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Greetings, adolescent Stormlight admirers and cosplay aficionados! Afterwards a bit of a aperture we’re aback with allotment two of the “Cosplaying the Stormlight Archive” series, this time featuring Szeth, Veil (Shallan’s alter-ego), Hoid, and—for the absolutely committed—full apparel of Shardplate and Shardblades! Best of these apparel absolutely accept assize artwork featured in the books, so we can get a little added abstruse about the particulars (and I won’t accept to accumulation as abounding in-book sources). If you absent allotment one (Alethi uniforms and the Havah) you can advertence it here.
Without added ado, let’s activate with everyone’s admired apache in white—Ezio Auditore! No wait. I mean… Szeth!
Szeth son-son-Vallano gets a specific admission all to himself, as the clothes he wears aren’t archetypal of the Shin. The Parshendi crave him to abrasion his white assassin’s accouterments while he’s alive for them, and Teravangian instructed him to abide cutting it already his oath-stone was anesthetized on.
The amount had abounding white clothing: chiffon trousers and an overshirt that bouncing with anniversary step. Words of Radiance (p. 373).
Thankfully we accept this admirable approved artwork by Ben McSweeney for Szeth, so we don’t accept to await so abundant on accounting descriptions! The bigger affair to remember, of course, is to use white fabric. His clothes arise to be affection or linen—the bolt appears absolutely attenuate and has a nice flow, admitting you could use a lighter weight bolt to get that “filmy” effect.
The trousers are appealing generic, you could use any pajama draft arrangement for them, or go a little added complicated with a 17th aeon slops pattern.
It looks as if he’s cutting a brace (with or afterwards sleeves, who knows) beneath a anorak which is beat open, and those little overlapping shoulder-capes—like the ones you’d acquisition on a avant-garde duster—are absorbed to the jacket.
So if we’re activity with that theory, his brace is adequately simple—the renaissance brace I affiliated to in the antecedent commodity for the bridgemans’ apparel would assignment accurately here, aloof use the best one… and maybe add a collar. This one (the dejected jacket) could additionally work. If you’d rather go for a added historically “accurate” arrangement (I use the appellation authentic about aback let’s face it, this is accession apple and annihilation “accurate” actuality may not be in Roshar), try this Turkish Gentleman’s one from Reconstructing History. Szeth’s brace looks as if it’s buttoned up the avant-garde like a avant-garde men’s dress shirt—you could conceivably adapt one for this purpose if you don’t appetite to achieve it all from scratch. Aloof buy some analogous white bolt and extend the bottom.
As for his jacket/duster with accept capes, you can use any of the aloft patterns (the Turkish one would assignment best I think) and aloof add the capes—if you’re not assured in your abilities to achieve those capes afterwards a pattern, the atramentous blind of this Jedi arrangement would assignment with some alterations. Aforementioned goes for this 18th aeon men’s cloak. Alternatively, you could go for a able besom arrangement like Butterick 3830 or Simplicity 4916 (if you can acquisition it). If you’d rather try to adapt an absolute allotment of clothing, try to acquisition a white besom and abolish some of the chest sections so it charcoal accessible in front.
His belt is beautiful, and I’d action a assumption that it’s fabricated of leather. The catch on the avant-garde will apparently charge to be crafted, as award a catch that ample will be difficult (though not impossible). Authoritative it out of craft/EVA cream is one option. For a added athletic buckle, worbla would assignment nicely, admitting it’ll be added costly. See the area on Shardplate beneath for added advice on alive with EVA cream or worbla. If you absolutely appetite to go all-out, achieve yourself a adaptation out of adobe and afresh mold/cast it in artificial or metal!
The draft of the belt doesn’t attending too awfully complicated. A nice allotment of abdomen covering and some dye will be all you’ll absolutely charge (though an angle beveler and angle slicker should absolutely be acclimated to annular the edges, if you’ve got admission to them or the disposable assets to buy them). I’d use a bond groover and maybe put in some bond to actualize that nice admission forth the edge, it aloof makes aggregate attending added accomplished and nice!
If you’re not agog to bead a hundred bucks or so on covering and leatherworking accoutrement (and who could accusation you, really) you could actualize a absolute nice, simple adaptation with pleather and maybe some ability interfacing if it’s not blubbery enough.
As for the shoes, they attending like simple slip-on loafers.
Sadly I accept no photos of cosplayers who accept attempted Szeth’s costume. If you accept one, feel chargeless to bead a photo in the comments, I’d adulation to see!
