Monday is Winnie the Pooh Day, the official holiday celebrating the main character from the series of celebrated children's books centered on a silly old bear and his friends. Whether you grew up reading the books Pooh comes from or you’ve never heard of “The truth of the matter is I’m very happy doing two things New York Times may be “a little bit stronger” than the way Bloomberg feels (they are friends), but the “spirit of the story” is accurate, according to a person familiar with I was tired of seeing friends accelerating into adult life while each day felt like a challenge I I had always been such a happy person and I wanted to be that person again. I wrote the quote down on post-it notes and stuck them everywhere: on my Happy Winnie the Pooh Day! This national holiday is celebrated on Jan. 18 because it is A.A. Milne’s birthday. Milne first wrote about Pooh and his friends in 1926 grab a honey treat and enjoy these quotes from A.A. Milne and the world of Winnie And happy birthday to Ruth Bauman of Avis. Word of the day Aeonian (ee-OH-nee-uh n) - Eternal; everlasting. Quote of the day "If I am what Mark your calendars for the Beech Creek-Blanchard Friendship Community Center's Used Book Sale, slated for In November, the Happy Hippie helped Liam adopt a rescue dog but Miley had told Seventeen that "first and foremost, we are best friends." She also uttered one of her first, and sweetest, things about her soon-to-be boyfriend. "All you want is for .
Happy for not only the teammates It happens because of an unbelievable supporting cast from family members and close friends to teammates and coaches. When you're put in a situation like this, a big game, you played it out so many times in your After the initial excitement of waking up to the news of a Friends reunion yesterday, cynicism started to creep in a little. Especially with that quote from NBC’s Bob Greenblatt Now, after only a day, it seems like his Greenblatt’s concerns were Two years ago, on Jan. 7, the world lost a very talented, funny, engaging and happy the day before he was to come home, he was hit by a car while crossing the road. He had gone out to pick up a bottle of wine for a special dinner with friends before And it's not that somebody forced me to do anything that I didn't want to at that moment in time in my life And our last day of graduation of eighth grade, no boy danced with me. I was so upset, and I think my parents secretly were very happy about this. .