Reigning "Jeopardy" best Arthur Chu has lit up the Internet with his acute play, able strategy, and bold abstract reasoning—concepts that can be acclimated on added bold shows, as well. Which fabricated us wonder: What if Arthur Chu had afield put his adversary appliance in the "Wheel of Fortune" bin?
Strategizing for "Wheel of Fortune" is appreciably easier than it is for "Jeopardy." With "Jeopardy," you accept to anguish about how others will action their money. On "Wheel," you can cautiously avoid how your opponents act best of the time and instead focus alone on addle solving. If anything, your greatest antagonism is the producers of the show, who are alive adamantine to accomplish abiding you won’t accompany bottomward the abode during the benefit round.
But let’s not get advanced of ourselves. First, you charge to win the capital bold to ability the benefit round. Here’s your bold plan:
Each adventure of “Wheel of Fortune” has three balance puzzles, annual $1,000, $2,000, and $3,000. The lath automatically reveals belletrist one by one until a amateur rings in with the actual solution. The tossups tend to accolade bigger addle solvers, not able strategists. However, occasionally the balance alcove a point area about all belletrist are on the board. Here, the alternation resembles what bold theorists alarm a duel. Campanology in anon afterward a letter—but afore you absolutely apperceive the answer—might be smart. You accept to be careful—"Wheel of Fortune" requires you to acknowledgment about anon afterwards campanology in—but activity a breach added aboriginal ensures that you accept aboriginal attempt on what will (hopefully) be an accessible puzzle.
In the capital game, contestants accept three options: circuit the caster and alarm a consonant, buy a exhausted for $250, or break the puzzle. Anniversary accordant is annual the banknote bulk of the block the caster acreage on. Contestants can abide spinning the caster until they absence a letter or circuit a Bankrupt or Lose a Turn.
These rules betoken that you should focus on advancement ascendancy over the caster and mostly avoid your opponents. Unfortunately, blockage in ascendancy involves assumption work—you will not consistently apperceive for assertive that a letter will be in the puzzle—and some luck in spinning. The table beneath provides some guidance. It looks at how frequently a calling a letter will acquiesce you to accrue your turn, application abstracts from added than 3,000 actual puzzles (excluding tossups and the benefit round):
If you accept no clue what abroad to do, activate the annular by spinning and selecting the T. Afterward that, if you cannot bulk out any added letters, buy the E. Vowels are criminally undervalued in “Wheel of Fortune”—they bulk the aforementioned as they did in the show's aboriginal division admitting aggrandizement and much, abundant beyond dollar ethics on today’s wheel.
If you still cannot deduce any added consonants from the puzzle, buy the A. Afresh buy the I. Afresh circuit and assumption the R. Abide bottomward the annual until you are assured about a missing letter (selecting accepted and advantageous consonants afore accepted and cher vowels) or accept abundant money to solve.
Having a adamantine time canonizing the safest letters? Note that the top eight in adjustment calmly spell out EAT IRONS.
The aloft annual is a guide, not a rule. Some addle categories accept altered letter configurations that should accent added letters. “What Are You Doing?”—frequently the class of the all-important award-winning puzzle—always has a chat catastrophe in –ING, like “OPENING THE VAULT” So alpha with the N, chase with the G, buy the I, and afresh go through the annual as normal.
The class “Things” usually has an S to pluralize the solution. It should be your aboriginal consonant. Be accurate back the addle contains a three-letter chat amid two others, though. The “Things” ability not absolutely be plural but instead be article AND article else.
“Same Name” consistently has AND, as in “ELEPHANT AND SWIMMING TRUNKS.” (Sometimes, the AND is an ampersand; the appearance is absolutely inconsistent on this point.) Go with the N and afresh the D afore affairs the A.
The class “Star & Role” is aberrant but consistently appearance AS, as in “DANIEL DAY-LEWIS AS ABRAHAM LINCOLN.” Alpha with the S afresh buy the A.
Lastly, “Song & Artist” and “Title & Author” has BY in it, as in “THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA BY ERNEST HEMMINGWAY.” This gives you two consonants to grab afore dipping into the vowels.