Hoid gets his own section, as the King’s Wit compatible is altered in blush if not design. This admirable fanart by Botanica Xu matches the accounting descriptions absolutely well.
Hoid by Botanica Xu. Acclimated with permission.
“He wore a annealed atramentous covering and atramentous trousers, a blush akin by his abysmal atramentous hair. Admitting he wore a long, attenuate brand angry to his waist, as far as Adolin knew, the man had never fatigued it. A dueling antithesis rather than a aggressive blade, it was mostly symbolic.” The Way of Kings (p. 197).
Josh Walker as Hoid
For Hoid’s Wit persona, I’d advertence the Alethi compatible area of the antecedent commodity and achieve it in atramentous instead of blue, with no glyphs. It’s a acceptable bet that it’s a double-breasted anorak buttoned up both abandon like the added Alethi uniforms. His beard blush is a catchy thing—he’s got white beard in best of his added Cosmere appearances, but atramentous actuality on Roshar. Accession basic of any acceptable Hoid cosplay is an abiding beam (As Josh is announcement above) and a hatful of amusing blame to bung about.
I’m accumulation Tyn and Veil actuality aback Shallan steals her clothes, and models her Veil persona at atomic somewhat afterwards Tyn. The accouterments is declared as a annealed white covering covering that goes bottomward to the top of her boots, angry at the waist with a blubbery atramentous hogshide belt so the anorak is mostly bankrupt in avant-garde (Words of Radiance p. 280, 484). She’s additionally declared as cutting “loose amber trousers, a white buttoned shirt, and a attenuate cuff on her safehand.” (p. 484). Her beard is afflicted via lightweaving apparition to be aphotic instead of red (p. 482) and her safehand cuff is tan (p. 273).
So from this, we can accumulate a few pieces of advice (in accession to the admirable artwork above): Amber trousers and white covering coat, tan glove, amber hat with a attenuated brim. In the analogy she’s additionally got calf-height boots and a scarf, and we can see that the anorak pins aback in a appearance agnate to that acclimated in absolute apron coats (to achieve benumbed horses easier).
Deana Whitney as Veil
Deana says of her Veil costume:
The covering is based on McCall’s M7374, admitting I had to adapt the collar. The lining is fabricated of the primary bolt for the two avant-garde panels, which is a avoid bolt canvas fabricated a little added baptize aggressive with scotch guard. The button holes forth the basal hem achieve the pin-back possible.
Shirt is a simple blanket linen shirt with hidden snaps on the side, but frogs for the collar band closure. Based on the image, aerial boots were alleged for. The Ugs were the alone ones I had—good for the algid Shattered Plains. For the hat, I acclimated a harbinger western appearance one with the abandon sewn into place. My bedmate fabricated me the belt with a simple blank. It has a accepted buckle, but I did not accept him bite any holes so that it would “tie” bigger in a altered manner.
Pattern is abstract on the anorak appliance a axis stitch and couching address with DMC adornment accessory and Pearl cotton. A five-strand complect rings the design, which is a simplified adaptation of the analogy from Words of Radiance.
Much like Szeth’s overcoat, if you can acquisition a white duster, it would assignment absolute able-bodied for this outfit. Add a brace buttons on the aback and buttonholes on the basal corners of the avant-garde and you’ve got your pin-backs. A aphotic covering belt beat alfresco of the coat, white dress shirt (or blouse), aphotic pants, a hat and a safehand cuff would complete this ensemble absolutely nicely. This is one of the few apparel in the Stormlight Archive that could be accomplished absolute calmly via “found-item” costuming as adjoin to authoritative aggregate from scratch. Best of these items are calmly accessible at any buzz store—though you ability accept agitation hunting bottomward a white duster/overcoat.
So you REALLY appetite a challenge, huh? There are several means to admission this, alignment from about bargain and labor-light (cardboard or EVA cream methods), average akin (worbla builds), to acutely complicated and arduous (pepakura followed by fiberglass/bondo application, 3D printing, casting plastics, casting fiberglass). If you don’t already accept acquaintance in one of these avant-garde methods I’d say activate with the EVA cream ones. They’ll be the atomic chancy to your health, friendliest to your wallet, and easiest to wear. But no amount what, this is activity to be a lot added assignment and a bigger time charge than best of the added cosplays listed above. “Beginner” is a bit of a misnomer here, because alike the easiest of armor builds requires a college akin of accomplishment and time than best added apparel (unless you’re absolutely activity all out and authoritative behemothic poofy dresses with bags of layers and adornment and such). Be acquainted of this activity in.
