facebook cover photo size 2017
One of the aboriginal few things bodies see back they appointment your amusing media profiles is your awning photo.
Whether it’s your Facebook Page, LinkedIn Company Page, or YouTube channel, your awning photo is the bigger angel on the page. And bodies will see your awning photo alike afore they see any of your posts.
So how do you accomplish your awning photo appearance up the exact way you appetite it to be?
One of the key factors is the size. After the actual ambit (width and height), your awning photo ability be circumscribed to fit the amplitude accessible and bodies will absence the important capacity on your photo.
While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all awning photo admeasurement for all the amusing media platforms, the advice is out there.
We’ve calm all the answers actuality so that you can accept a distinct point of advertence for all awning photo sizes.
Some amusing media platforms affectation awning photos hardly altered on the desktop and on mobile. But in general, actuality are the ideal awning photo sizes for the platforms with a awning photo.
(Feel chargeless to bang on a amusing media belvedere to see added capacity for that accurate platform.)
If you atom an absurdity or an anachronous information, I’m be beholden if you could let me apperceive in the comments breadth below. Thanks!
The ideal admeasurement for your Facebook (personal) contour awning photo is 820 pixels advanced by 462 pixels tall. According to Facebook, your awning photo has to be at atomic 720 pixels wide.
There are four important capacity to booty agenda of back creating a awning photo for your Facebook profile:
1. Your awning photo will attending hardly different on mobile.
On mobile, Facebook shows your awning photo at a altered ambit — hardly taller or narrower. Facebook will either appearance added of your angel if your angel is alpine abundant or crop the abandon away.
From my tests, 820 pixels advanced by 462 pixels alpine is an ideal admeasurement for both desktop and mobile. Facebook will appearance the dejected breadth on the desktop and both the blooming and dejected sections on mobile.
You can grab a Photoshop book of this arrangement here.
2. You can reposition your awning photo on the desktop.
In case you accept any important capacity at the top or basal of your awning photo and you anguish that Facebook will crop them abroad on the desktop, Facebook allows you to reposition your awning photo by boring it up or down.
3. Your contour photo, your name, and a few buttons bury your awning photo.
As you ability accept noticed in the archetype above, several things bury the awning photo. You ability appetite to booty this into application back allotment or creating your awning photo. On mobile, your contour photo will bury your awning photo in the middle.
A acceptable rule-of-thumb is to abstain accepting any important capacity in the lower bisected of your awning photo that ability be hidden abaft your contour photo.
4. Facebook shows alone about bisected of your awning photo back addition acreage on your profile.
When addition navigates to your Facebook profile, Facebook would not appearance your absolute awning photo immediately. She or he has to annal up a little to see the abounding image.
To animate bodies to annal up and analysis out your abounding awning photo, you ability appetite to accept article adorable abundant in the bottom-half of your awning photo.
We accept a column that goes into added detail about the Facebook Folio awning photo. Actuality are some of the key points:
1. Unlike your contour awning photo, annihilation overlays your Facebook Folio awning photo.
This is abundant because you don’t accept to anguish about annihilation blocking important capacity on your awning photo.
2. Like your contour awning photo, your Facebook Folio awning photo will attending hardly different on mobile.
According to Facebook, your Facebook Folio awning photo displays at 820 pixels advanced by 312 pixels alpine on desktops and 640 pixels advanced by 360 pixels alpine on mobile.
From my tests, I begin that it’s best to use an angel that is 820 pixels advanced by 462 pixels alpine and to accept what you want to appearance up on the desktop aural a 820-pixels wide-by-312-pixels alpine box (or the dejected section).
You can grab a arrangement of the ideal Facebook Folio awning photo here.
3. Use a PNG book for bigger resolution.
According to Facebook, if your awning photo has your logo or text, your logo or argument ability appearance up bigger back you use a PNG file.
Yes! You can use a video for your awning photo. Isn’t that amazing?
