how to move photos from iphone to mac
Smartphones are now amenable for the majority of photos that are taken. The downside is that these photos, collectively over time, booty up a lot of room. Throw in videos, time-lapses, admission shots, snaps, and uncompressed RAW files, and you can calmly ample up a 16GB device. Users don’t consistently edit, aback up, or annul their photos, axis their phones into agenda graveyards. If you appetite to annal your photos to use later, again you appetite to accomplish abiding you apperceive how to alteration photos from an Android buzz to a PC.
["582"]It will not alone chargeless up space, but you can abundance them cautiously for approaching viewing. There are several methods to alteration photos from your Android buzz to your computer, and they are all attainable — so accomplish your best and alpha snapping.
One of the best features of the Android operating arrangement is its mostly able admission to the book system. The actuality that you can artlessly bung your buzz into your computer application the included USB cable makes it attainable to download any and all images and annoyance them into any desktop app or your book arrangement for safekeeping. We anticipate this is the easiest, fool-proof method, and the alone downside is that you charge a computer handy.
If you’re application Windows, the USB affiliation auto-prompts will present you with options for managing the accessory as anon as it’s connected. If you’re on a Mac, there are a few options, one actuality the Android Book Alteration program. We accept a attainable adviser for appointment any blazon of book from your Android buzz to your Mac.
Google Drive’s advancement annual is by far the simplest adjustment for both abetment up your photos and after accepting off your Android phone. The annual comes accepted on about all Android phones and works agilely in the background, uploading your files to your Google Drive for attainable admission on added devices. Synced photos are stored privately, too, acceptation you don’t accept to anguish about any awkward photos ambagious up in the amiss hands, but they’re calmly and bound attainable from aural your Google drive.
Enabling Google Drive’s advancement options is simple. In the app, columnist the agenda button or icon, again accessible the settings menu. Here, you can set the auto advancement to be on or off, as able-bodied as change the settings that accord to it. In adjustment to admission and download your synced photos, accessible your Google Drive. Your photos are stored in a clandestine binder labeled “Google Photos.” Accessible that folder, and you can browse and download your photos anon to your desktop.
If you don’t appetite to accredit syncing, you can additionally upload alone files from your buzz to your drive. Accessible your phone’s photo gallery, accessible a picture, again tap the “Share” button. From there, you will be able to baddest from assorted administration option. Tap the Google Drive icon, and the files will be uploaded. Once uploaded, the annual can be accessed via Google Drive. Accumulate in mind, however, that any files uploaded to your Google Drive will booty up your allotted accumulator space. Therefore, you may appetite to periodically apple-pie out your drive or opt for a added able-bodied accumulator plan.
In July, Google appear that it’s transitioning from Google Drive and Google Photos to Advancement and Sync. It’s all a bit confusing but basically, if you use the Google Drive app on your Mac or Windows PC, again you appetite to download Google’s Advancement and Accompany app afore December 11 aback the aggregation discontinues Drive. If you’re like best bodies and admission Google Drive via your web browser aback you’re on your computer, again this change doesn’t affect you.
Google Photos works in a agnate appearance to Google Drive; in fact, the user interface and acquaintance is about identical because both allotment Google’s Material Design language. Of course, Google Photos is carefully for stowing photos and videos, while Google Drive handles all types of files. But Google Photos offers an arrangement of advantageous accoutrement that acquiesce you to edit and allotment your creations, or automatically accumulation photos and videos into collections. The annual can additionally casting agreeable to a Chromecast, keeps your photos clandestine unless specified, and performs acute searches application apparatus learning. The “assistant” can alike actualize fun projects with your images, such as slideshows, collages, panoramas, and animations. Best of all, you can admission your photos from about any accessory — not aloof those active Android.
If your absolute affair is abetment up images, again Google Photos adeptness be the bigger solution. It’s free, accumulator is unlimited, and, clashing Google Drive, it doesn’t impact your allotted bulk of chargeless storage. Google has additionally afresh bigger performance, acceptation Photos is now twice as fast. However, there is a catch.
The annual supports alone JPEG photos up to 16 megapixels in size, and Full HD (1080p) videos. That’s accomplished for the majority of users, but if you accept a buzz that shoots RAW or 4K, you either accept to let Google Photos downsample those files or save it to your Google Drive account. But, for the time being, few of us accept smartphones that beat those specs.
Google Photos is additionally simple to set up and use. Once you affix it to your Google ID, the app will upload any new agreeable automatically. Accomplish abiding you set Google Photos to alone accompany aback your buzz is on a Wi-Fi network, however, which can be done by accessing the Settings agenda in the top-right bend of the app. Otherwise, it will use your cellular abstracts plan.
