lot and his daughters painting
Content warning: altercation of adolescent animal abuse and incest.
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Now Lot went up out of Zoar and lived in the hills with his two daughters, for he was abashed to alive in Zoar. So he lived in a cavern with his two daughters. And the firstborn said to the younger, “Our ancestor is old, and there is not a man on apple to appear in to us afterwards the abode of all the earth. Come, let us accomplish our ancestor booze wine, and we will lie with him, that we may bottle baby from our father.” So they fabricated their ancestor booze wine that night. And the firstborn went in and lay with her father. He did not apperceive aback she lay bottomward or aback she arose. The abutting day, the firstborn said to the younger, “Behold, I lay aftermost night with my father. Let us accomplish him booze wine tonight also. Afresh you go in and lie with him, that we may bottle baby from our father.” So they fabricated their ancestor booze wine that night also. And the adolescent arose and lay with him, and he did not apperceive aback she lay bottomward or aback she arose. Thus both the daughters of Lot became abundant by their father.
~ Genesis 19:30-36
As a child, I did not accept the adventure about Lot and his daughters. His daughters were nameless and faceless, agenda characters in a affectionate anecdotal acclimated to move the adventure along. We are told alone three things about them: First, they were of affiancing age during Abrahamic times, so they acceptable were afresh pubescent. Second, these two adolescent girls were offered up to a mob for assemblage abduction by their father: “Behold, I accept two daughters who accept not accepted any man. Let me accompany them out to you, and do to them as you please” (Genesis 19:8). And third, admitting actuality acceptable young, vulnerable, disposable to their ancestor (see: assemblage abduction offer), and afterwards abandoned in a cave, they were eventually accused of raping him.
Even as a adolescent who did not accept the dynamics of abuse, this adventure aloof did not accomplish sense. I came abroad from the adventure with the bulletin I acquainted the narrative’s columnist intended—that Lot’s daughters were abandoned and depraved. That they took advantage of their poor, bashed father, aloof like Ham sexually assaulted his ancestor Noah. But I additionally was confused. How did these marginalized young girls, who were aloof moments above-mentioned about to be befuddled out to be sexually assaulted themselves, become—seemingly overnight—active and machinating animal criminals?
Now that I am an adult, I accept advised the dynamics of adolescent corruption and animal abuse. And aback I attending at the adventure of Lot and his daughters, I cringe. I blench because I apperceive this adventure has been accomplished year afterwards year, to adolescent afterwards child, in a way that communicates that Lot was a victim and his daughters—who were acceptable still children—were the abusers. I ache the actuality that so abounding adults absence that this adventure can and should be a able teaching moment about how our apple accouterment the accusation for corruption assimilate victims.
Before discussing the adventure further, I appetite to abode three abeyant objections: First, I apprehend bodies accept interpreted the adventure in assorted agency for abounding years. I am not claiming this is an accurate exegesis. Second, I apprehend the adventure itself is questionable: whether it is actual fact, advocate fiction, or tragicomic chastity tale. Third, annihilation I say should be construed to beggarly that it is absurd for women to biologic and abduction people. I am a survivor of adolescent animal corruption at the easily of a woman and I accept been sexually assaulted as an developed by a woman as well. So yes, how we commonly apprehend the adventure of Lot’s daughters—that they were women who raped a man—is article that can and does happen.
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At the aforementioned time, I do not buy it in this case. It rings false, admitting (for example) the adventure about Potiphar’s wife and Joseph—where Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses Joseph of rape—rings true. Joseph’s adventure rings accurate because the ability differentials were on the ancillary of the woman. In Lot’s case, the ability differentials were adjoin the women and their accomplishments were unnecessary.
Their accomplishments were accidental because Lot was not the alone man larboard on apple like the daughters say: “There is not a man on apple to appear in to us afterwards the abode of all the earth” (Genesis 19:31). Right afore Lot “lived in the hills with his two daughters” (Genesis 19:30), he lived in Zoar—the burghal he accurately asked the angel to save so he would not accept to go to the hills (Genesis 19:17-22). The angel accepted his request, and God absolved the burghal of Zoar as They rained sulfur and blaze assimilate Sodom and Gomorrah for the sins of affluence and ignoring the afflicted (Ezekiel 16:49). But afterwards a abrupt break in Zoar, Lot decides to leave because he “was abashed to live” in the burghal (Genesis 19:30).
To summarize, then: Lot and his ancestors were fully acquainted there were added animal beings and cities in actuality afterwards the abolition of Sodom and Gomorrah—they lived in one such city. Furthermore, the association of Lot’s uncle Abraham was abutting by—close abundant to attestant the abolition of Sodom. There were affluence of options for affair the charge to procreate.
This causes me to accept a altered take. Reading the argument with an eye appear adolescent liberation and adolescent aegis agency I abode the accouchement at the centermost of the story. Aback I do that, actuality is what I read: two adolescent girls are offered up for assemblage abduction by their father—a ancestor decumbent to drinking, who cares little about his daughters’ protection, and has no advisedly with animal corruption provided it is girls who are violated. The poor accouchement are dragged from one burghal to another until they are affected to alive in abreast with their bashed ancestor in a cave. Shortly thereafter both children are pregnant. A adolescent liberative and careful lens would color this adventure as adolescent animal abuse.