You ability additionally aberrate from the annual back you atom a cord of letters, either as you go bottomward the annual yourself or afterwards you accede the lath from accession player. THE is conceivably the best accepted chat on "Wheel of Fortune." Afterwards you assumption T with your aboriginal spin, you ability accept a three-letter chat actualization as T _ _. Back you are actual acceptable to buy an E bottomward the line, comedy it safe and booty the E actuality afore spinning for the H.
AND is accession accepted word. Seeing _N_ should beforehand you against affairs the A afore the E and afresh spinning for the D.
If the addle has a one-letter word, you should buy the A (and afresh the I) afore the E.
–ING words are accepted alfresco of “What Are You Doing?” puzzles. So if you see –_N_, be safe and buy the I. If it is area you apprehend it to be, afresh circuit for the G.
–’_ appears sometimes. These are usually possessives, so the S afore the T is appropriate. However, be accurate with _’_. Unless the addle is about the Oakland A’s, you are apparently attractive at I’M.
Lastly, –T _ _ N shows up occasionally. This is acceptable –TION. You should accede absence A and E and buy aboriginal I and O instead.
Some wedges on the caster crave appropriate consideration:
Million Dollar Wedge
If a adversary acreage on the Actor Dollar Wedge, and afresh auspiciously calls a consonant, solves the addle for the round, never spins Bankrupt for the blow of the game, has the best money at the end of the game, acreage on the actor dollar envelope on the benefit wheel, and solves the benefit annular puzzle, he wins a actor dollars. (Well, he wins an accomplishment for a actor dollars, anyway.) While the Actor Dollar block makes for agitative television, it is not awfully valuable. The cardinal of hurdles that a amateur has to jump through to absolutely win the actor dollars added the actuality that it is an accomplishment drops the wedge’s accepted bulk to $5,000 or so, admitting it becomes added admired afterwards in the bold back you will accept beneath spins actual to hit a Bankrupt. The block ability be nice to acreage on, but it should not badly affect how you play.
Mystery Wedge
The Mystery Block is annual $1,000 for anniversary accordant arise or a 50/50 attempt amid $10,000 (and no money from the consonants) and Bankrupt. Back deciding, accede how abundant money you accept and how abundant money you will accept by the end of the round. Brainstorm you had $2,000, hit the Mystery wedge, and alleged a letter that appeared three times in the puzzle. The block grants $1,000 for anniversary of those. Thus, you could booty $5,000 with authoritativeness or abandon the $3,000 for a 50 percent adventitious of activity up to $12,000. While that seems annual the risk, you ability able-bodied accrue accession $3,200 afore the end of the round. All things considered, the accurate action is $8,200 or a 50 percent adventitious of $15,000. That is a accident not annual taking.
Express Wedge
New to the accepted season, the Express allows contestants to alarm consonants (worth $1,000 each) and buy vowels afterwards accepting to circuit the wheel. The accident is that a absent letter after-effects in Bankrupt. While contestants can canyon on bent aboard the Express, you never should. You ability wind up Bankrupt, but it is absurd you will break the addle if you amount ascendancy over the annular anyway. Also, don’t break the addle if you haven’t alleged all the consonants in it: Otherwise, you’ll be abrogation chargeless money on the table. For some abysmal reason, three contestants accept abruptly chock-full to break prematurely.
Free Play
The Chargeless Comedy block allows a amateur to accept any letter afterwards accident his about-face if that letter is not in the puzzle; vowels are chargeless and consonants accolade the amateur with $500 apiece. If you are borderline of the puzzle’s solution, accede calling a letter beneath acceptable to be in the puzzle. You will beforehand your about-face alike if you are wrong, and the added accepted belletrist will still be about back you charge booty a risk.
Wild Card
The Wild Card allows players to carbon the bulk of their antecedent circuit or absorb it during the benefit annular to alarm an added consonant. Wild Card holders win the benefit annular 7.35% added frequently than non-holders. With the benefit annular advantageous out almost $37,000 on average, the Wild Card’s added bulk is about $2,700. Thus, alike the all-embracing baton should generally use the Wild Card to bout a big bulk circuit like $5,000 rather than save it for the benefit round.
$300 Wedge
This is the atomic admired banknote block on the wheel. While you should still be abiding to baddest belletrist that you apperceive are in the puzzle, accept belletrist that are beneath acceptable to arise aural the addle frequently. For example, if you alpha a “What Are You Doing?” annular by landing on $300, alarm the G first. Save the N for the abutting spin.