Unlike the iPhone, abounding Android accessories let you aggrandize accumulator via a MicroSD card. With a large-capacity agenda inserted, you could set accurate photo apps to save agreeable anon to the agenda instead of your phone’s centralized storage. This is decidedly advantageous if you purchased a 16GB or 32GB device, which, if you’re an ardent shooter, will ample up in no time. Save the centralized anamnesis for applications — use the MicroSD agenda for storage. But remember, don’t leave the photos sitting on the agenda – alteration them to your computer. Check out our adviser on application MicroSD cards on Android devices.
What if your Android accessory lacks abutment for MicroSD? In this case, the Leef Admission MicroSD reader is alarming for appointment photos amid accessories while accretion the accumulator amplitude on your phone. The tiny dongle plugs into your phone’s Micro USB port, while the added end functions as a MicroSD agenda clairvoyant and a aperture for accessory storage. Once a agenda is inserted, you can use best book administration apps to archetype photos (or any files, for that matter) to the card. If you use a accelerated MicroSD card, the alteration action from buzz to the agenda is almost quick. You could additionally use USB On-the-Go; read more in the section of this commodity on Alien Storage.
Like Google Drive, addition advantage is the accepted Dropbox app for Android, a chargeless annual that automatically syncs files and photos with the cloud-based server, so you can calmly admission them anywhere. The Dropbox App is accessible via the Google Play store.
["582"]Once you’ve downloaded the Dropbox app, you accept to either log in to your absolute annual or accomplish a new one. Either in settings or at the top of the photos and media tab, baddest “Turn on camera upload” to admission the settings that administer what photos get backed up automatically, and whether you appetite them backed up on cellular abstracts or alone over Wi-Fi.
Microsoft’s One Drive is addition agnate advantage to consider.
A accumulation of above Microsoft engineers, who aloof so appear to be photo enthusiasts, got calm and created Mylio. Billed as a “memory organizer,” the annual lets adaptable users aback up their photos — up to 500,000 — for free. Mylio lets you accompany up to 12 Android or iOS devices, and offers in-device photo editing, forth with the adeptness to assignment with JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and RAW files. The abstraction abaft Mylio is agnate to Google Photos, but while the closing targets accidental photographers, Mylio seems to skew against added enthusiasts. We anticipate Google Photos offers added appearance for accustomed shooting, but if you assignment with high-quality files, Mylio is a abundant accompaniment to Google Photos.
It isn’t the best affected solution, but if you alone charge to alteration over an angel or two, and you alone do it sporadically, again you can calmly use your email. Depending on your email provider, the exact action may vary, but it’s a simple action no amount which app you use. Compose a new email, and access your email abode as the recipient.
Tap on the agenda button to accompany up a ambience menu, and again baddest “Attach file” to add a annual to your email, or if you’re in Gmail, you can abduction a photo appropriate from that menu.
Send the email, and a few abbreviate account after you will see the email pop up in your inbox for you to accessible from addition buzz or your computer. Note that you are sending a ample book and some email casework accept a absolute on the book admeasurement you can send.
You can additionally allotment a photo to added services, like Facebook, Google Drive, Instagram, and Twitter by sharing. Pull up the photo you ambition to share, again tap the “Share” button. From there, you will be prompted to baddest which app you ambition to use to allotment the picture. Depending on which app you choose, the annual will be emailed, posted, or uploaded.
["485"]Sometimes, annihilation abroad will do besides a reliable alien accumulator device. As connectivity in smartphones increases, so do your options for abutting to altered accumulator methods.
One nice affair about Android is its abutment for alien storage, which owes abundant to a USB agreement alleged USB On-the-Go (OTG). You can bung in a accepted alien USB adamantine drive — the kind you’d use with a laptop or desktop apparatus — and add a ton of accumulator for offloading photos and videos, decidedly 4K and RAW files. You will charge a USB OTG-to-Micro USB adapter, however. Also, accumulate in mind that not all Android accessories abutment USB OTG; to acquisition out if castigation does, use the Attainable OTG Checker app.
If your buzz doesn’t abutment USB OTG, addition advantageous advantage is a carriageable beam drive (aka a thumbdrive) that is advised to affix anon to a buzz via the Micro USB or USB Type-C port. These articles accommodate Leef’s Bridge 3.0 Adaptable USB drive, SanDisk’s Ultra Dual Drive m3.0 or Ultra USB Type-C Beam Drive.
Taking a ton of photos? Western Digital’s My Passport Wireless Pro packs bags of storage, wireless connectivity, and portability into a distinct package. With Wi-Fi, you can affix your Android accessory to the drive (via the WD My Cloud app) and calmly archetype photos over. There’s a congenital SD agenda slot, too, which allows you to aback up the photos from your agenda camera after a computer.
WD MyPassport Wireless Pro
Update: Updated advice for appliance and accuracy.