Here are the recommendations by Facebook for your Facebook Folio awning video:
As for the video book format, I believe MP4 or MOV is recommended; admitting any of the formats on this account should work, too.
The Facebook Group awning photo is about identical to the Facebook Folio awning photo — aloof a little shorter.
The ideal awning photo admeasurement is 820 pixels advanced by 462 pixels alpine (similar to the Facebook Folio awning photo). But the breadth arresting on the desktop is 820 pixels advanced by 250 pixels alpine (slightly beneath than the Facebook Folio awning photo). Your photo has to be at atomic 400 pixels advanced and 150 pixels tall, according to Facebook.
Feel chargeless to grab a arrangement of the ideal Facebook Group awning photo here.
One affair to buck in apperception is that while annihilation overlays your Facebook Group awning photo on the desktop, your Facebook Group name will bury your awning photo on mobile.
Another affair you ability appetite to anticipate about is how your awning photo shows up in the Groups breadth of the Facebook adaptable app.
According to Marie Page, it’s best to accept your archetype in the centermost of your awning photo for the archetype to appearance up nicely.
The recommended admeasurement for the accident photo, according to Facebook, is 1920 pixels advanced by 1080 pixels alpine (a 16:9 aspect ratio).
For a accessible event, anyone who angle the accident can see the accident photo. For a clandestine event, alone bodies who are arrive to the accident can see the accident photo.
1. The ideal aspect arrangement is 4:1.
Your LinkedIn contour accomplishments photo is displayed at a 4:1 aspect ratio. LinkedIn recommends application photos that are 1584 pixels advanced and 396 pixels tall.
If your accomplishments photo looks bleared afterwards uploading, LinkedIn has some suggestions for you:
If your accomplishments angel appears bleared or pixelated, amuse accept an angel with a book admeasurement as abutting to the best as accessible [8MB], as images with beyond book sizes about attending better. Photos will additionally attending bigger than images with logos. If your angel is still bleared or pixelated, you may appetite to run it through a compression apparatus such as Trimage for Windows or ImageOptim for Mac afore uploading it to LinkedIn.
2. LinkedIn will crop your accomplishments photo on mobile.
In its adaptable app, LinkedIn will crop abroad the abandon of your accomplishments photo, as apparent in the screenshot below.
1. LinkedIn will crop your awning photo on the desktop.
["922.47"]![2017 Social Media Image Dimensions [Cheat Sheet] | Design ... 2017 Social Media Image Dimensions [Cheat Sheet] | Design ...](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/ed/4b/20/ed4b207788e23c65bc9e627b0ee7d366.jpg)
While LinkedIn recommends the ambit of 1536 pixels advanced by 768 pixels tall, it seems to crop abroad the top and basal of the photo on the desktop, as apparent in the screenshot above.
So it ability be best to accumulate the important aspects of your photo to the average of the photo if possible.
(The minimum ambit appropriate by LinkedIn is 1192 pixels alpine by 220 pixels wide.)
2. LinkedIn will appearance a bigger awning photo on mobile.
The acumen LinkedIn recommends those ambit ability be because it displays a bigger awning photo in the adaptable app.
1. Your approach art looks abnormally on the desktop, mobile, and TV.
The awning photo for your YouTube approach is accepted as the approach art.
Because YouTube can be beheld on a desktop, mobile, and alike TV, your approach art will be displayed abnormally on altered devices. The ideal ambit that YouTube recommends are 2560 pixels advanced by 1440 pixels tall.
Here are a few added capacity to booty agenda of:
YouTube has created an alarming approach art arrangement that you can use to see how your approach art will attending like on assorted devices.
The arrangement comes in a Photoshop book and a Fireworks book so you can bury it on your angel to get a faculty of how your angel will be circumscribed and displayed. Here’s an archetype that Ash created previously:
2. Be alert of your contour angel and approach links.
When you are creating your approach art, you ability appetite to abstain accepting any important capacity in the upper-left and lower-right corners of your approach art.
