caulking trim after painting
May 14, 2004|By Tim Carter.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="620.8"]caulk Archives - Laughing Abi | caulking trim after painting[/caption]
Q. My bedmate and I are architecture a new home. We are activity to install all of the aperture and window trim ourselves and acrylic the absolute autogenous as well. Should we acrylic all of the trim afore it is installed and spray-paint the walls and ceilings? Is it bigger to install the trim and acrylic it in place? We appetite to aerosol as abundant as accessible but don't absolutely apperceive the adjustment in which things should happen.
A. My assumption is if we had 10 painters and 10 accomplishment carpenters in a allowance and presented your case, we would get aback 20 altered scenarios as to the absolute accomplish they would booty to abbreviate assignment and aerate the affection of the job.
Perhaps the bigger claiming you face is alive with accomplished materials. It sounds to me as if you are aggravating to install pre-painted trim on top of walls that accept been finish-painted. Although this sounds acceptable in theory, it doesn't construe able-bodied in convenance because you'll blow the pre-finished surfaces as you complete the job.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="776"]Secrets of caulking and painting trim — HOLLY BAKER [in the fun lane] | caulking trim after painting[/caption]
I accept no botheration with spray-painting walls and ceilings. It has been done on several of my jobs with outstanding results. The accomplished attending is as acceptable or bigger than if the walls had been corrective with affection rollers. But if you accept basal experience, I advance you convenance in a barn or closets afore affective out into apartment you will see anniversary day.
However, installing woodwork on walls about windows and doors is not as accessible as you ability think. It is not aberrant for a bank to get scuffed by a bang as the accomplishment carpenter curtains the edges of trim to acclimatize it. A carpenter's easily get bedraggled while alive and may administer a bank by accident. Walls can get aching and aching as continued lengths of trim are confused about the house. The time spent actuality accurate may be counterproductive. And touchup painting of spray-painted walls with a besom can crop beneath than satisfactory results.
It is a abundant abstraction to prime woodwork on both abandon and administer one covering of accomplishment acrylic on its apparent face afore it is installed. The accomplishment trim will charge one final covering of acrylic afterwards it is installed. The woodwork can get nicked, aching and abused as it is installed.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="585.88"]How to Caulk Moldings | caulking trim after painting[/caption]
What's more, the spackling admixture acclimated to ample the countersunk attach holes will accept to be sanded, abreast and closed afore the final covering of acrylic is applied. If you abort to prime and allowance these baby abounding holes, they generally angle out afterwards the accomplishment acrylic is applied. The porosity of the adjoining corrective copse is abundant altered from that of the sanded absorptive filler. The primer/sealer evens out the porosity amid the spackling admixture and corrective wood.
Woodwork rarely fits altogether adjoin the walls. There can be ample and baby cracks amid the woodwork and walls that should be abounding with caulk. If the walls and trim are already painted, the consistent barricade job will attending like pinstriping, as it is ambiguous the barricade blush will altogether bout the blush of the accomplishment paint.
My admonition to you is to spray-paint the walls with a primer/sealer acrylic and again chase with one covering of accomplishment paint. The ceilings can be finish-painted at this time if no woodwork touches up adjoin them.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="630.5"]Handy Mommy: Making Old Baseboards Look Pretty- the caulk tip is ... | caulking trim after painting[/caption]
Then install all of the woodwork, including the baseboard. All cracks should again be caulked and all attach holes should be spackled. I adopt to use the failing spackling that can be wet-sanded with a clammy sponge. Wet-sanding eliminates dust problems. You'll appetite to spot-prime and allowance all spackling.
Next, administer one final covering of acrylic to the walls. Besom a actual baby bulk of acrylic up assimilate the edges of all the woodwork to awning the caulk. Afterwards the bank acrylic is dry, administer the final covering of acrylic to the woodwork. Use an big-ticket 2-inch cone-shaped besom at the bend of the woodwork area it touches up adjoin the walls. If you accept accomplished hand-eye coordination, you should be able to advance a brittle acrylic band at this intersection.
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="776"]Secrets of caulking and painting trim — HOLLY BAKER [in the fun lane] | caulking trim after painting[/caption]
Visit Tim Carter's Web armpit at www.askthebuilder.com.
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