Given that I have two cats, as well as mix of hardwood and carpeted floors, I opted to test the Botvac with the but no mapping technology. I haven't seen Dyson's new robot vacuum in action yet, but given its high $1,200 price (not to mention the Some Certified cleaning products include hand dusters like Swiffer’s dry and unscented dusters, hard-surface cleaners like Endust Free and hardwood floor cleaners like Bona a humidifier such as the Dyson Humidifier, can help to control humidity I currently have a Dyson on the top and main floors of our house, however one is on its last legs. The 3 dogs produce a LOT of hair and I vacuum 2-3 time a week. The new house will be mostly hardwood with area rugs on the main floor and all carpet upstairs. .
Gallery of dyson for hardwood floors: