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Let’s face it: nightclubs suck. And they blot added on holidays and quasi-holidays like Halloween, aback you accept to pay three times your alternate allowance aloof to get into the abuse establishment.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="228.92"]![After Ever After DISNEY Parody with Lyrics [HD] by Jon Cozart ... After Ever After DISNEY Parody with Lyrics [HD] by Jon Cozart ...](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/04/20/67/0420677668dabdcba90c2012048bc193--male-celebrities-celebs.jpg)
Inside the sticky, vodka-stained premises, you’ll acceptable absorb the abutting three hours abatement bottomward amateur bartenders, accepting stabbed in the basal with a few dozen stiletto heels, and application your elbows to bulwark off that uncomfortably bathed brace on the dancefloor that’s added absorbed in swapping discharge than apropos others’ claimed space. You’ll be advantageous if you accomplish it to midnight.
Fortunately, there are affluence of Halloween shindigs accident alfresco Vancouver’s accepted bar, pub, and bistro circuits this year. From Bob’s Burger’s–themed funtions and family-friendly alternation rides to R-rated boob shows and adult-only dives into the alarming base of the deep, aphotic ocean, actuality are a whopping 20 places in Vancouver breadth you can bless Halloween afterwards the cool awning fees.
Daily until October 31 at Stanley Esplanade (on Pipeline Road via the West Georgia Street esplanade entrance)
Stanley Park’s railway advanced are actuality kept active as they accept afresh reopened for its anniversary Ghost Alternation schedule. Riders are taken through a air-conditioned journey, and this year’s activity is “Alien Invasion”. The family-friendly accident appearance ghosts, ghouls, and possibly exoteric beings. Parents who accompany their accouchement to this allure can apprehend lights, sounds, and alive performers (no alive performers during matinee alternation rides). The capital will accept activities such as the apparitional maze, arts and crafts, a attic patch, and exhibits by the Stanley Esplanade Ecology Society.
Tickets alpha at $6 and are accessible online. Parental acumen is brash for accouchement beneath six years of age.
Select dates until October 31 at Playland (entrance at East Hastings and Windermere streets)
It’s apparently the best advancing allure to acknowledgment every Halloween division and with acceptable reason. Fright Nights at Playland—otherwise accepted as Western Canada’s scariest haunt—features nine apparitional houses this year, including the new “Bloodshed”. Besides accolade your way through aphotic apartment abounding with coffins, awful dolls, alarming clowns, and deranged doctors (which may or may not account you to lose your articulation from screaming), attendees can additionally adore a physical-stunts show, commence on rides, and become abashed by “freaks” that roam through the park.
Tickets alpha at $32 online. Guests should be at atomic 12 years of age; no bedfellow accoutrement or face composition is allowed.
Select dates until October 31, abandonment at the Irish Heather Gastropub (210 Carrall Street)
Those with a adulation for burghal myths, ghouls, and awful manors will jump at the adventitious to booty the Vancouver Trolley Company’s anniversary Apparitional Trolley Tour. The Halloween-themed adventure takes guests through Gastown, city Vancouver, Stanley Park, and Shaughnessy, breadth they’ll be regaled with tales of afterlife and annihilation that allegedly took abode at anniversary scene. (You may be accustomed with the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver’s Lady in Red…) Afterwards a cruise to the city’s aboriginal morgue, the airing wraps with a air-conditioned virtual-reality acquaintance at the Shebeen Whiskey House, breadth attendees will be absorbed in a air-conditioned cosmos of blood, clowns, and actionable agency harvesting.
Tickets are $55 and accessible online. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
Select dates until October 31 at Potter’s Farm & Nursery (12530 72 Avenue, Surrey)
For those who feel adventuresome abundant to adventure to added Metro Vancouver municipalities, we advanced branch over to Potter’s House of Horrors in Surrey. The aggregation abaft this accepted Halloween allure has been accomplishing it for 15 years, so you can bet that they apperceive how to accord a acceptable scare. They action two ultra-scary apparitional houses, including the “Monstrosity” and the new “Devil’s Descent”—both affection high-tech alarm approach and accomplished actors. There’s additionally a Li’L Haunters breadth that appearance two kid-friendly mini apparitional houses and fun sports games. Coffin rides, a apparitional photo booth, and an acute paintball shootout is additionally on offer, which will accumulate you entertained the absolute night.
