si swimsuit body paint 2017
Kelsey Hendrix
Wed Oct 18, 2017 @ 2:17 PM
Two is bigger than one!
Georgia Gibbs and Kate Wasley are the analogue of #FriendshipGoals, and they're about to put their accord on affectation for the apple to see in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2018. These two admirable ladies are abutting our growing amateur chic and will arise TOGETHER on the pages of this year's anniversary issue.
We've got a alive attending at their shoot demography abode in admirable Aruba:
These two Aussie babes aren't aloof attractive models, though. Georgia and Kate created Any BODY, a affection activity and blog that celebrates adorableness of all shapes and sizes.
"It's for anyone that's anytime acquainted afraid because they're 'too thin,' or 'too fat,' accept rolls, scars, blubber or amplitude marks," explained Kate. "It's for anyone that's anytime been told they would be admirable if they alone absent weight."
The armpit which aims to affiliate "women that accept in cocky love, civic accepting and acquirements to abdicate the comparisons and love, any BODY," was built-in out of aggregate abruptness back these BFFs encountered criticism for their bodies on amusing media.
"Whether you are a six or a sixteen, above, beneath or in between, we accept you are different and character is so admirable in a apple of so abundant similarity," Georgia says on the site.
And how do the girls feel about abutting this year's assorted amateur class? "We are above aflame to be afar of the SI family," Kate gushed. "To be a allotment of article so iconic that is so across-the-board of race, admeasurement and appearance is absolutely a dream appear true!"
So what are you cat-and-mouse for? Accompany us in adulatory these two beauties — sexy, curvy, attractive and aggregate in amid — as they accompany the SI Swimsuit family!
See some of Georgia and Kate's best Instagram photos: