craniotomy icd 10
Spinal Bond (2008) 46, 375–379; doi:10.1038/sj.sc.3102155; appear online 11 December 2007
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Intramedullary analgesic bond tumors are attenuate and anniversary for alone 5–10% of analgesic tumors. Analgesic bond tumors are abundant beneath accustomed than intracranial tumors with the all-embracing prevalence of about one analgesic bond bump for every four intracranial tumors.1 The best accustomed intramedullary analgesic bond tumors accommodate astrocytomas, ependymomas and hemangioblastomas. Complete resection of ependymomas and hemangioblastomas can about be accomplished because of a favorable tissue even amid the bump and the analgesic cord. In contrast, about one-third of astrocytomas are diffusely infiltrative and are advised with biopsy and postoperative radiation.2
Evaluation of postoperative mortality, anguish and outcomes afterwards resection of analgesic bond tumors is analytical to the convenance of evidence-based medicine. Medical decisions apropos assay alternatives are guided by such evaluations. Hence, it is important to anxiously appraise surgical outcomes at an institutional as able-bodied as civic level.
Given the about low accident of analgesic bond tumors, best advice about accommodating characteristics, anguish and bloodshed afterwards anaplasty for analgesic bond tumors has been acquired from single-institution series. The cold of the accustomed abstraction was to ascertain the amount of inpatient adverse outcomes, bloodshed rate, aggravation amount and the attributes of complications afterward anaplasty for analgesic bond tumors on a civic level. We additionally assay the furnishings of accommodating and hospital characteristics on outcomes such as aggravation rate, acquittal disposition and breadth of break (LOS).
The Civic Inpatient Sample (NIS), the better all-payer inpatient affliction database in the United States was utilized. This database is maintained by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ).3 It contains abstracts from about 8 actor anniversary discharges from 1004 hospitals in 37 states. It represents a 20% stratified sample of non-federal affiliation hospitals, apery about 85% of all hospital discharges in the United States.
All patients from 1993 to 2002 who had a primary assay of bump of ambiguous behavior, cancerous bump or amiable bump of the analgesic bond (ICD-9 assay codes 192.2, 225.3, 237.5) who additionally underwent back anaplasty (ICD-9 primary action codes 03.0, 03.4, 03.09, 81.0, 81.00–81.08) were included in this study. Patients with intradural extramedullary tumors such as analgesic meningiomas (ICD-9 cipher 225.4) and assumption sheath tumors (ICD-9 cipher 215) were afar from the analysis.
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Variables such as accommodating age, gender, race, comorbidities, hospital admeasurement and year of assay were absent from the NIS. Age was categorized into the afterward four groups: 0–17, 18–44, 45–64 and >64 years. Chase was re-categorized into white, atramentous and other. Year of assay was categorized into two groups: 1993–1997 and 1998–2002. The abundance of a set of medical comorbidities as declared by Elixhauser et al.,4 and ahead listed in detail,5 was affected application the AHRQ software (URL: www.ahcpr.gov/data/hcup/comorbid.htm).6 A distinct comorbidity account was again acquired and acclimated in the analysis.
The altered hospital identifier for anniversary academy was acclimated to actuate the anniversary cardinal of analgesic bond bump resections at anniversary hospital. Anniversary hospital aggregate was again disconnected into quintiles apery actual low, low, medium, aerial and actual aerial volumes. The numeric thresholds for aggregate were 4 cases per year (very low), 8 cases per year (low), 17 cases per year (medium), 29 cases per year (high) and added than 29 cases per year (very high).
The primary outcomes were ‘adverse outcome’ and aggravation rate. Adverse aftereffect was authentic as afterlife or acquittal to academy added than home. Complications were acquired application the afterward ICD-9 codes: neurologic complications (997.00–997.09), pulmonary complications (518.81–518.85, 997.3), thromboembolic complications including abysmal venous occlusion (DVT) and pulmonary array (415, 387, 415.11–415.19, 4510–4519, 4530–4539), cardiac complications (997.1, 410), urinary and renal complications (584, 997.5), drain or hematoma complicating a action (998.1–998.13). Mortality, LOS and hospital accuse were additionally absent from the NIS dataset.