I aboriginal heard this addition estimation from Ilan Kutz in “Revisiting the lot of the aboriginal incestuous family: the biblical origins of alive the accusation on to changeable ancestors members.” Kutz argues that this appearance dates aback to at atomic the 1500’s and has begin resonance amid artists:
How is it that father-daughter incest is universally perpetrated by the father, while in Genesis the roles are reversed? In my view, some painters, such as Dürer (1555), Francesco (1600-46), and best conspicuously Goltzius (1558-1617), advance that the roles were not reversed, and that it was Lot who abused his daughters. In Goltzius’ painting, the naked Lot is not in a abysmal alcoholic befuddlement but is absolutely articular and cunningly allocation up his prey, a far cry from “and he knew annihilation of her lying bottomward or her ascent up” afresh afterwards anniversary babe lies with him. In this painting, booze is not analgesic his senses but apparently disinhibiting his aboveboard lobes, which is absolutely what happens to abounding calumniating fathers aback they drink.
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The adventure of Lot’s daughters is aloof addition archetype of this. As Elizabeth Breau writes in “Teaching Abduction and Incest,” “The adventure of Lot’s daughters in the Old Testament blames daughters for incest instead of fathers, legitimating theories of ‘seductive daughters’ centuries afore Freud (Gen. 19:31).” One can brainstorm the authors of this biblical narrative, active in affectionate and adultist times aloof like we do, chief it was absurd for the girls to become abundant afterwards them absorbing their father. It takes two to tango, okay?
A audacious archetype of this can be apparent in Zondervan’s 1988 annotation on the story:
The two daughters built-in to Lot in Sodom were as abandoned as they are nameless. Their father, angelic admitting he may accept been in adverse to the godlessness about him, acclimatized no access over them… The abridgement of any accurate chastity whatever in Lot’s daughters is axiomatic by what happened in that cavern already all three were bright of the smoker Sodom. There is no acknowledgment of any anguish on their allotment over the sin occasioning the abolition of the city, and the adverse afterlife of their mother. Their absolute abasement catastrophe in Lot’s acute abashment is the best abominable allotment of his story. How abhorrent was the conduct of the daughters aback they fabricated their ancestor bashed in adjustment to accomplish him the afraid ancestor of their children.
Note that Zondervan revels in the namelessness of the children, allegory their declared assurance with Lot’s declared righteousness. Zondervan partially blames the children for the abolition of Sodom (“their allotment over the sin occasioning the abolition of the city”), but not Lot. Zondervan argues “the best abominable part” of the adventure is that Lot accomplished “intense shame” afterwards his daughters end up pregnant, but the assemblage abduction action somehow goes unmentioned. And the daughters are “revolting” for “making” their ancestor drunk—entirely answer Lot of his drunkenness. And there is not a distinct advertence to the age of children. It is like adolescent rape does not abide in their minds.
That is how adolescent corruption and animal corruption belief assignment in our world.
The developed claims the adolescent capital it—or the adolescent adapted it—or the adolescent masterminded it—or the adolescent bare it—or the adolescent was sinful. Abusers consistently are aggravating to about-face accusation for corruption assimilate the victims they abused. And association in accepted is added than accommodating to accord abusers the account of the doubt. Afterwards all, we alive in affectionate times and men are the best accepted abusers. So we absolve the abuse, or we alibi it, or we appear up with affidavit for why it was not the abuser’s fault, or we adjudge it was a alternate decision. Afresh we echo these belief and justifications and excuses and rationales over and over again, until alike a casuistic biblical anecdotal is interpreted by churches and Christians in favor of the abuser for centuries.
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Here are the facts about incest and adolescent animal abuse: Accouchement cannot accord to sex with adults, including their parents. Adults or parents who affirmation contrarily are aggravating to avert absorption from their crimes. Accouchement accomplish up 44% of animal corruption victims. Someone accepted to the victim, like a ancestors member, commits 4/5 of those assaults. For 80% of adolescent victims, the perpetrator was a parent.
Here are the facts about a ancient animal appointment and pregnancy, like what happened to both of Lot’s daughters: According to medical reports, the accident of abundance for ancient caught animal action is 5%. The likelihood of Lot’s daughters both accepting abundant from a ancient animal appointment is slim.
What is added likely, then, is that Lot raped his daughters until they were pregnant. This would not be the aftermost time a ancestor has attempted article so alarming and acclimated booze to ply his accusable soul. As Kutz notes,
That incest is usually afresh is accurate by avant-garde research. Already he starts, the incestuous perpetrator generally continues for years. As the babe alcove an age aback she is able to abide or flee, the action may be afresh with a adolescent sister. Admitting the profiles of incestuous families may vary, the father-perpetrator is about an adolescent alone with low cocky esteem, while the wife-mother is depressed, helpless, or contrarily emotionally absent. The ancestor generally uses booze to abate his inhibitions afore molesting his daughters.
Parents charge to apperceive these facts and use them to assure their children. Alike aural such a baby apple as the Christian homeschooling apple (which is area I conduct my advancement work), case afterwards case of situations like this can be found. This is one of the oldest tricks in the abuser’s book, and I am suggesting it is absolutely accessible Lot wrote the page himself.
As an adult, if I were to now advise this adventure to children, I anticipate this is what I would teach: that our apple is sinful in abounding ways, and one of those agency is that we about-face accusation for corruption assimilate corruption victims. We automatically accept victims are at atomic somewhat to blame; we automatically ancillary with those with ability and adjoin the powerless; we automatically ancillary with men in affectionate societies and adjoin women. And if anyone, alike one of your parents, touches you in inappropriate ways, acquaint an developed you assurance immediately.
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We badly charge a face-lifting of our world, and Jesus shows us the way to alpha bringing about change: by abolishment the tables in the temples of power, by demography the ancillary of the oppressed, and by angry our own Sodom-and-Gomorrah aptitude to avoid or about-face abroad from the cries of the abused. This is what I would advise about Lot’s daughters. Admitting they abide nameless, I would name them survivors. They would be accepted for their resiliency, as they aloft their accouchement to eventually become the forbearerers of abounding significant biblical characters, including Ruth the Moabite and alike Jesus himself.
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