hospitalizations were not examined. Consequently, the bread-and-butter outcomes presented in the accepted abstraction are acceptable to be underestimates of the accurate bread-and-butter accountability associated with these hospitalizations. Admonition on behavior variables such as comestible habits, smoker history and added pertinent factors was not accessible in the NIS abstracts set. Consequently, our accident acclimation was bound to the variables present in the abstracts set. Attributable to this, we should not abatement the achievability of bare capricious bias.
In addition, the attributes of the abstracts set precluded us from assessing the appulse of severity of primary respiratory affliction and added agency dysfunction on outcomes (SOFA (sequential agency abortion assessment), SAPS (simplified astute assay score), LOD (logistic agency dysfunction score), PRISM (Pediatric RISk of Mortality), etc.) attributable to the abridgement of assertive accommodating akin physiologic and biologic variables. Assertive accepted predictors of outcomes such as time breach from arbor corpuscle displace to acceptance (<30 days, 30 days) and corticosteroid assay were not accounted for in this study. Finally, our abstraction looked at all hospitalizations, not alone patients (lack of accommodating identifiers), and appropriately readmissions were not identified.
Indications for SCT are expanding, and with an accretion appliance of such casework worldwide, there is an added accent on the accouterment of cost-effective affliction that is sustainable. Although amount capability of hematopoietic corpuscle transplantation has been described,33 such perspectives await on distinct academy experiences. Identifying the agent of hospital accuse in big-ticket procedures such as SCT is the aboriginal footfall in amount containment. Above-mentioned research34 has apparent that SCT patients transferred to the ICU had accuse 68% greater than non-ICU patients and those patients who died of transplant-related toxicity afore day 100 had hospital accuse that were 83% greater than those who survived above day 100. The best accepted account of medical ICU acceptance is respiratory distress. In the present study, we call the economics and outcomes associated with the use of automated blast in arbor corpuscle displace patients application a ample nationalized database. Although the present abstraction reveals that the in-hospital bloodshed and hospital ability appliance are abundant in this cohort, it provides opportunities for afterpiece assay of medical practices with the aim of abbreviation inefficiencies while attention affection of care. The factors that ability be accidental to respiratory abortion accommodate added appliance of SCT in patients with assorted comorbidities. Above-mentioned research35, 36, 37, 38 has apparent that assertive factors such as ache cachet and comorbidity basis may affect non-relapse bloodshed and survival, and appropriately may charge to be anxiously considered. One such archetype would be assessing the appulse of alive smoker cachet (and associated lung altitude such as abiding adverse pulmonary disease) in patients who are arbor corpuscle displace recipients. Unfortunately, smoker cachet is not accessible in the NIS abstracts set, which precludes us from adjusting for this aftereffect in our abstraction and should be the focus in approaching studies. Identification of factors that activate to respiratory abortion in this citizenry is of ascendant importance, abnormally accustomed the bloodshed and the economics associated with it. Interestingly, in the present study, constant with added studies39,40 anniversary one assemblage acceptance in comorbid accountability did not statistically acceptance the in-hospital mortality, breadth of break or hospital charges. The circuitous accord amid comorbidity and development of respiratory abortion in this citizenry claim added research.
Cost-effective approaches would accommodate but not be bound to aboriginal assay and advancing administration of any respiratory symptoms; optimal and aboriginal appliance of noninvasive automated ventilation; evidence-based acceptance accumulation accepted accurate chase strategies, including optimizing pulmonary toileting and accommodating accession (for example, prone); aboriginal barometer to transplantation centers; multidisciplinary acceptance to accommodating care; optimizing timing of analytic procedures such as bronchoscopies; and allusive capability of assorted transplantation modalities. Finally, there is a charge to bigger accept the costs associated with abiding chase up of SCT survivors of respiratory distress.
In conclusion, in this ample accomplice of ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients, astute respiratory distress/failure is not an aberrant presentation. Any charge for invasive automated blast was associated with a college bloodshed in ailing arbor corpuscle displace patients with respiratory failure. Bloodshed was accomplished in those defective the invasive automated blast for 96 h. In-hospital ability appliance of mechanically aerial arbor corpuscle displace patients was significant.
The authors acknowledge no battle of interest.
No grants or allotment acquired for this study.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="315"]SCCM | Introducing ICD-10 | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure[/caption]
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="702"]American Thoracic Society - ICD-10 for Pediatric Pulmonologists | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Preparing for ICD-10 While Living in ICD-9 (2013 Compliance Institute… | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure
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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="638"]Preparing for ICD-10 While Living in ICD-9 (2013 Compliance Institute… | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="960"]1 UHS, Inc. ICD-10-CM/PCS Physician Education Pulmonology and ... | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure
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[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="960"]ICD 10 Documentation Specialty Introduction - ppt video online ... | icd 10 code for acute hypoxic respiratory failure