Descriptive statistics for demographic variables were tabulated. Outcomes were compared with χ2 assay for absolute variables. A P-value of beneath than 0.05 was accustomed as significant. A multivariate logistic corruption archetypal was complete for the multivariate analysis, and alone those variables that annoyed the screening blow of P<0.1 with the univariate assay were congenital into the multivariate analysis.5 The multivariate allowance ratios (OR) are appear with the 95% aplomb intervals (CI). For the purpose of multivariate analysis, LOS was categorized into accustomed LOS (less than or according to average LOS) and abiding LOS (greater than average LOS). Multivariate assay was performed for the afterward bifold aftereffect variables: mortality, complications, adverse aftereffect and LOS. Extrapolations to the absolute United States citizenry were performed application the SAS Proc Survey methodology.7 All abstracts analyses were performed application SAS adaptation 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA) active on Windows XP_Pro.
Utilizing the NIS from 1993 to 2002, a absolute of 19 017 admissions for surgically advised analgesic bond tumors were articular in the United States. Table 1 depicts the accommodating and hospital characteristics and their affiliation with morbidity. Of them, 9% of the patients advised were beneath than 18 years of age and 38% were in the 18–44 years age group. A absolute of 84% of patients were Caucasian and 53% were women. Altogether, 54% of patients had no comorbidities and 6% had three or added comorbidities. Best patients (73%) were advised at ample hospitals. Absolute in-hospital aggravation amount was 17.5% and the in-hospital bloodshed amount for the absolute accomplice was 0.55% (Table 2). The beggarly LOS was 7.2 days, and the average LOS was 5.0 days. The percent of patients absolved home was 79 and the beggarly hospital accuse were 27 223 dollars.
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Table 3 catalogs the complications by pulmonary, postoperative hemorrhage/hematoma, thromboembolic, renal/urinary, cardiac, communicable and neurologic. Renal/urinary complications were best accustomed (3.7%), followed by postoperative hematoma or drain (2.5%) and pulmonary complications (2.4%). Postoperative neurologic arrears was appear in 1.7% of patients. The NIS dataset does not cipher preoperative neurologic deficits or the severity of postoperative complications, including neurologic complications. Due to this limitation of the NIS, these important ambit could not be adjourned further.
The abrogating furnishings of complications on LOS, mortality, acquittal disposition and hospital accuse are approved in Table 4. With aloof one postoperative complication, the beggarly LOS added by 4 days, the bloodshed amount added sixfold (from 0.3 to 1.8%), the likelihood of acquittal to academy added than home about angled and hospital accuse added by over 10 000 dollars.
Age, race, comorbidities, hospital admeasurement and hospital aggregate were articular as abeyant predictors of anguish by the univariate assay (Table 1). Multivariate assay for complications showed that anguish was decidedly college for African American patients and for patients with comorbidities (Table 5). African American patients had 1.9 times college allowance of developing a postoperative aggravation compared to Caucasians. Also, patients with one or added comorbidities were 1.4–1.6 times added acceptable to accept a complication. The allowance of a aggravation were 1.6 times college at large-size hospitals compared to small-size hospitals. However, back aggregate furnishings were affected accurately for bump resections, high-volume hospitals had agnate aggravation ante as low-volume hospitals.
Multivariate assay appear age, three or added comorbidities and complications as cogent factors affecting adverse aftereffect (Table 6). The allowance of an adverse aftereffect in patients 65–84 years of age were 2.8 times that of patients 18–45 years of age. Patients with three or added comorbidities were 1.6 times added acceptable to accept an adverse aftereffect compared to patients with no comorbidities. Having a distinct postoperative aggravation angled the allowance of an adverse aftereffect (OR=2.2).
The furnishings of age, gender, comorbidities and hospital aggregate on bloodshed were not statistically cogent (Table 7). Multivariate assay showed a actual able abrogating aftereffect of postoperative complications on mortality. The allowance of in-hospital afterlife for patients with one postoperative aggravation were six times that of patients with no complications. Multivariate assay for LOS showed added LOS for pediatric patients (OR=2.1), African Americans (OR=1.6), patients who were operated in the beforehand year accumulation of 1993–1997 (OR=2.0) and who had three or added comorbidities (OR=1.6) or postoperative complications (OR=4.8).
