legion class mounts
We all apperceive what happened to Bolvar Fordragon at the end of Wrath of the Lich King. After the abatement of the Lich Baron and award out that there allegation consistently be a Lich King, Bolvar told Tirion Fordring that he would booty up the accountability of acceptable the new Lich King. Best acquire that was the end of the story, but if you played a Death charlatan in Legion you apperceive that is far from the truth, and aloof what is Bolvar Fordragon planning. For those who don’t know, Bolvar Fordragon was aboriginal begin in Vanilla continuing central Stormwind Accumulate appropriate abutting to the Baron of Stormwind Anduin Wrynn, which was alone 10-years-old at the time. In Wrath of the Lich King, Bolvar played a actual important allotment on laying annoy to the Wrathgate.
["1325.02"]During the siege, Grand Apothecary Putress launched barrels of gas application catapults on both Alliance and Horde armament as able-bodied as the Scourge. Bolvar ordered his troops to abatement aback but was brought bottomward by the gas. Alexstrasza, the Life-Binder, and her red dragons accustomed and breathed bonfire beyond the battlefield, afire abroad the adulteration from the air. With the battlefield covered in bonfire we anticipation Bolvar was absent to us. We begin this not to be accurate already we took the action to Icecrown Citadel, already central we heard the screams of a actual animate Bolvar Fordragon.
We anticipation all was able-bodied abrogation a accurate man of the ablaze in allegation of the Scourge, but we were wrong. Aboriginal affair appropriate out the aboideau you apprehend is this new acceding that the Lich Baron has with the Ebon Blade. The Ebon Blade will serve as the arm for his avengement adjoin the Legion, and in acknowledgment he will accumulate the Scourge independent in Northrend. Shocked and abashed the Ebon Blade could do annihilation abroad but acquire this agreement. With the Legion already actuality a massive threat, the aftermost affair you appetite to apprehend is the Lich Baron absolution apart the Scourge.
There is no cogent what Bolvar Fordragon is planning. At aboriginal you anticipate he aloof wants to rid Azeroth of the Legion, but Bolvar is alone allowance his new Deathlord aggregate their Artifacts. During the mage antiquity questline for Felo’melorn, you accept to biking to Icecrown Citadel. Now if Bolvar was all for allowance Azeroth’s heroes, you would anticipate he would advice the mage retrieve Felo’melorn, but it’s absolutely the complete opposite. Bolvar tells the mage that they can try to booty the brand but if they abort they too will accompany the Scourge. Already the Death charlatan obtains their artifact, Bolvar brings the Death knights to the Frozen Arch aloft Icecrown Citadel and bestows his absolution aloft them. Under Bolvar’s orders, the Ebon Blade are to chase his new Deathlord as if they were his own. Abutting stop on the angry list, Bolvar wants the Death knights to charm the Four Horsemen.
The aboriginal Four Horsemen were acutely able aristocratic Death knights created by the lich Kel’Thuzad. They were the best feared and able soldiers of all the Scourge. The aboriginal Horsemen that the Death knights will accession is Nazgrim, the collapsed accepted of the Horde. Nazgrim was one of the greatest generals of the Horde. You ability bethink him from actuality a adventure giver in Grizzly Hills, or possibly you saw him in Vashj’ir, or best will acceptable bethink killing him during the Annoy of Orgrimmar arrest in Mists of Pandaria. Abutting to be risen by the Death knights is Thoras Trollbane. Thoras Trollbane was baron of Stromgarde, and a founding affiliate of the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War. Thoras was ultimately murdered by his son, Galen, who alone capital the arch of Stromgarde for himself. Abutting is High Inquisitor Whitemane, abounding will apperceive her from actuality the final bang-up in Scarlet Monastery.
Last there allegation be a baton because after a baton there will be no accord amid the Four. Like the Lich Baron afore him, Bolvar wants Tirion Fordring to serve him. Bolvar sends his Deathlord, Darion Mograine, and the added three Horsemen to Light’s Hope Chapel to balance the anatomy of Tirion Fordring. The Ebon Blade did not accede with this plan because afterward through with it would account apprehension in the Ebon Blade, however, they had to chase through with this adjustment because of their agreement. In the end, they bootless causing Darion to cede himself to save the others. Bolvar afresh resurrects Darion and decides he will now advance the Four Horsemen like his ancestor afore him.
["1325.02"]Let’s aboriginal say afresh that from what we accept apparent Bolvar does not affliction about annihilation or anyone except himself and his new Deathlord. He didn’t affliction if a mage died aggravating to get their artifact, he didn’t affliction how the Ebon Blade would attending aggravating to accession Tirion as a Death knight, and he wasn’t abashed to force the Ebon Blade into alive for him. During the Death knight’s chic arise quest, Bolvar had the Deathlord aggressive and annihilation Red Dragons to accretion knowledge. Obviously, these aren’t signs of a acceptable guy, abnormally aback the Dragon Aspects can no best lay eggs, so whatever Dragons that are left, that’s it.
During the questline of accepting the Deathlord’s new mount, Bolvar will additionally acquaint you a few absorbing things. If you annihilate all of the Red Dragons he will say “You are abandoned inside, aloof like me.” While during these quests he has additionally declared that he has “plans” for the future. So, what could Bolvar Fordragon’s affairs be? Will there be a new Scourge amplification area we accept to go aback to Northrend and booty affliction of the Lich Baron already again? But what would be his all-embracing goal? There are so abounding absorbing means Blizzard can go with his story.
["291"]An accessible way to explain the acumen Bolvar is acting this way is to say the Old Gods are in his head, but I don’t anticipate that’s it. One way I would like to see his adventure go is for Bolvar to try and about-face the Ebon Blade adjoin the Alliance and Horde (including you as the Deathlord). Bolvar has already fabricated anybody apprehensive of the Ebon Blade and what their affairs are, but what if anybody stops dupe them completely. They would accept no one to about-face to except for the Lich Baron himself, and they wouldn’t accept a best in the amount because if they don’t do as the Lich Baron says he will absolution the Scourge on the world. It would be absorbing to see the amateur axis adjoin their own faction.
With the Helm of Domination assuming Bolvar visions, and with the way he has been acting throughout this expansion, there is no agnosticism in my apperception that he has article in apperception for Azeroth, and I can’t delay to see what it is. Maybe Sylvanas and Bolvar will aggregation calm adjoin the Alliance and Horde. An amend of Northrend with a new arrest absolute the new Four Horsemen sounds acceptable to me, but we can alone brainstorm for now.
Let us apperceive what you anticipate Bolvar could possibly be planning or if you anticipate this is all tin antithesis hat being and he aloof has his own way of allowance out.