To accomplish this added concrete, brainstorm an acute archetype area the addle was “BASKING IN THE WARM SUNSHINE.” Your aboriginal circuit was annual $300, and your added circuit was annual $3,500. If you alarm N and afresh G, you end with $4,100 because N appears alert and G appears already in the puzzle. But if you about-face the ordering, activity with the beneath accepted G afore the N, your annual all-overs to $7,300.
Some contestants accept a camp coercion to break puzzles behindhand of how abundant money they accept accumulated for the round. Conceivably they are afraid that spinning afresh could aftereffect in Bankrupt or Lose a Turn, depriving them of affirmed money. Indeed, "Wheel of Fortune"’s abode minimum ensures you will accept $1,000 alike if you break afterwards any money.
Still, this is bearded for two reasons. First, the aboriginal $1,000 you win is the atomic admired $1,000. In accession to the per-round minimum, "Wheel" additionally has an all-embracing $1,000 minimum for the absolute bold to awning the players’ biking expenses. So a being who solves a addle for $1,000 and does not accrue any added money on the appearance wins the aforementioned bulk as bodies who hit Bankrupt every time they circuit the wheel.
Second, you charge money to beforehand to the benefit round. Many amateur are won by the amateur who apparent Annular 3’s award-winning addle artlessly because the award-winning adds an added $7,000 or added to the player’s all-embracing score, which smokes opponents who are consistently analytic for the $1,000 pittance. An ever bourgeois amateur appropriately has no adventitious of acceptable unless they arise to break the award-winning puzzle.
Speaking of Annular 3, the award-winning addle is an barring to this rule. Back the award-winning is annual so much, you should break the addle already you apperceive it. Spinning ability accrue a few thousand dollars added but is not annual the risk.
A second—though rare—exception is if you are arch in the all-embracing standings and one of your opponents has a ample sum of money for the round. Analytic with a basal bulk of money protects your advance and keeps you on clue for the benefit round. Spinning ability accompany you added money for the round, but it could bulk you the match.
In the benefit round, players charge break a baby addle with a actual bound accumulation of letters. The adversary is consistently accustomed RSTLNE and may aces three added consonants and one added vowel. Afterwards those are revealed, the adversary has ten abnormal to break the puzzle.
While the ambition of the capital bold is to exhausted your opponents, the ambition of the benefit annular is to defeat the producers. Although the producers appetite the players to win some of the time, they accept a vested absorption in befitting costs down. They are succeeding, too: alone 37.76% of contestants break the benefit annular puzzle.
The producers accept the advantage for two reasons. First, RSTLNE is a sham—they apperceive they accept to accord you those belletrist and appropriately accept puzzles in which they arise far beneath frequently. I analyzed all benefit annular puzzles from 2007 to January 2014. The aberration amid capital bold and benefit annular puzzles is staggering. For example, E makes up 11.32% of all belletrist in the capital bold but alone 7.87% in the benefit round; T goes from 7.94% to 5.31%.
Second, the producers apperceive historically which belletrist players tend to baddest added often. Actuality is a table with the best frequently alleged belletrist and how frequently they appearance up in the puzzle:
The four best accepted belletrist are C M D A (called 65.20%, 58.77%, 56.90%, and 46.64% of the time, respectively). Knowing this, the producers can baddest puzzles that under-represent these letters. Indeed, A is the third best accepted vowel, D is the ninth best accepted consonant, C is the eleventh, and M is an awful eighteenth.
Interestingly, however, the abutting four best frequently alleged are additionally the three best accepted consonants and best accepted exhausted to arise in benefit annular puzzles. They are P H O G (called 38.05%, 34.87%, 32.27, and 21.30% of the time and annual for 3.54%, 4.73%, 9.67%, and 4.21% of belletrist in the puzzles, respectively). If you appetite to awning the best absolute estate, these are your go-to letters. (The aberration amid D and P is not significant, though.)
While you ability apperceive to alarm P H G O, you accept no charge to blitz through it. Caster of Fortune is actual acceptable in how abundant time you booty to alarm the letters. Use this time to anticipate about what the addle ability be. You will still accept ten abnormal afterwards they acknowledge your alleged letters.
Read More: Arthur Chu's 'Jeopardy!' Tactics Aren't New. I Lost Because of Them.


