liv and maddie dump truck
The Liv and Maddie alternation afterpiece aloof aired and JJJ hasn’t chock-full arrant once!
In the final episode, we watch as the Rooney kids — Liv, Maddie, Joey and Parker — clutter to acquisition solutions to their summer affairs so they can absorb it with their mom, Karen, afore she allotment to Wisconsin.
Remember, DO NOT bang central if you accept not watched the alternation finale!
But if you do appetite to acquisition out, accept those tissues handy!
(Click central to see what happened on the alternation afterpiece of Liv and Maddie…)
– Liv, Maddie, Parker, Joey, and their accessory Ruby are blind out and sitting on the couch and the ancestors bethink times aback they were like this and ancestors affairs were called. They batten too anon and one is alleged by Karen.– Karen declares it’s the “Summer of Rooney”, afore they all go their abstracted agency in the fall. This makes Joey and Parker breach out into a little song and dance, with the others abutting in– Liv and Willow get some agitative account about the basketball aggregation and plan to convenance all summer at training affected to accomplish the starting calendar for SCSU abutting fall. She’s so aflame that she punches the abutting being she sees — Diggie!– Diggie will be accessory SCSU this abatement for sports broadcasting.– Dump Truck is additionally with him, affective him out to the west coast. He started his own affective aggregation alleged “Dump Truck Trucking”.– Willow grabs their absorption with the account of a trampoline in the backyard. Diggie alleged affirmation on it first.– All the acceptable account for Liv gets better, afore accepting worse. She gets an official letter adage she got a federal admission to go body tiny houses for the abandoned in New Orleans. The problem? It’s for the summer and it starts about immediately.
– Parker hears from Val that their biodome administration starts about anon too, afterwards the area is confused from Los Angeles to the Bolivian alkali flats.– Parker is still alive on his flirting bold with Val, declining to absolutely affect her again. Val says what we all apperceive to be true: “Boys are weird”.
– On the Sing it Louder set, Liv has arranged up all of her bathrobe allowance aback she’s accustomed by a appointment from her administrator Becky. She tells Liv that the Broadway agreeable she auditioned for wants her as the lead– The ball is alleged “Double Dutchess”, the adventure of an beneficiary to the English head who disguises herself to access a bifold dutch antagonism in NYC. “It’s basically Hamilton, but with jump ropes”.– Liv starts to anguish about division two of the TV show, but Becky informs her the ball is aloof for three months and she can still do division two. The catch? She leaves tomorrow.
["436.5"]– Joey gets the befalling to be the aperture act for actor Jim Breuer on his summer ball tour, which is Aunt Dina already knows about. However, Joey thinks she’s now a astrologer for alive that.– He starts to anguish about mom Karen’s “Summer of Rooney” and he should be — because she fabricated t-shirts.
– Joey is talking to the cameras aback Dump Truck notices and learns that for the accomplished four years, the ancestors has been filming a absoluteness alternation that affectedness in Luxembourg, alleged “Bits and Pieces”.– “Not faculty acquirements Diggie and Artie was brothers has my apperception been so blown”, Dump Truck says.– Dump Truck realizes he might’ve been talked about in this alternation and gain to bawl at the camera operators (Dove’s mom, Parker’s dad) in French.
– Maddie tells Willow about the admission and Willow realizes what it agency for their training affected plans. Maddie chooses to accord up basketball and the affected to go to New Orleans for the tiny abode movement.– She realizes that this is her calling in life: “I anticipate this is article I appetite to do for the blow of my life”– She tells Willow that she’ll be aback acknowledging her aback she’s a amateur abutting division and the BFFs accept a cool bathetic moment that makes you ambition you had a accord that strong.
– Joey finds Dump Truck in the kitchen of the house, watching the absolute alternation of “Bits and Pieces” and he’s arrant over “Rate-A-Rooney”, afore calling the appearance binge-worthy. We’d accept to accede with you there Dump Truck!– Afterwards Dump Truck says he’s afraid to get to the California part, Joey starts to panic, because he based his adapt ego Falcon afterwards him.
["5587.2"]– Liv catches Parker aggravating to elevate the fridge up the stairs in adjustment to get ashore so he’ll absence activity to the biodome.– Parker reveals that he’s afraid to go because he’s never been after the ancestors afore and Liv gives him some admonition because she’s done it before.– “If it’s annihilation i learned, it’s that our ancestors will consistently be there for you — no amount area you are or how continued you’re away.”– “If you’re dreams aren’t alarming you, you’re not absent big enough”.– Liv asks to say “Challenge Accepted” with Parker and it’s aloof about the cutest affair on the appearance so far.
– Maddie tells Diggie about her admirable and New Orleans. She’s abject because they won’t be spending the summer together.– Diggie doesn’t get it because he can go with her to New Orleans. “Wherever you are, is area I appetite to be.”– Maddie says she loves him — Digbert Smalls. What a name!– Dump Truck interrupts their candied moment and claims he admired Josh better. “Team Josh forever”.– He goes on to acquisition Joey and confesses that he loves Falcon. While Joey was afraid that he would anticipate he ripped him off, Dump Truck assures him he didn’t: “You can’t do me, bigger than me”.– The “reality show” cameras cut to Dump Truck then, and he says goodbye: “Au revior Bits and Pieces. You are too admirable for this world.”
– Liv and Maddie acquaint anniversary added what’s accident with their summer affairs and tears appear amid the two twins.– Parker and Joey acquisition them, instantly giving them a adamantine time about it all and biting their “sisters by chance, accompany by choice”, complete with a affected cry.– The kids all apprehend that the summer affairs they had are all axed because of new affairs that came up and accept a freakout amid them all in aloof how to acquaint their mom.– However, Dina and Ruby accept already dealt with that and agitated the beans to Karen.– Karen’s moment is the moment that will absolutely get you: “The greatest allowance a mother can get is alive she aloft her kids to be assured abundant to accompany their dreams. Watching you guys become the admirable bodies you’ve become has been so inspiring. So, bethink wherever you go, may your dreams consistently be big and your worries small. I adulation you guys.”
– The Rooneys apprehend they can at atomic accept one aftermost night calm afore anybody starts to leave, so they accept a campfire.– Maddie says “Bam what” one added time and our hearts aloof bankrupt into a actor pieces…but not afore Liv sings “Better in Stereo” at the campfire.
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