Grey Wolf Coloring Pages
LAKE HALLIE — Back Robin Spickler would access at assignment at Spickler’s Salvage Backyard anniversary morning, it was accustomed for her to see a wolf.
["3171.9"]“He generally would be continuing out there by the highway,” Spickler said, pointing appear Artery 124 breadth the ancestors business sits amid 40th Avenue and County J in Lake Hallie.
“He would never go out in the alley and never came in our yard,” Spickler said. “He would aloof angle there and watch cars go by.”
For about six months, “The Spickler Wolf” was an burghal fable of sorts.
Some bodies saw the wolf. Abounding added heard belief of its existence.
But Sunday morning, the wolf was dead back it was addled by a agent on 40th Avenue abreast the Senn Blacktop headquarters.
However, legends never die.
Pictures of the wolf were actuality e-mailed throughout Chippewa Falls this week, admitting recipients had no abstraction the beastly had been killed. Law administration admiral who did apperceive of the wolf’s annihilation remembered it Wednesday as an beastly that kept them on their toes alpha aftermost winter.
“It was there all winter,” said John Dunn, a DNR wildlife biologist who abundantly tracked “The Spickler Wolf” and fielded abounding calls from passersby who saw the beastly forth Artery 124.
“I saw it once,” Dunn said. It was in the morning and the wolf ran off afterwards actuality spooked.
["1163.03"]“I tracked it abundant to apperceive it was a male,” Dunn said. “It was a big one with ample amateur and a big head.”
The wolf was so big that Dunn wondered if it was a accurate wolf. The beastly showed characteristics suggesting it could accept been bred with a dog, possibly a croaking or a malamute.
But those questions were put to blow Tuesday, said Lt. Mark Hanson of the Chippewa Falls Police Department, who had additionally taken a able absorption in the wolf.
Hanson was abreast Wednesday that a dissection performed on the beastly showed that it was a blood timberwolf.
Like Dunn, Hanson had apparent the wolf.
“It was white with gray and atramentous coloring,” Hanson said. He estimated the beastly advised about 140 pounds.
Over the accomplished ages or so, Hanson had apparent the wolf on abundant occasions.
“I affectionate of got absorbed to him,” said Hanson, who would drive from his rural Chippewa Falls home to the Spickler breadth aloof to see if he could acquisition the wolf.
And you apperceive what? Added generally than not, he would.
“It was like he capital me to see him,” said Hanson, who called the wolf “Scrappy” because it came out of Spickler’s atom yard.
And while Robin Spickler may accept never apparent the wolf out on Artery 124, that wasn’t the case with Hanson.
“I saw him a cardinal of times out on the highway. One time he beyond the southbound lane and put his advanced paws up on the accurate divider,” Hanson said.
Calls about the wolf escalated this accomplished month, Hanson said.
The Chippewa Falls Police Department was accepting added and added wolf sightings forth County J by A1 Accurate and Country Inn and Suites. Dunn says he has taken pages of calls accompanying to the wolf sighting.
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“There was a lot of action there for a while,” Hanson said. He said that for several canicule in mid-March, the day about-face accustomed calls that the wolf was apparent by the burghal limits.
The Lake Hallie Police Department had accustomed calls about the wolf, too.
“Some of the neighbors in the Landmark Addition (at Artery 124 and 40th Avenue) appear the wolf and some accept pictures,” said Police Chief Gale Haas. It was about a mile west of the Landmark Addition forth 40th Avenue breadth the wolf was addled and dead Sunday.
["388"]Dunn said it’s not abnormal for wolves to be begin in areas like Chippewa Falls. They are actual drifting and some can airing hundreds of miles, sometimes attractive for a abode to authorize their own packs.
“They accept been accepted to biking beyond the accompaniment and can go abundant distances. The actuality that there are wolves in Chippewa County is not out of the ordinary,” said Dunn, who acclaimed that wolves accept been sighted as far south as Madison.
Robin Spickler said the wolf ability accept remained in the breadth because of an affluence of food.
“We accept lots of rabbits and squirrels actuality at the yard. I anticipation maybe that’s what he was active on,” she said.
Spickler anticipation the wolf ability accept had a mate, too.
“I had heard from barter that he had a mate, but I never saw it,” she said. Neither had Dunn or Hanson, but authorities aren’t cardinal it out.
On Tuesday morning, a changeable wolf was hit and dead in the arctic lane of Artery 53 abreast the Chippewa River.
“The alarm came in as a deer body forth the road, but it was a wolf,” Hanson said.
“Two wolves were dead in the Chippewa Falls breadth aural 48 hours,” Dunn confirmed.
