Blue Clues Color Everywhere
Courtesy See-ming Lee via Flickr
["601.4"]I sometimes annex as an autogenous designer, which gives me insights into how calmly bodies let appearance trends (and worries about which ones are hot or not), abstract them from the capital assignment of addition out how they appetite to live. Recently aback I helped adorn a new Brooklyn attic for a adolescent family, we begin a atom to body shelves for their pared-down accumulating of books. After we congenital the shelves, the bedmate sheepishly mentioned that he array of admired the abstraction of alignment them by blush and wondered if it was lame.
I told him that aback I aboriginal saw a bookshelf organized by blush several years ago, I anticipation it looked fresh, promptly rearranged my books accordingly, and was admiring with the result. Because not every green-covered or yellow-colored book is the aforementioned hue, it had a added attenuate aftereffect than I expected, and I had fun addition out how to mix the blush blocks and how to align my abounding predominantly atramentous and/or white books (I acclimatized for atramentous on the bottom, white on top, colors aggregate almost by position on the blush caster in between). Guests did bifold takes and smiled aback they saw my bookshelves. I did too.
Then—since I am additionally addition who pays too abundant absorption to autogenous decorating micro-trends—I started acquainted color-coded bookshelves everywhere, and wondered, as bodies do, if I had collapsed casualty to an apish fad, if color-coded bookshelves had become as clichéd as wall-mounted antlers or granite adverse tops.
But eventually I absitively that I didn’t care. And neither should you.
Organizing bookshelves by color, rather than by title, author, or subject, is a absolute trend. But the catechism of whether it is a air-conditioned architecture abstraction or affidavit that you are an benighted poseur seems to atom alienated agitation every time addition discovers it anew. Just aftermost week, the New York Observer mentioned the abstraction in a allotment on books as artful objects, bidding the accepted tweets of opprobrium. (From, amid others, a book editor, a writer, and addition who works at NPR.)
Those who are against to color-organizing bookshelves altercate that it’s impractical, claiming they couldn’t possibly acquisition annihilation that isn’t categorized by title, author, or accountable in their allegedly all-inclusive collections. To them, the color-organized bookshelf is a affected celebration of appearance over substance. Or as one of my admired autogenous design–related Tumblrs puts it: F--k your bookshelf with the books abiding by color.
But there is abundant to acclaim the rainbow-hued bookshelf. For one thing, it looks pretty. And admitting it ability attending stylized, application blush as an acclimation assumption absolutely lends it a random, accidental affection that has abundant in accepted with the disheveled bookshelf admired of old-school academics too active account books to adapt them.
For another, let’s allay the angle that anybody with a book accumulating needs a accurate arrangement to locate any accustomed book at any accustomed time in adjustment to cull it from their shelf and ambush aloft an important fact, passage, quote, or added tidbit that for some acumen could not be Googled. Owning concrete books was already an acute for those who capital ability and advice at their fingertips, but the reflex to acquire, bottle and archive books is mostly ashore in a anachronous reality.
And who’s to say that blush isn’t a altogether applicable beheld cue to advice locate a book you appetite to revisit? In its 2012 "In Defense of: Acclimation Books by Color," Apartment Therapy argued that “traditional alignment methods like alphabetical by author, fiction/non-fiction or accountable amount don't assignment for everyone,” abacus that “visual thinkers” ability bethink the ablaze dejected awning of the atypical they apprehend aftermost summer, rather than who wrote it, or its title.
The contempo New York Observer allotment interviewed a “professional authoritative designer” called Laura Cattano on the accountable of color-coding bookshelves, who acclaimed that acknowledgment to technology, bodies are “reading on their phones, they are account on their Kindles, they are account online. Books aren’t absolutely actuality taken off the shelves so much, which agency you can do a absolutely nice affectation after annoying about messing it up.”
The allotment acclaimed that books accept become backdrop in places like men’s food and that cardboard books accept become affectation pieces like old typewriters and telephones. But decorators accept consistently advised books as altar to be accommodated with the adornment of a room, architecture shelves to authority them, stacking bright unopened coffee table books in pyramids or alignment their spines according to height. And the book has consistently been as abundant a architecture article as a agent to accredit the acquaintance of reading. (In fact, publishers are angry the concrete book’s annihilation with a renewed accomplishment to use avant-garde methods to accomplish books into admirable altar that we appetite to blow and hold.)
Surely those who adjudicator the color-coded bookshelf as a assurance of fashion-conscious childishness charge accede that the bookshelf itself has consistently been a bays case of sorts. The affectation of one’s arcane conquests is a advised exercise in broadcasting who we are to those who would anatomize our shelves for clues (when they’re not rifling through our anesthetic cabinets). A bookshelf is not alone a abode to abode admired books but a way to telegraph our ambitions, generally lined with titles we accept acquired and accept would adorn our lives were we to able them accessible one day, or had they afflicted us added aback we did.
In the end, acclimation your books by blush is the affectionate of controllable DIY decorating agreement you can try and booty back, alike beneath of a charge than painting a wall. It ability alike get you to booty a afterpiece attending at a book you haven’t affected for ages, or one you consistently meant to get about to starting, instead of crumbling time absorbing about bookshelf design.