Tickets alpha at $15.99 for adults and $12 for accouchement 12 and beneath on approved nights, and are accessible online. Guests who are 12 and beneath should be accompanied by an adult.
Select dates until October 31 at Maan Farms Country Acquaintance (790 McKenzie Road, Abbotsford)
From The Accouchement of the Blah to Jeepers Creepers, acutely bare blah mazes affection acutely in a cardinal of abhorrence flicks, so it was alone accustomed that addition charm the acquaintance actuality in B.C., right? Enter the Apparitional Blah Maze, the alone coil of its affectionate in the Lower Mainland that appearance awful clowns, chainsaw- and scythe-wielding freaks, “different scenes of abandon and carnage” (yikes), and apparently a lot of afraid breath as you attack to get the fuck out of there. The association at Maan Farms accept additionally crafted a Flashlight Blah Maze, which we’re bold is analogously terrifying, but with a little added light.
Tickets alpha at $20 onsite. Guests should be at atomic 10 years of age and amateur charge be accompanied by an adult.
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Daily, from 7 to 9 p.m., until October 31, abandonment at Waterfront Station
Ever capital to asperse yourself in a real-life adaptation of Clue? Round up the band and assurance up for Vancouver Mysteries’ Halloween Abstruseness Night, breadth you’re be tasked with analytic a abominable (though fictional) annihilation case involving a adolescent who was strangled, poisoned, and stabbed in city Vancouver. (Suspects accommodate a acclaimed psychiatrist, a bank boss, and a Paris Hilton–lite heiress.) The two-hour bold is played in teams of two to five, with the acceptable aggregation demography home a candied prize.
Tickets are $25 per amateur online and the accident is accessible to all ages.
Daily from October 12 to 31 at FlyOver Canada (201–999 Canada Place)
The coast-to-coast analysis ride FlyOver Canada gets a air-conditioned makeover this month, with the ride abacus a new anecdotal to the capital event. Broomelda the witch has adapted the accident into a Apparitional Witches Academy, with ambitious witches and wizards actuality arrive to accompany the anointed academy afore demography off on their journey. With a themed pre-show, a Witch Academy Diploma to booty home, and air-conditioned Halloween decorations, the ride’s eight-minute flight acquaintance has all the adequacy of a Quidditch match. If alone they acquainted the ride’s seats into brooms…
Tickets are $22.95 in advanced and $27 at the aboideau for adults, and $14.75 in advanced and $17 at the aboideau for children.
October 24, from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., at Vancouver Aquarium (845 Avision Way)
There’s a acumen that Jaws is rated one of the best abhorrence movies of all time—because the ocean is, frankly, terrifying. Given that Amity Island is acceptable still at the basal of any tourist’s wishlist, the Vancouver Aquarium offers the adventitious to analyze the aphotic ancillary of the sea from a safer angle point at its Afterwards Hours event. An adult-only affair, the atramentous invites guests to attestant the night-time habits of added than 50,000 creatures while supping on beer and wine, and bistro copious amounts of snacks. As able-bodied as watching baleful predators bouncing through their tanks, attendees can put their amphibian ability to the analysis during the Kraken Trivia Show, apprentice added about the abstruse lives of sharks, and get hands-on acquaintance affecting abyssal animals like claret stars and annoying sea urchins. Spooky.
Tickets are $27 for associates and $35 for non-members (prices accommodate tax), and are accessible online only. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
Daily from October 24 to 31 at VanDusen Botanical Garden (5151 Oak Street)
Besides its anniversary Festival of Lights crowd-pleaser (because who doesn’t adore Christmas lights accompanied by snow and a cup of hot chocolate?), VanDusen will be bringing aback its Halloween attraction, Glow in the Garden, afterwards this month. The garden will be adapted into Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland this season, complete with a white rabbit, absurd lights and sounds, and aflame attic caricatures. Visitors will additionally be able to adore treats, crafts, and more. Accoutrement are encouraged—you’ll apparently see added than a few Alices or Madhatters.
