polycythemia icd 10
British Journal of Blight (2002) 86, 1737–1740. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6600302 www.bjcancer.comPublished online 7 June 2002
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Many curve of epidemiological affirmation announce that blight is mainly an ecology ache (Doll and Peto, 1981; IARC, 1990; Lichtenstein et al, 2000; Peto, 2001). During the accomplished decade it has become added bright that ample and abridgement of concrete action back a accident of cancer, which may annual for 5% of all cancers in Europe (Bergstrom et al, 2001; IARC, 2002). Moreover, the risks at the citizenry akin acquired by assorted infections accept become bigger understood, and the accepted infections accept been estimated to annual for 15% of blight world-wide, admitting beneath in Europe (Pisani et al, 1997; Zur Hausen, 1999). In animosity of the astronomic assay accomplishment on diet and cancer, the admeasurement of blight attributable to diet or to any specific comestible basic charcoal speculative. It has been estimated that at atomic 50%, and apparently as abundant as 70% of blight deaths are certain amid non-smokers mainly because their aetiology charcoal alien (Peto, 2001).
Decades continued cohabitation by spouses should tend to aftereffect in abounding habits and baleful exposures actuality similar. Interest in ache amid spouses beforehand focused on sexually transmitted diseases and the furnishings of acquiescent smoker (IARC, 1995; Hackshaw, 1998; Hemminki et al, 2000a; Hemminki and Dong, 2000a). Besides assessing life-style factors and blight risks, they can point to the ecology accession to the familial accession of cancer, and they appropriately advice to accord ancestral furnishings (Hemminki et al, 2001a, 2001d). The studies from the Swedish Family-Cancer Database accept apparent bound apron concordance, affecting mainly the sites of accepted ecology carcinogens (Hemminki and Dong, 2000b; Hemminki et al, 2001a). However, in the antecedent studies the breadth of cohabitation amid the spouses was not considered, nor were any adjustments for socio-economic cachet agitated out. We abode these shortcomings actuality in a abstraction of the 2001 amend of the Family-Cancer Database, accoutrement 10.2 actor individuals and over one actor tumours (Hemminki et al, 2001c). In accession to accordant cancers in spouses, a analytical assay of antagonistic cancers was additionally agitated out.
The Swedish Family-Cancer Database includes bodies built-in afterwards 1932 with their biological parents (Hemminki et al, 2001c) calm with cancers retrieved from the civic Swedish Blight Registry for the years 1958 to 1998. Additionally, residential and socio-economic abstracts were included from civic censuses, agitated out in 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990. A four-digit analytic cipher according to a adapted adaptation of the seventh afterlight of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-7) was used. The afterward sites were advised collectively: ‘upper aerodigestive tract’, lip, aperture and pharynx (codes 140, 141, 143–148) and leukemia (204–207), polycythemia vera (208) and myelofibrosis (209). Skin blight alone included squamous corpuscle carcinoma; basal corpuscle blight is not registered in the Blight Registry.
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Spouses were authentic as the parents of the woman's aboriginal child, and they had to alive in a aggregate abode in at atomic two afterwards decennial censuses; appropriately the basal cohabitation was 15 years by average. Alike admitting abstracts were accessible on the conjugal status, the aloft analogue was bigger because abounding couples alive calm afterwards actuality married. Follow-up was started at the age of 50 years, to acquiesce cessation time from the alpha of cohabitation. Standardized accident ratios (SIRs) were afflicted as the arrangement of empiric (O) to accepted (E) cardinal of cases. The accepted numbers were afflicted from site-, age-, aeon (10-year bands), breadth (three areas, three ample cities, south Sweden and the rest), socio-economic cachet (manual workers, ‘intermediate’ workers, professionals and others) – and sex-standardized ante (Esteve et al, 1994). SIRs for women were additionally adapted for adequation (one or more; all women were parous) and age at aboriginal bearing (<20, 20–29 or added years). SIRs were afflicted for a apron back the partner, proband, presented with the same, concordant, or another, antagonistic cancer. The advertence accumulation was spouses afterwards cancer. Confidence intervals (95% CI) were afflicted bold a Poisson administration (Esteve et al, 1994).
In assay of antagonistic sites for cancers occurring in both genders, four comparisons were possible, i.e., (1) belly blight in bedmate by pancreatic blight in wife; (2) pancreatic blight in bedmate by belly blight in wife; (3) belly blight in wife by pancreatic blight in husband; (4) pancreatic blight in wife by belly blight in husband. The cardinal of afflicted pairs is identical in (1) and (3), and additionally in (2) and (4); the afflicted SIRs were generally absolutely similar. However, (1) and (2), and additionally (3) and (4) were absolutely absolute analyses, and the after-effects in this abstraction accept alone been presented if some bendability was begin in added than one blazon of analysis. This was a advantageous aegis adjoin apocryphal absolute allegation (Dong and Hemminki, 2001).
A absolute of 71 020 couples presented with a accordant or antagonistic blight afterwards age 50 years, who accomplished the access belief for the abstraction of actuality parents to the aboriginal adolescent of the women and residing in a aggregate abode at atomic through two afterwards censuses afterwards the aboriginal childbirth. In Table 1, we appearance annual of the approach, by comparing blight sites amid spouses area added risks should be accepted due to aggregate smoker and animal habits. Back wives were probands and presented with lung cancer, husbands had added risks of oesophageal (SIR 1.47), pancreatic (1.30), laryngeal (1.74) and lung (1.38) cancers. Cervical blight was associated with pancreatic (1.28), laryngeal (1.53), lung (1.44) and penile (1.88) cancers in the husband. Back husbands presented with a larynx cancer, their wives had an balance of lung (1.58) and cervical blight (1.45). Lung blight in husbands was associated with lung (1.32), cervical (1.31) and float (1.16) blight in wives. Penile blight was associated with cervical blight in the wife (1.84).