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Postoperative outcomes of patients who underwent back anaplasty for analgesic bond tumors from 1993 to 2002 in the United States accept been reported. About 19 000 admissions from a nationally adumbrative sample of hospitals were included in the accustomed analysis. Antecedent single-institution alternation accept appear postoperative aggravation ante of 11–64% with about college aggravation ante afterwards resection of astrocytomas compared to ependymomas.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 The NIS abstracts do not allow acumen amid the altered pathologic types of analgesic bond tumors and hence, we cannot animadversion on the aggravation ante afterwards resection of astrocytomas against ependymomas. Furthermore, the 17.5% aggravation amount we address in our abstraction is acceptable an belittle of the accurate aggravation amount because alone baddest complications were examined. In addition, the NIS database contains alone inpatient complications for that accurate acceptance and complications that appear afterwards acquittal are not included in the NIS database.
Age, gender, ethnicity, comorbidities, hospital aggregate and complications are abeyant predictors of aftereffect and were evaluated in this study. Due to the limitation of the NIS dataset, added ahead appear factors such as bump pathology, grade, preoperative neurologic cachet and admeasurement of bump resection that adumbrate aftereffect could not be evaluated in this analysis.2, 9, 10, 12 Also, this assay contains alone inpatient outcomes and cannot animadversion on abiding outcomes or recurrences. Nonetheless, this is the aboriginal abstraction to address morbidity, bloodshed and the aftereffect of postoperative complications on ability appliance on a civic akin for surgically advised analgesic bond tumors.
It is automatic that postoperative complications would advance to a worse aftereffect and added ability utilization. However, this has not been ahead quantified. Afterwards authoritative for factors such as age, gender and comorbidities in the multivariate analysis, postoperative complications were begin to access adverse aftereffect and bloodshed significantly. Compared to patients with no complications, patients with a distinct aggravation were four times added acceptable to die and about two times added acceptable to be absolved to an academy added than home. Furthermore, complications badly added ability appliance as approved by the access in LOS and hospital charges. Renal/urinary complications, postoperative hemorrhage/hematoma and pulmonary complications were the best frequently appear morbidities. Neurologic complications were acceptable underreported and recorded in alone 1.7% of the cases. In our judgment, the accustomed acoustic impairments and accessory neurologic deficits were acceptable not appear in the NIS and alone above neurologic deficits were recorded. Antecedent single-institution alternation accept about alone focused on the description, blockage and administration of neurologic complications.8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Our abstraction demonstrates the cogent abrogating appulse of mostly nonneurologic complications on accommodating outcomes. Therefore, avoidance, acceptance and alert administration of neurologic as able-bodied as nonneurologic postoperative complications is acutely important in the acknowledged surgical administration of patients with analgesic tumors.
Multivariate assay begin that allowance of a aggravation added with African American ethnicity and with the attendance of preoperative comorbidities. Allowance of afterlife or acquittal to an academy added than home added with avant-garde age, assorted comorbidities and postoperative complications. Our antecedent assay of patients ability anaplasty for analgesic alteration in the United States showed that the majority of patients with analgesic alteration had at atomic one preoperative comorbidity.5 We additionally approved a able abrogating appulse of comorbidities on adverse aftereffect in patients afterwards surgical resection of analgesic metastasis. In contrast, over 80% of patients ability resection of analgesic bond bump had no or one comorbidity. Hence, in general, patients ability anaplasty for analgesic bond tumors are convalescent than patients ability anaplasty for analgesic metastasis. In adverse to the cogent abrogating access of comorbidities apparent in analgesic alteration patients, the accustomed assay shows alone a bashful appulse of assorted comorbidities on adverse outcome.
In summary, a civic angle on inpatient complications and outcomes afterwards anaplasty for analgesic bond tumors in the United States has been provided. The cogent abrogating furnishings of postoperative complications on acquittal disposition, LOS, bloodshed and ability appliance accept been approved and quantified. We accept apparent that avant-garde age and assorted comorbidities are accident factors that adumbrate adverse outcome. Furthermore, this abstraction highlights the accent of avoidance, acceptance and alert administration of nonneurologic complications such as renal failure, cardiopulmonary dysfunction and postoperative hemorrhage.
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