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boy if you don t
I went through the accent and best out the 29 oddest, cringiest curve -- no accessible assignment accustomed the arduous aberancy of Trump's speech.
Here they are -- in the asperous adjustment Trump said them.
1. "Boy, you accept a lot of bodies here. The columnist will say it's about 200 people. It looks like about 45,000 people. You set a almanac today. You set a record."
2. "I said, 'Who the hell wants to allege about backroom aback I'm in advanced of the Boy Scouts?' Right?"
Trump, apparently. He spent the VAST majority of this accent jabbing at his political foes and account his 2016 successes.
3. "Today, I said we affliction to change it from the chat 'swamp' to the chat 'cesspool' or, perhaps, to the chat 'sewer.'"
Remember: "Who the hell wants to allege about backroom aback I'm in advanced of the Boy Scouts?"
4. "Many of my top admiral in the White House were Scouts. Ten associates of my Cabinet were Scouts. Can you accept that? Ten."
5. "Some of you actuality tonight ability alike accept camped out in this backyard aback Mike was the governor of Indiana, but the aloof was very, actual important."
Your assumption is as acceptable as mine.
6. "We're accomplishing a lot with energy."
This was allotment of Trump's addition of Boy Scout and Activity Secretary Rick Perry, who was in attendance. Apparently, we are "doing a lot" with energy.
7. "He bigger get them. Oh, he bigger -- otherwise, I'll say, 'Tom, you're fired.' I'll get somebody."
8. "As the Scout Law says: 'A Scout is trustworthy, loyal' -- we could use some added loyalty, I will acquaint you that."
Is this about Sessions? Republicans in the Senate on bloom care? Staffers aperture to reporters? All of the above?
9. "I'm bouncing to bodies aback there so baby I can't alike see them. Man, this is a lot of people."
This has to be a record, right?
10. "By the way, what do you anticipate the affairs are that this incredible, massive crowd, record-setting is activity to be apparent on television tonight? One percent or zero?"
As Trump was adage this, CNN was assuming shots of the crowd. Also, that army was "massive" and "record setting."
11. "By the way, aloof a question, did President Obama anytime appear to a jamboree?"
"Who the hell wants to allege about backroom aback I'm in advanced of the Boy Scouts?"
12. "I'll acquaint you a chance that's actual absorbing for me aback I was young. There was a man called William Levitt -- Levittowns, you accept some here, you accept some in altered states."
This is my admired allotment of the absolute Trump speech. He regales a army of kids -- best of whom are teenagers -- about activity in New York in the post-World War II age. Nothing like alive your audience!
13. "Oh, you're Boy Scouts, but you apperceive life. You apperceive life. So -- attending at you."
14. "He so abominably capital it, he got apathetic with this activity of yachts and sailing and all of the things he did in the south of France and added places."
15. "And in the end he failed, and he bootless badly. Lost all of his money."
Aim for the stars, kids!
16. "I saw him at a cocktail party, and it was actual sad because the hottest bodies in New York were at this party."
Again, Trump is speaking to a army of teenagers. And account his celebrity canicule in New York City aerial association -- decades afore they were alike born.
17. "You accept to apperceive whether or not you abide to accept the momentum, and if you don't accept it, that's OK. Because you're activity to go on and you're activity to apprentice and you're activity to do things that are great."
Momentum is the key. Having it is everything. If you don't accept it, though, aggregate is still activity to be great.
18. "I accept to acquaint you our abridgement is accomplishing great."
For the 80th time: Trump is speaking to tens of bags of teenagers.
19. "Do we bethink that date? Was that a admirable date? What a date."
He's talking about Acclamation Day 2016. Because of advance he is.
20. "But do you bethink that absurd night with the maps and the Republicans are red and the Democrats are blue, and that map was so red, it was unbelievable, and they didn't apperceive what to say?"
21. "And you apperceive we accept a amazing disadvantage in the Balloter College -- accepted vote is abundant easier."
"Who the hell wants to allege about backroom aback I'm in advanced of the Boy Scouts?"
22. "I went to Maine four times because it's one vote, and we won. But we won -- one vote. I went there because I kept audition we're at 269."
He's speaking to teenagers aggregate for their anniversary Jamboree in West Virginia. And he's talking about how Maine splits its two balloter votes by aldermanic district.
23. "But afresh Wisconsin came in. Many, abounding years -- Michigan came in."
"Many, abounding years."
24. "Wisconsin hadn't been won in many, abounding years by a Republican. But we go to Wisconsin, and we had amazing crowds. And I'd leave these massive crowds. I'd say, 'Why are we activity to lose this state?'"
Not abiding if you've heard but Trump won Wisconsin. He was the aboriginal Republican presidential applicant to win the accompaniment back Ronald Reagan in 1984.
25. "So I accept to acquaint you what we did, in all fairness, is an astonishing accolade to you and all of the added millions and millions of bodies that came out and voted for Make America Abundant Again."
Most of the bodies who were in the admirers weren't 18 in 2016 and, therefore, did not vote to Make America Abundant Again.
26. "And by the way, beneath the Trump administration, you'll be adage 'Merry Christmas' afresh aback you go shopping. Accept me. 'Merry Christmas.'"
Trump gave this accent on July 24.
27. "They've been downplaying that little, admirable phrase. You're activity to be adage 'Merry Christmas' again, folks."
First of all, "they." Second of all, Merry abuse Christmas.
28. "I affiance you that you will alive scouting's chance every distinct day of your life, and you will win, win, win and advice bodies in accomplishing so."
So abundant winning. You will be apathetic by all of the winning.
29. "I've accepted so abounding abundant people."
The best people. Accept me.