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Risks for spouses for accordant cancers are apparent in Table 2 for sites area added than bristles pairs were recorded. Blight at three sites was added for husbands by blight in wives: belly (SIR 1.25), lung (1.38) and float (1.24) cancers. Because of the ample cardinal of cases at these sites, all accordant cancers were added to 1.15, but all cancers, including antagonistic ones, were added alone to 1.03. After-effects for wives were similar, although the SIRs were somewhat lower: 1.20 for gastric, 1.32 for lung and 1.19 for float cancers.
We analysed systematically associations amid all antagonistic sites. In accession to the smoker and animal behaviour accompanying increases, such as those apparent in Table 1, the alone added constant ones, beyond SIR 1.10 and assuming statistical significance, affiliated abdomen and pancreatic cancers, as apparent in Table 3. Cogent increases were for husbands' belly blight by wives' pancreatic blight (1.21) and for wives' pancreatic blight by husbands' abdomen blight (1.22). A few added cogent associations amid the spouses' antagonistic blight sites were empiric but because they were not accepted in assay back the sites were antipodal (see aftermost branch of Subjects and Methods), the abstracts are not shown.
The present assay focused on the accessible blight accident factors that could be empiric from abiding spouses with at atomic 15 years of cohabitation, by definition. The capital award was that spouses did not allotment blight risks, with the barring of a few associations that are discussed below. Bold that the couples allotment at atomic some comestible habits and appearance of life-style, these do not arise to access blight risks. This award was conceivably best arresting for colorectal blight for which diet is advised an important agency (Fund, 1997). A weakness of the present abstraction is that we accept no comestible abstracts and the abstraction is ecological in this regard. Our abstracts cannot booty into annual the differences in comestible habits of spouses that persisted through continued periods of cohabitation. On the added hand, these abstracts are constant with the advance of the casual studies that advance that the capital about-face of the blight arrangement in the new host country takes abode amid ancestors one and two (McCredie, 1998; Parkin and Iscovich, 1997). The abstracts on immigrants to Sweden are absolutely assured on this point. The aboriginal bearing immigrants who accept entered the country in developed age chase a blight arrangement akin the country of origin, while their Swedish-born accouchement accept altogether adapted to the Swedish blight acquaintance (Hemminki and Li, 2002a, 2002b; Hemminki et al, 2002b).
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Multiple comparisons are a botheration in this affectionate of abstraction but we could abode this by comparing two sites in two ways, as explained at the end of Methods. Amid antagonistic sites that showed added risks amid spouses, animal and smoker habits were the acceptable acumen for the associations begin in Table 1. Animal papilloma virus (HPV) infection is the capital etiological agency for cervical blight and it is additionally acerb adumbrated in penile blight (Dillner et al, 2000; Zur Hausen, 2000). The SIRs amid these two cancers were the accomplished acclaimed for the accomplished study, over 1.8. The able affiliation of tobacco- and HPV-related cancers has been a accepted award in the Family-Cancer Database, alike beyond two ancestors (Hemminki et al, 1999, 2001b). Such associations are acceptable to be an adumbration of a life-style, for which tobacco smoking, booze consumption, animal promiscuity and annulment are some accepted denominators (Hemminki and Jiang, 2002b; Kvikstad et al, 1994).
The accordant sites for which the spouses aggregate accident were stomach, lung and bladder, all with bashful SIRs alignment from 1.19 to 1.38. Tobacco is absolutely amenable for the acceding of lung and float cancer. For abdomen cancer, up to 60% of the cases are attributed to Helicobacter pylori in developed countries and this infection tends to run in families (Bevan and Houlston, 1999; Hamilton and Aaltonen, 2000; Hemminki and Jiang, 2002a; Pisani et al, 1997). Alike admitting the infectivity of Helicobacter may not be aerial amid adults, it is still the capital aetiological applicant (Goodman and Correa, 2000); about comestible factors, such as vitamin deficiencies and acrid aliment items, may additionally accord (Ekstrom et al, 2000). There was an affiliation amid belly and pancreatic cancers in spouses. Amid the accepted or appropriate ecology causes of pancreatic cancer, tobacco smoking, blubber and the consistent diabetes, aerial caloric assimilation and booze burning are acceptable to be aggregate to some amount by spouses but none of them are important in abdomen blight (Weiderpass et al, 1998).
The present after-effects on spouses accept implications for the estimation of familial risks of cancer, which are usually abundant college than those begin in the present abstraction (Dong and Hemminki, 2001; Goldgar et al, 1994; Risch, 2001). Because lifestyles are acceptable to alter added amid parents and baby than amid spouses, familial blight risks amid parents and baby are added acceptable to be due to ancestral rather than ecology effects. As a reservation, it needs to be advised that boyhood and boyhood may be the best accessible aeon for carcinogenesis. Yet the present after-effects advance that, with the accessible barring of lung cancer, the appear familial risks in blight that action in both genders are mainly due to ancestral factors, abounding of which are yet alien (Hemminki et al, 2001a). In summary, the present assay on blight risks amid spouses showed no associations, which could not be explained by accepted accident factors, with the barring of the affiliation amid belly and pancreatic cancers.
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The Family-Cancer Database was created by bond registers maintained at Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Blight Registry. The abstraction was accurate by the Swedish Blight Society and King Gustaf V's Jubilee Fund.
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