Another affair to accumulate in apperception is that there’s no way to be 100% authentic on this one. Shardplate is declared as chain panels of armor with no gaps between, somewhat like Iron Man’s armor.
…he wore bright dejected armor fabricated of calmly chain plates. Unlike accepted bowl armor, however, this armor had no covering or mail arresting at the joints—just abate plates, applicable calm with intricate precision. The armor was beautiful, the dejected inlaid with aureate bands about the edges of anniversary allotment of plate, the captain bizarre with three after-effects of small, hornlike wings. The Way of Kings (p. 29).
“…there was no cobweb of animate mail and no covering straps at the joints. Shardplate seams were fabricated of abate plates, interlocking, overlapping, abundantly intricate, abrogation no accessible gaps. There was absolute little abrading or chafing; anniversary allotment fit calm perfectly…” The Way of Kings (p. 372).
Since best of us don’t accept the annual of a Marvel film, this is about absurd to achieve—so do the best you can and “fill in” any gaps with bolt or babyish pieces of ability cream to achieve that carapace-like look. If you’re activity absolutely ambitious, you can absorb ablaze into your Shardplate as well, to achieve it afterglow like the Knights Radiant of old (or to appearance through the cracks of a “damaged” piece).
I can brainstorm what some of you are cerebration appropriate now…
“Jeez, Lyn, you aloof threw a lot of awe-inspiring words and agreement at me. Worbla? Bondo? Pepa-whatsits? What the heck is this stuff?” Fear not, babyish cosplayer, I’ll explain all of that in the sections below… but first, a few addendum on specific individuals’ apparel of Shardplate.
It stands to agenda that about every distinct advertence I’ve activate to avant-garde Shardplate includes a cape as well.
Let’s alpha with the “easy” ones. EVA cream is one of the best frequently acclimated abstracts for ample armor builds like Shardplate amid the cosplay association currently, due to its accessibility, affluence of use, and the actuality that it’s the atomic baneful and big-ticket of the abounding materials. Accept you anytime apparent those chain mats that you can abode on the floor, that attending a bit like addle pieces? That’s EVA foam. Ability cream is additionally EVA cream and can be acclimated for smaller, thinner pieces. You’ll charge to achieve mock-ups out of posterboard to amount out your arrangement beforehand, afresh cut and allotment your cream together. You can achieve some angled curves by applying heat, admitting these curves can lose appearance over time. As for attaching, annual the surfaces you plan to adhere, administer high-temp hot glue, and BAM. Done. Contact Cement or Barge Cement are additionally accepted methods of adhering it, but be acquainted that the effluvium of these are toxic. Additionally accumulate in apperception how you’re activity to adhere the pieces calm and absolutely abrasion the affair (you may charge a assist to advice you into and out of your armor). Snaps, elastic, straps, velcro, and buckles are some altered means I’ve activate to authority armor to my actuality in the past. Here’s a abundant tutorial video on how to attach abiding straps to your armor.
The Sisters Mischief as Alethi and Veden Shardbearers
The Sisters Mischief fabricated their absurd apparel of Shardplate with EVA foam.
“The ambush for us was in chief on a array that would acquiesce us to both achieve our Bowl able abundant to bear assemblage beatings and attenuate abundant to board those overlapping layers. Ultimately, because the amount was right, we concluded up activity with big rolls of EVA that association use for attic added in garages, dojos, etc. In retrospect, I anticipate we would accept gone with article thinner about the joints; we had to cede cutting our angle and knee guards so we could walk, and the apparel didn’t attending absolutely accomplished afterwards them. TNT Cosplay Supplies and Wandy Cream are both admirable suppliers of thinner cream in big rolls. And, bonus: their cream is bland on both sides, which makes it a dream to cement and calefaction form.
“The two bigger tips I consistently revisit aback I’m talking about EVA is to calefaction allowance your cream afore you get too far into your project. Whether you use an oven, a calefaction gun, or a draft drier, applying calefaction to your cream helps the beef shrink, so it’s beneath absorptive and added affable arise album and paint. Secondly…bevel your edges! Accepting a slight brand on the edges of your armor, decidedly aback appliance thicker than 3mm foam, is a abundant finisher.”
Think this is the appropriate adjustment for you? You’re in luck, for you’ve been visited by the Tutorial Spren.
On to average level. Worbla is a thermoplastic—a artificial that can be shaped and molded by applying heat. It’s become a basic of the cosplay association for armor and props, but if you’re planning on authoritative an absolute clothing of armor out of it, be acquainted that it WILL amount you a appealing penny. I sunk about $800 into authoritative Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist years and years ago—that’s about how abundant you can apprehend to absorb (if not more) if you adjudge to go this route.
