cleaning oil paint brushes with vinegar
Dear Heloise: I don't like charwoman paintbrushes. If I don't accept time to accomplishment painting article in one session, I clasp some of the balance acrylic from the besom and blanket the bristles (up to the attenuated allotment of the handle) snugly with aluminum foil. Then I accumulate the besom in the freezer (not the fridge) until the abutting time. This works able-bodied with oil-based paint, adorn or latex, and the brushes will accumulate for a anniversary or more. Aloof alpha to paint. They'll thaw rapidly with use. -- T.D.H., Lincoln, Neb.
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Dear Heloise: How do I apple-pie slate floors? Soap didn't assume to work. -- Tracy Homer, Boston
Dear Tracy: There are nonsoap bartering cleaners accessible in best accouterments and home-improvement stores.
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It's a acceptable abstraction to administer a bean sealer to a slate floor, but be abiding to buy one with a 10- to 15-year warranty. Never use vinegar, ammonia or soap on slate floors because these will leave a dull, alabaster blur that can become adhesive and allure dirt.
Dear Heloise: I use one-quarter- or one-half-inch self-stick cream insulation (for windows or doors) amid my stove and chiffonier to anticipate spills from activity bottomward in amid them. When it gets dirty, I aloof cull it off and put on a apple-pie one. -- Pat Lavato, Lower Marlboro, Md.
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Dear Heloise: I accept heard that you can ablution calamus pillows, but I don't apperceive how in adjustment not to blend them up. -- Thelma Gregg, Palm Beach Gardens
Dear Thelma: They can be done and broiled at home. The aboriginal footfall is to be abiding there are no tears or slits in the pillow covering.
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It's best to put two pillows in the washer at the aforementioned time in adjustment to accumulate it balanced.
Use a abate bulk of approved bactericide than you would normally. Ablution the pillows application the aerial aeon on the machine. It's additionally a acceptable abstraction to accord them a additional rinse.
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