pokemon sun and moon anime serena
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's pre-launch advertising has been appreciably quieter than Sun and Moon's and for a acceptable reason. Going aback to a arena we've already baffled is not the best agitative prospect, alike for adept and hardcore Pokemon Masters. Not that we won't buy the bold or annihilation (duh). However, new capacity in a Famitsu account accept popped up online and (as translated by NeoGAF user sinonobu) they're abundant to atom some fun cabal theories about area the amateur ability booty us.
Here are the capacity as burst bottomward on NeoGAF.
Not a aftereffect to S/M but the adventure with "different divergence."
The actualization of Ultra Recon Squad will change the story.
Main Adventure with altered development and there's a new post-game agreeable afterwards assault Pokemon League.
People who are assured accessory changes like "Emerald" or "Platinum" should be assured "Ultra Change."
There's new bold agreeable area players can roam about the Ultra Hole and go to altered dimensions.
Capturing and adopting Pokemon became easier compared S/M.
In some of the ambit that players go through "Ultra Warp Ride," players will be able to appointment some Allegorical Pokemon. One of the Pokemon players can appointment is Mewtwo.
If one aloof compares the arduous breadth of the script, US/UM is alert as continued compared to Sun and Moon.
["542.23"]Two big things from this account angle out, the "new post-game content" and the actuality that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon's calligraphy is alert the breadth of Sun/Moon's. Sun and Moon were compact amateur in their own right, but attractive at what has been accident in the apple of Pokemon, and some fun cabal theories emerge.
One of Sun and Moon's better criticisms was its arduous abridgement of post-game content, abrogation players with little added to do than bushing out the disappointingly bound Alola Dex, acquisition the Battle Tree, and re-running through the Pokemon League. The Pokemon amateur that featured the series' best allegorical post-game content, Gold and Silver, aloof so happened to get re-released beforehand this year in the e-Shop. Also, the affair that could calmly bifold the breadth of a calligraphy for a Pokemon bold would be addition arena and accustomed the fan theories that popped up afterward the acknowledge of the adventure bivouac (embedded above), we ability actual able-bodied be headed aback to Kanto already afresh afterwards assault the Pokemon League.
Nothing is confirmed, but it would accomplish sense. Plus there's additionally this from the anime that hasn't yet fabricated its way stateside. Warning, that articulation leads to spoilers.
["993.28"]Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon absolution alone on Nintendo 3DS on November 17th, 2017.

![Spoilers] Pokemon Sun Spoilers] Pokemon Sun](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/60/09/d0/6009d0f09c74544c0613d8221855bb6c.jpg)