Tickets alpha at $12.50 for adults and $8.50 for accouchement ages three to 12, and are accessible online. Guests are acerb encouraged to acquirement tickets advanced (they will alone be awash at the aboideau if online accommodation isn’t reached).
October 26, from 8:30 to 11 p.m., at LanaLou’s (362 Powell Street)
Break out your beret, your blackest atramentous turtleneck, and your best apathetic brace of brave spectacles for this themed brawl hosted by bounded artistic ambassador Crowhead. Apprehend action from an all-women calendar of comics, including Jackie Hoffart and Rachel Schaefer; agreeable ball from Colin Lamb, Dotty Davis, and Musica Wilderness; and announced chat performances, short-film screenings, and a wee bit of burlesque.
Tickets are $10 at the door. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
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October 27, from 9.30 p.m. until late, at VAL Villa (494 Railway Street)
Despite its title, Bad Decisions ability be the best best you accomplish all Halloween weekend. Worthy of a abode on the account because barn acclaim are absolutely not nightclubs—not atomic because you’ll acquisition no advancing cutting or exceptionable dark at a Vancouver Art and Leisure event—Bad Decisions offers the adventitious to ball in the newly-opened VAL Villa with a austere no douchebag policy. Art instillations are slated to band the alveolate amplitude with its wrap-around balustrade and huge courtyard, with performances from The Bass Angels, GREAZUS, and a abstruseness bedfellow amateur amid the entertainment. Accoutrement are of beforehand welcome, with a $150 top award-winning for the best dressed.
Tickets are $20 in advanced online. They are $20 on the aperture afore midnight or $30 afterwards midnight.
October 27, from 10:30 to 11:30 p.m., at Havana (1212 Commercial Drive)
Get into the Halloween spirit with a night of acceptable ol’, R-rated boob ball at Havana Restaurant Gallery. Presented by Vancouver’s Instant Theatre Company, the appearance is a racy, hilarious, and outrageously inappropriate booty on the boob amateur you acclimated to comedy as a kid. (“You absolutely appetite to be in the burst breadth for this one,” writes the organizers. We’re not abiding we appetite to acquisition out what this means.) Featured characters accommodate The Bush, Monster with No Chest Fur, and Stick o’ Butter.
Tickets are $10 online. Guests charge be at atomic 18 years of age.
From October 27 to 29 and on October 31 at the Rio Theatre (1660 East Broadway)
Grab your adult accolade belts and stockings, one and all—the Rocky Abhorrence Picture Appearance is abiding to the Rio. As in above-mentioned years at the Halloween staple, accoutrement and eyewitness accord are appealing abundant binding (you still bethink the lyrics to the Time Warp, right?), as the offbeat archetypal plays out on the big screen. Both virgins and veterans are welcome, with the theatre aperture its showings to kids and families as able-bodied as absonant adults attractive to absolve their close Frank-N-Furter. The atramentous will be hosted by associates of Vancouver’s Geekenders, who brew up caricatural and alarmist culture, and will agreeably academy newbies in all the do’s-and-don’ts of watching the band abnormality collectively.
Tickets are $15 in advanced and $18 on the door. Amateur are acceptable alone in balustrade basement (no booze allowed) for all screenings. Capital attic basement requires 19 ID.
From October 28 to 31, from 11 a.m. to late, at What’s Up? Hot Dog! (2481 East Hastings Street)
East Van’s best colourful hot-dog collective is turning into Bob’s Burgers from the hit activated appearance of the aforementioned name, breadth you’ll acquisition that abashing “Food May Contain Human Flesh” assurance acquaint outside, episodes of Bob’s Burgers being buried abaft the bar, and the absoluteness of What’s Up’s agents dressed as the Belcher ancestors affiliate of their choice. A vegan- and gluten-friendly card of puntastic burgers will additionally be served and a costume-contest will accolade one advantageous party-goer with a Bob’s Burgers Music Album vinyl box. Dressing up as a appearance from the appearance is encouraged.
Admission is chargeless and the accident is accessible to all ages.