That’s because your contour angel and approach links will be placed on top of your approach art back beheld on the desktop and mobile.
Here’s how your approach art will attending like on the desktop and adaptable with your contour image:
For tips on optimizing your YouTube channel, you ability like our adviser on creating a YouTube channel.
Twitter recommends that your attack photo be 1500 pixels advanced by 500 pixels alpine — abundant added than it is tall, compared to best awning photos.
It’ll be abundant to use an angel that is advanced abundant to anticipate Twitter from addition the angel and authoritative it blurry.
1. Your contour photo overlays your attack photo.
Just like your Facebook profile, your Twitter contour photo will awning a tiny allotment of your attack photo. It’s abundant to be alert of this so that your contour photo doesn’t awning annihilation important in your attack photo.
2. Twitter allows you to reposition and calibration your image.
Something nice about Twitter’s attack photo is that Twitter allows you to reposition and calibration the photo you uploaded to your liking.
3. Your attack photo is hardly bigger on mobile.
["525.74"]On mobile, Twitter seems to appearance a little added of your photo on the top and basal if it is alpine enough. (Notice how you can see my shoes in the adaptable attack photo but not in the desktop attack photo.)
If your attack photo is 500 pixels alpine (or shorter), Twitter ability calibration your photo up and crop a little of the abandon away.
Google awning photos assume to be displayed at 1084 pixels advanced and 610 pixels tall, which is actual abutting to the aspect arrangement of 16:9. To ensure that your awning photo looks bright on your profile, it ability be best to use an angel that is 1600 pixels advanced and 900 pixels tall.
1. Accumulate the important capacity in the average of the awning photo.
Here’s article amazing about Google awning photos: they are responsive. Your awning photo will automatically crop as you annal bottomward the folio so that the average of the awning photo will consistently be in focus.
2. Google lets you crop your angel according to its recommended dimensions.
When you upload your awning photo, Google allows you to adapt the crop of the angel if it doesn’t fit the aspect arrangement of 16:9.
3. Your awning photo looks and behaves the aforementioned on mobile.
On mobile, the awning photo seems to arise at the aforementioned aspect arrangement (16:9) after any crop. It additionally automatically crops as you annal down.
For Google collections and communities, your awning photo will appearance up as a baby angel in the upper-left corner, at 368 pixels advanced by 207 pixels alpine (which is a 16:9 aspect arrangement again).
On mobile, your awning photo will appearance up with the aforementioned aspect arrangement after any crop.
1. Best bodies won’t see your Tumblr attack image.
Tumblr is an absorbing case: Unless you are application the official Tumblr blog theme, bodies will alone see your attack angel back they appearance your blog aural Tumblr itself — back your blog shows up in their chase aftereffect (screenshot above) or back they hover over your contour angel (screenshot below).
According to Morgana Johnson, Tumblr will affectation your attack angel at assorted sizes on the desktop and on adaptable with a anchored aspect arrangement of 16:9.
2. There ability not be an ideal size.
If you are application the official Tumblr blog theme, there ability not be an ideal admeasurement for your attack image. I noticed that the admeasurement of the attack angel and the crop change as I change the admeasurement of the browser.
From my tests, it seems best to use an angel with an aspect arrangement of 16:9 that has the important advice in the average of the image.
I achievement you begin this ability advantageous for creating the absolute awning photo for your amusing media profiles.
Do you accept any tips and tricks for creating awning photos? It’ll be abundant to apprehend from you in the comments breadth below!
Finally, I would adulation to accumulate this ability updated. If you atom any anachronous advice (or mistakes), would you be up for absolution me apperceive in the comments breadth below, too? Thank you!
Image credit: Unsplash, Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook profile, TED YouTube channel, The Late Late Appearance with James Corden YouTube Channel, Amusing Media Examiner Google Page, Our Universe Google collection, Tumblr





