math 6 spy guys
When Ole Miss quarterback Shea Patterson aftermost faced Vanderbilt, he was alpha off a fourth-quarter body abatement of Texas A&M and authoritative his additional bookish alpha in as abounding games. This Saturday, he’ll accept his additional advance at the Commodores, but he’s yet to breach the double-digit barrier in career starts.
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If you anamnesis aftermost year’s activity in Nashville, things went absolutely able-bodied for a quarter, with Patterson acrimonious up breadth he larboard off adjoin the Aggies. Then, based on some impaired rules that don’t accomplish sense, Ole Miss had to comedy three added quarters, which did not go able-bodied at all.
The Ole Miss breach sputtered and farted around, while the aegis helped a Derek Mason Vanderbilt aggregation set a almanac for best credibility adjoin an SEC aggregation during his tenure. So how did this appear to pass?
Well, added than Ole Miss’ aegis accouterment a examination for this year’s aegis — which is to say no aegis — Vanderbilt’s aegis did its best to abash Patterson and the abhorrent line, accumulate Patterson from affliction them with his legs, and accomplish Ole Miss’ receivers win matchups in a abbreviate aeon of time. Also, if Derek Mason’s bold plan included Ole Miss receivers bottomward eight passes (seven of which would’ve been aboriginal downs and one a touchdown) through the third quarter, that was acute too.
Let’s hit the lights, put in a dip* and see how they got the bigger of the Ole Miss breach (via here).
/gets dizzy
/incapacitated for the blow of the day
We aces things up at the accurate alpha of the additional quarter. This is what Patterson sees pre-snap. Bristles guys assuming burden and two safeties aural 10 yards of the band of scrimmage.
Just afore the snap, the two safeties attack. One will blitz, while the added drops into some amplitude to either booty abroad a quick camber or spy on Patterson to accumulate him in analysis if he escapes the pocket.
Vanderbilt sends six players adjoin Ole Miss’ six blockers, as the active aback stays in to help. In the secondary, Vanderbilt is arena man advantage with no assurance help.
Six blockers demography on six rushers seems fine, yes? LOL.
As you see, the larboard bouncer assault aegis and the active aback whiffs on the blitzing safety. And aback all the advanced receivers’ routes are average to deep, Patterson has boilerplate to go.
One of the things Vanderbilt did consistently, abnormally aback Ole Miss lined up with three advanced receivers and a bound end, was accept the arresting aback lined up over the aperture receiver booty a few accomplish inside, as if he ability attack. If he apprehend a run play, he usually did, but on canyon plays he primarily alone into coverage.
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They additionally fabricated it a point to consistently accept a spy on Patterson. They did not appetite him active around, extending plays, or accepting hasty yards already he bankrupt ascendancy from the canyon rush. With an able spy, they could booty that abroad from Patterson’s game.
Vandy alone rushes three and drops eight into coverage, calamity the abbreviate average of the acreage with defenders. They may accept been somewhat anxious about Evan Engram operating in this breadth (he backward in to block on this play).
If you do the math, three receivers adjoin eight guys in advantage is, what bodies in the business would say, NOT IDEAL.
Patterson takes off because no one is accessible and the assault eventually gets to him, but a agile (BOOM NAILED IT) of Commodore defenders awaits him.
Earlier, I mentioned Vanderbilt’s advance to abash Patterson and the abhorrent line. They capital to do what teams accept done this year, which is accomplish it adamantine to analyze who is hasty and who is bottomward off.
Here, we see them accomplishing aloof that. Bristles abeyant rushers army the band (and two linebackers accept the abeyant for a delayed blitz).
Only three rush, with a spy bottomward off and a arresting aback bottomward into coverage. Again, the average of the acreage is awash with defenders and Engram has no allowance to work. Now, if the average is crowded, there’s amplitude outside.
Patterson is affected to bond because Ole Miss can’t handle a three-man rush, and admitting he has his active aback still open, he never sees him. On top of that, two Vanderbilt defenders (the spy and a linebacker) are actual abundant focused on him.
Joining the affair is a arresting back, who takes abroad alike added space.
Here’s a acceptable attending at what Vanderbilt did appealing abundant the aftermost three quarters. They acclimated two-high safeties, showed a assault of four or more, and alone a spy, abrogation alone three to rush.
It absolutely didn’t advice Ole Miss that they were consistently in long-yardage situations on additional and third downs, but it REALLY didn’t advice that they couldn’t block three rushers with bristles guys.
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This apparently wouldn’t accept been a aboriginal down, but you get your receiver the brawl in amplitude and he has to exhausted one guy for the aboriginal down.
While the abhorrent band carries a lot of the blame, sometimes the receivers aloof couldn’t get accessible (or conceivably Patterson didn’t see them). Either way, there were plays breadth he had time to analysis his options.
Even admitting we accept a new shape, STILL LOOKING GOOD, FRIENDS.
Alas, Patterson accursed it in the administration of Engram, who was amidst by defenders in the average of the field. PUNT.
Because Vandy’s canyon assault was able no amount how abounding bodies backward in to block, Patterson was understandably skittish. That meant the aboriginal beam of a canyon rusher in his eyes acquired him to not appetite to be active animate afresh (NO JUDGMENT HERE, SEEMS VERY UNFUN IMO).
On this play, Ole Miss sends out three receivers and leaves seven in to block Vandy’s four rushers. The algebraic tells you it’s three-on-seven, with the safeties demography abroad abysmal throws.
Ole Miss defies the allowance and is able to block four rushers with seven blockers.
However, as the abridged shifts, Patterson has apparent abundant of this ish and bails (it additionally helps receivers couldn’t get accessible in the abrupt time he spent in the pocket).
Now a quick abeyance for a articulation I like to alarm HUGH MAD.
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And that was this week’s copy of HUGH MAD.
Later in the game, aback things were clearly out of control, Ole Miss threw out a five-wide set on third and 10.
Vanderbilt pounced on the befalling to beat the abhorrent line, alive a quick bandy was absurd to aces up a aboriginal down. They beatific six rushers, acceptation Ole Miss, barring a leg whip or amazing hold, cannot stop one rusher.
AND BEHOLD (also, the abbreviate bandy was there to a guy in space).
Finally, no blur analysis would be complete after Ole Miss’ abhorrent band annoyed adjoin a delayed blitz. Granted, Vanderbilt is in no way assured a run, so why should they not advance Patterson in the pocket?
Here we see a linebacker, assuming as the spy that was such a featured allotment of this defense.
Except this time, he decides to not delay for Patterson’s clutter to get to him, but to go accommodated him with a friend.
The linebacker isn’t best up, bandy in a bad block by the abhorrent line, and actuality we are.
Easy abundant that Derek Mason can adore a auspicious cooler while analogous defense.
Obviously, things are a little altered this year, as Ole Miss isn’t active the four versions of plays it ran aftermost year with Patterson. Unfortunately, they still accept the aforementioned problems.
The abhorrent band isn’t good, they attempt to run or won’t accomplish the accomplishment (Akeem Judd averaged 6.3 yards/carry aftermost year and artlessly got alone 10 carries), and Patterson still hasn’t apparent a lot as a quarterback. I accept Mason will already afresh attending to adumbrate how abounding bodies will rush, force throws to the outside, and accord up no atomic plays.
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However, if Ole Miss can get appropriate yardage out of the active backs (via run and pass), assure aback Vandy plays coverage, and patiently hit the beneath throws to the outside, they can break out of long-yardage situations and absolutely aces the Commodores apart. If not, SEQUEL AHOY.
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