“Lyn, you mentioned 3D press above! Can I aloof book out my Shardplate?”
Well… you can try. Be acquainted that 1. You’ll charge admission to a printer and 2. You’ll charge book files. If you’re acceptable with computer clay software and can achieve it yourself, you’re off to a acceptable start—but best bartering 3D printers won’t be able to book article as ample as a breastplate in one piece, and it will booty a continued time. (For example, I accept a average sized 3D printer and it took me four canicule of beeline press and two printer cartridges to achieve Star-Lord’s helmet from Guardians of the Galaxy.) Already you’ve printed it, unless you’ve got a cool high-end printer, you’re activity to accept to do some assignment charwoman up all those little ridges and authoritative it smooth. I absolutely wouldn’t acclaim this adjustment for a abounding clothing of armor—the added methods listed actuality will be easier and beneath time consuming.
If you’ve got some acquaintance and absolutely appetite to go the abounding monty, pepakura builds and/or fiberglass are the way to go. The amount won’t be absolutely as aerial as with worbla, but the adversity akin shoots WAY up, and this actuality is SUPER TOXIC. I can’t accent this enough—if you assignment with fiberglass, do so in a VERY WELL VENTILATED AREA. You’re additionally activity to be spending a LOT of time sanding, so advance in a acceptable ventilator, a approach sander, and a dremel. The upside, however, is that this armor you could absolutely abrasion into battle. Fiberglass is acclimated to adjustment cars and boats—you could apparently avert absolute swords cutting this stuff. It will be heavy, but if you put the time into finishing it accurately it will be admirable and boxy as nails.
Phew! That was a lot of information. Still with me? Good, because I accept one added affair to allocution about…
Sadly we can’t achieve them magically arise afterwards ten heartbeats (if only, right?), but I do accept some recommendations on how to go about authoritative a GIANT HONKING SWORD that WON’T be absurd to lift and carry. (If you achieve one out of copse you’d bigger accept been training as a bridgeman because you’re gonna charge GUNS to backpack that babyish about all day, and best conventions apparently won’t acquiesce it.)
Thankfully, we actuality on Earth accept admission to a admirable little affair alleged insulation foam, aka polystyrene. It looks like this:
not this:
For the adulation of the Stormfather don’t try to achieve backdrop out of this stuff.
The Sisters Mischief acclimated insulation cream and worbla to actualize their attractive Shardblades.
“The Shardblades are 5 ft. each—almost as alpine as we are!—and fabricated out of a PVC amount and blush insulation cream that was afresh covered in worbla. Unfortunately, one of our admired genitalia doesn’t appearance able-bodied in pictures…the blades are covered with tiny chaplet of condensation.”
Insulation cream is lightweight, cheap, and absolute accessible to assignment with! It comes in either blush or blue, and can be activate at your bounded big-box accouterments abundance (like Home Depot or Lowes). It can be cut with a hacksaw blade, drywall saw, or alike an electric turkey cutter, and it’s absolute accessible to beach (I usually use a book to beach abroad the big genitalia first, afresh alpha hitting it with gradually college body sandpapers.) You’ll wind up with a nice, bland accomplishment and a weapon that won’t breach your arms—or your coffer account. You can use a dremel to cut in designs or glyphs, and use bolt puff-paint to draw on aloft designs (try ability cream for bigger designs or aloft collapsed sections). A few warnings, however:
Lots of bodies accept to accomplishment their cream weapons with a array of methods to achieve them added durable, like worbla (remember worbla?), adhesive of paris, gesso, acrylic caulking, and (after it’s been sealed) plasti-dip.
For a bit of added adherence for continued backdrop (like these), try appliance two attenuate pieces of cream and sandwiching a allotment of PVC aqueduct amid them.
Notes on specific Shardblades:
Well, that’s all for now! I should be starting assignment on my own Shardblade anon (in hopes of accepting it completed by the November absolution party), so if you appetite to chase forth on my advance and apprentice step-by-step how to achieve one, accumulate an eye on my Facebook page. Abounding acknowledgment to Lady Cels for her fact-checking and links to added tutorials for EVA cream construction, and of advance to all the absurd cosplayers who gave their permission for their photos to be used.
["410.31"]Lyndsey wants to achieve her own clothing of Shardplate so badly, but she recognizes that she doesn’t accept time to achieve all the cosplays on her ambition list. If you haven’t had abundant of her babbling already, chase her autograph or cosplay assignment on her website or chase her on facebook or twitter.


