fallout 4 graphics mod
After years of development, Fallout 4 is now accessible on PC and consoles. But some players accept been underwhelmed by its graphics.
Much to the joy of PC players everywhere, one such amateur set about creating a mod that touches up the game's graphics.
The Enhanced Boscage Preset, the pet activity of a modder alleged Razed, improves Fallout 4's lighting and textures. It appears to be beneath than one megabyte in size.
In the mod's description, Razed wrote, "The ambition of this preset was to hardly add added vibrance to the boscage ambiance in Fallout 4 and accomplish it arise beneath done out. There is additionally acceptance of added settings that I anticipate accomplish the bold attending better."
Fallout 4 is now accessible on PC and consoles.
Take a attending at what the Enhanced Boscage Preset looks like in the bivouac below.
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