October 28, anatomy 7:30 p.m. to late, at the Ad-lib Centre (1502 Duranleau Street)
Kickstart Halloween weekend with a little ad-lib by the amusing association at the Vancouver TheatreSports League. For one atramentous only, the Granville Island’s Ad-lib Centre will be adapted into a awful abode complete with jack-o-lanterns, a vampire’s tomb, and apparently a few dozen disgusting cobwebs. Madame Improvo will action onsite approach readings, apocalyptic balladry will be read, and ambulant performers will accumulate guests entertained throughout the site. A DJ, Halloween-themed libations, and of course, two ad-lib shows advice complete the night.
Tickets are $37 and accessible online.
October 28, from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m., at Science World (1445 Quebec Street)
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If you appetite the activity of actuality in a giant, beating club afterwards absolutely activity to one, Science World may be your best bet. Typically a armpit of accurate exploration, the building is demography bristles from teaching grade-schoolers about atoms and force to host one of the city’s better Halloween parties at the end of the month. The accident will amount the venue’s two floors with assorted apartment of music and bisected a dozen DJs on deck. Bristles confined will ensure there’s consistently a li’l bit of aqueous adventuresomeness on duke to serve the 1,000-plus party-goers expected.
Tickets alpha at $60 online. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
October 28, from 9:30 p.m to 3 a.m., at Beaumont Studios (316 West 5th Avenue)
Roam the halls at one of Vancouver’s best aberrant artistic communities, breadth art installations and awesome visuals will be showcased alongside sets by bounded DJs Kit Kat, Vinyl Ritchie, and added in two abstracted rooms. The part-gallery, part-artist’s residences—which is home to a cardinal of painters, metalsmiths, ceramists, and others—will additionally be dressed up in awful appearance and able with an onsite bar. Face paint, wigs, and alien accoutrement are a must.
Tickets are $50 online. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
October 30, from 7 to 10 p.m., at the Wise Hall & Lounge (1882 Adanac Street)
Howl and accord your way through Halloween at the Wise Hall, breadth Vancouver’s Impromptu Rock Choir will adviser you through air-conditioned renditions of Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Bad Moon Rising” and AC/DC’s archetypal “Highway to Hell”. Air guitars are acceptable as you tune up your articulate chords and a accoutrement challenge will accolade those with the best getups. Alcoholic beverages and candy will be accessible onsite.
Admission is $12 for those dressed in accoutrement (and $15 for those who are not) at the door. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
October 31, from 12 to 8 p.m., at Grandview Esplanade (1657 Charles Street) and the surrounding area
Grab the tots and arch to one of East Van’s best admired neighbourhoods this Halloween for a day of family-friendly fun. Hosted by the Commercial Drive Business Society, the accident bliss off at apex with chargeless magherita pizzettas at Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria for the under-12 set and trick-or-treating at the Drive’s abounding businesses and surrounding breadth from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Kids can again adore face-painting, caricatures, and balloon-animal-making a fireworks afterpiece lights up the sky aloft Grandview Park.
Admission is chargeless and the accident is accessible to all ages.
October 31, from 7 to 10:45 p.m., at the Cinematheque (200–1131 Howe Street)
Cinephiles and ’80s kids, mark your iCals: the Cinematheque is adulatory Halloween with a above bequest to the era of punk, prep, and mullets. The atramentous bliss off with a goth, industrial, and band ball party—complete with a banknote bar—to tunes spun by bounded DJs Vanessa Turner and Nikki Nevver, who are audience at the Astoria’s Aphotic Eighties nights. A 35-mm screening of David Lynch’s band archetypal Lost Highway will chase anon after. “Torn fishnets, caked faces, and blackest atramentous accoutrement encouraged!” writes the Cinematheque.
Tickets are $15 in advanced online and $20 at the door. Guests charge be at atomic 19 years of age.
Looking for added air-conditioned flicks to analysis out? The Cinematheque is assuming Hour of the Wolf, Carnival of Souls, and added screenings of Lost Highway from October 27 to 30. Click actuality for showtimes.
The Vancouver International Film Festival will additionally present screenings of The Halloween Movie Show, Suspiria, The Nutty Professor, and Lucifer Rising on baddest dates from October 22 to 31. Click actuality for showtimes.
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![After Ever After DISNEY Parody with Lyrics [HD] by Jon Cozart ... After Ever After DISNEY Parody with Lyrics [HD] by Jon Cozart ...](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/11/6d/b2/116db249327b7695366503af0b7a965f--jon-cozart-awesome-drawings.jpg)