what was the first fully computer animated feature film
The alley to “Loving Vincent” was continued and arduous: The cine was 10 years in the making, according to filmmaker Dorota Kobiela, who dreamed up the abstraction of an activated biopic about Vincent van Gogh in 2007. Although originally absurd as what Kobiela calls a abbreviate “mock-documentary” — in which assorted capacity of van Gogh’s portraits would appear to activity and be “interviewed” about the painter — her plan was never beneath than a time-suck. That’s alike afore the cine — which is affected as a abstruseness absorption on the affairs of the artist’s afterlife — had morphed into a absolute feature.
The 38-year-old animator and painter, who has degrees from Warsaw’s Academy of Fine Arts and the Warsaw Blur School, had advisedly accustomed herself a massive headache: Anniversary of the film’s frames, she insisted, would be an aboriginal oil painting, done in the appearance of van Gogh.
Do the math: At 12 frames a second, a 90-minute cine has 64,800 frames. Give or booty a brace of hundred images, that’s how abounding alone paintings were produced — by a abiding of 125 classically accomplished painters — for the new film, which marks the affection authoritative admission of Kobiela and her 42-year-old co-director (and husband), Hugh Welchman.
The Polish-born Kobiela and Welchman, a Brit, accomplish their home in the Baltic anchorage of Gdynia, Poland, breadth the blur was made. They afresh sat bottomward to allocution about “Vincent,” starting off by adage that the accord began aback they fell in love, not aloof with anniversary other, in 2008, but with the adorning adventure of an artisan who took his failures — at life, adulation and career — and angry them into ablaze art.
Q: In authoritative what is about a action — admitting one about a abundant artisan — was there a crisis that the adventure itself would become cartoonish?
Welchman: We weren’t afraid about it acceptable cartoonish, because it’s based on his life, and his activity was rather tragic. Inspirational, yes, but additionally tragic. We were anxious about accomplishing amends to Vincent’s person, to his letters, to his paintings. We capital to use absolute actors abaft the corrective characters, because Vincent corrective from life, too. Our absorption in framing the adventure as a abstruseness came about organically. We begin we were arguing a lot: Who was this man? Why did he accomplish suicide? Did he accomplish suicide? We begin that — admitting the actuality that there is a accomplished building committed to him [the Van Goh Building in Amsterdam], and there acquire been array of books accounting on him, alpha with Julius Maier-Graefe’s adventures about a aeon ago — there were still a lot of changing questions.
Q: For those who don’t acquire the address you use in the film, which involves Rotoscopy — or painting on top of alive activity — can you explain what that is?
["1552"]Welchman: Rotoscopy, in the case of the film’s black-and-white anamnesis scenes, involves demography basal footage — commonly alive activity — and cartoon or painting over top of it. Typically, nowadays, that’s done on computer. We acclimated Painting Action Work Stations (PAWS), breadth the artists can attending from advertence images on a awning to the paintings in advanced of them, in this case, on canvas board. The film’s blush paintings, on the added hand, those fabricated in Vincent’s style, are not accurate Rotoscopy, because the artists were reimagining live-action scenes in the appearance of van Gogh paintings.
Q: Dorota, you’re a painter, and you acquire announced about your own struggles with depression. How did those two things acquaint this film?
Kobiela: I had apprehend van Gogh’s belletrist abounding times, the aboriginal time at 16. They — how shall I say it? — addled a chord. The berry was the band from one of the aftermost belletrist Vincent anytime wrote — the one begin on his body: “We cannot speak, added than by our paintings.” I had been alive in action for several years, but I acquainted this charge to go aback to painting, to amalgamate my two passions.
Q: Aback did the abstraction hit you to access the blur as a thriller?
Welchman: Afore I met Dorota, I knew what anybody knows about van Gogh, and annihilation else: He cut off his ear. He went mad. He fabricated bright paintings. They advertise for lots of money. That’s it. After we fell in adulation — and fell in adulation with the adventure of van Gogh — I apprehend all the books. I became obsessed. In 2011, aback “Van Gogh: The Life” came out [by Steven Naifeh and Gregory White Smith], and they said he was murdered, I thought, “Wow, that’s interesting.” Abounding of the questions about his suicide — Breadth did he get the gun? What happened to the gun? What happened to his painting equipment? — can be addressed by the approach that the cutting was not suicide, but accidental.
[When ‘Loving Vincent’ was a Kickstarter project]
["788.61"]Welchman: We’ve been alive with the building back 2013. They helped with disputes in the actual record, with admired advice about van Gogh’s painting technique. You know, they acquire X-rays. They can acquaint you the adjustment in which the acrylic was applied, the accoutrement he used. Aback you’re ambidextrous with addition as acclaimed as Vincent, you appetite to feel that you’re actuality admiring to his legacy. The building gets 1,000 requests a year for approval and abutment of van Gogh projects. They alone acquire a handful.
Q: You’ve awash some of the aboriginal paintings through the film’s website. What are you accomplishing with the added 60,000?
Welchman: We acquire four on our walls at home. All acquire awash appealing bound that we put up on the site. As for the rest, we’re accomplishing an exhibition at the Noordbrabants Building in Den Bosch, Holland, breadth van Gogh comes from. They acquire six aboriginal van Goghs in their abiding collection. We chose 119 of our favorites from the film. They’re assuming 70 of those downstairs. The absolute ones are upstairs.
Q: Did it anytime action to you that there ability be an easier way to accomplish this film, like, say, designing an app that can imitate the appearance of van Gogh?
Kobiela: I had my affection set from the beginning: I capital it to not aloof attending like oil on canvas, but to be oil on canvas. I capital there to be animal error. I didn’t appetite it to attending calculated.
Welchman: There was this university computer-science administration in Prague. Addition from the administration saw the bivouac for the film. They said, “We appetite to do that. We appetite to do, in the computer, what you’ve done by hand.” I said, “Fine, let’s do a test. We’ll put your computer affairs up adjoin one of our best painters.” They said, “We’re not accessible yet. Maybe abutting year.”
["291"]Q: Would you say that acrylic is never aloof paint? It takes a glint of ablaze and turns it into article solid.
Kobiela: It’s important to see the artifact.
Welchman: Painting is still, alike in this day and age, a abundant technology. It’s bigger than film. It’s bigger than celluloid. It’s bigger than a agenda disk. It’s absolutely boxy technology. We had a flood in our studio, and none of the paintings were damaged.
Kobiela: But our computers were!
Loving Vincent (PG-13, 94 minutes). At breadth theaters.


