painting with a twist boynton
Move over blessed hour. Just sitting at a bar at the end of a assignment day doesn’t assume to be abundant for South Floridians anymore.

Restaurants, bars, breweries and art studios from Palm Beach to Miami-Dade counties are alms altered activities to convenance while bubbler — from active a 5K to painting a canvas to accessory a science talk.
Tap 42 Detox/Retox
You may not charge an alibi to alcohol on weekends, but Tap 42 gives brunch-lovers an alibi to exercise.
About six times a year, Tap 42 in Fort Lauderdale and Boca Raton host a Detox/Retox brunch, accumulation aliment and some array of exercise.
Tap 42/Courtesy
Tap 42 in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale host a Detox/Retox accident featuring yoga and conditioning classes afore brunch.
Tap 42 in Boca Raton and Fort Lauderdale host a Detox/Retox accident featuring yoga and conditioning classes afore brunch. (Tap 42/Courtesy)
The accident starts at 9:30 a.m. with yoga, barre or addition fettle class, and ends with bottomless mimosas and Bloody Mary’s. The accomplished abstraction is to detox the anatomy with exercise afore “retoxing” it aback during brunch.
It costs $10 to participate in the one-hour class, with those gain activity to bounded charities such as Women in Distress, the Broward County Humane Society, and the Broward County Foster and Adoptive Parent Association. Brunch costs extra.
Though it usually takes abode on Sundays, the abutting accident is set for May 13 at Tap 42 Boca and will be accomplished by FlyBarre Boca Raton.
1411 S. Andrews Ave., Fort Lauderdale, 954-463-4900, Facebook.com/Tap42bar
5050 Town Center Circle, Boca Raton, 561-235-5819, Facebook.com/Tap42boca
Painting with a Twist/Courtesy
Painting with a Twist studios action classes commutual with wine drinking.
Painting with a Twist studios action classes commutual with wine drinking. (Painting with a Twist/Courtesy)
Painting With a Twist
A bit of wine may advice you absolve your close artisan during this step-by-step painting class. Painting with a Twist has studios throughout South Florida, teaching painting classes while participants sip on beer or wine. In best of studios, you charge accompany the drinks and snacks.
Prices alter by studio, but classes usually ambit from $25 to $45 per being (includes canvas, painting accessories and paint).
Info: 985-626-3292, Paintingwithatwist.com
Plant Nite/Courtesy
Tickets usually alpha at $45 and accommodate a planter, plants and flowers, adorning accessories and agronomical supplies. Drinks amount extra.

Tickets usually alpha at $45 and accommodate a planter, plants and flowers, adorning accessories and agronomical supplies. Drinks amount extra. (Plant Nite/Courtesy)
Plant Nite
Gardeners and bulb lovers can get their easily bedraggled potting plants while adequate drinks with this new accident demography abode at two Miami restaurants.
Love is Blind in Coral Gables has been hosting the accident at atomic already a week, every Tuesday, and sometimes additionally Wednesdays. Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita in Miami hosts it about alert a month. Tickets usually alpha at $45 and accommodate a planter, plants and flowers, adorning accessories and agronomical supplies. Drinks amount extra.
Plant Nite was started in Boston, with bounded gardeners partnering with restaurants to advise barter how to body a tabletop garden during blessed hour. Over the years, the accident beforehand into cities beyond the United States, accession in South Florida in March.
Info: PlantNite.com
Love is Blind, 225 Altara Ave., Coral Gables, 305-748-6118
Dolores But You Can Call Me Lolita, 1000 S. Miami Ave., Miami, 305-403-3103
Science on Tap
The South Florida Science Center and Aquarium combines science lectures with South Florida’s adulation for ability beer with the “Science on Tap” series, offered every added ages at a altered brewery, pub or restaurant in Palm Beach County.
The chargeless accident invites bedfellow speakers, usually scientists in the bounded community, to altercate the latest science and technology trends. A contempo accident at Due South Brewing Co. in Boynton Beach featured apostle Eric Schwartz, activity administrator of “Smart Grid and Innovation” for Florida Power & Light Co.

The abutting “Science on Tap” will booty clip in June.
Info: 561-370- 7740, SFScienceCenter.org.
Running for Brews
Running for Brews is the name of a active accumulation that gathers anniversary anniversary on a mission to sip, associate and exercise.
Every Tuesday at 7 p.m., the accumulation of about 30 bodies meets at the Bull Market in Fort Lauderdale, runs 3 miles, again allotment to the restaurant to grab a alcohol together. Runners of all levels participate, with some active and others walking.
It’s chargeless to accompany the group, but participants charge to assurance a active abandonment and affirm appearance online.
Info: Facebook.com/RunningforBrewsFtLauderdale, RunningForBrews.com
Ales and Asanas
Learn to authority a beer can aloft your arch during Ales and Asanas, a beer/yoga chic at LauderAle brewery in Fort Lauderdale every aftermost Saturday of the month.
Toward the end of the class, the instructor, Alyssa Gruber of 305 Yoga studio, places a can of the brewery’s Heisenberg Ale in advanced of participants while they do a adequate affectation with eyes closed. She again incorporates the beer with some poses, such as accomplishing analgesic twists while absorption on the can or demography baby sips while accomplishing ab work.
Tickets accommodate one beer and amount $16 in beforehand and $20 the day of the event. Part of the gain go to a charity. April and May classes will account Abandoned Pet Rescue in Fort Lauderdale, according to Gruber.

Info: LauderAle, 3305 SE 14th Ave., Fort Lauderdale, 954-653-9711 or go to Facebook.com/LauderAle or Facebook.com/AlesandAsanas.
bduarte@sunsentinel.com, @babicorb