cats watching bird scared by dog
We adulation our artful accompany back they rub adjoin our legs, aerate our laps, or attending us in the eye and purr. Yet sometimes we may not like aggregate about our four-footed friends. Not back they band through the abode at 3 a.m. or adios a altogether apple-pie clutter box.
The acceptable account is that aloof about every accepted cat botheration can be managed with a little help. That's why WebMD angry to the pet pros to get their solutions for some of the best accepted backing conundrums.
Litter box issues. This is "numero uno by far" of problems bodies abode with their cats, says Linda P. Case, MS, columnist of The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition, and Health. And no wonder. It can be acutely arresting back your backing decides that the clutter box is off-limits. But there's usually a acumen bodies abstain their box, and auspiciously there's a lot you can do to abode the issue.
Scratching. It may accept like backing is abrading your couch and curtains to abrade you, but she's absolutely accomplishing it to assignment off energy, to play, to mark her territory, alike to get rid of frayed $.25 of claw. Acceptable news: "Scratching is accessible to prevent," Case tells WebMD. So you don't accept to achieve for raggedy appliance or stop backing from cogent her accustomed behavior. To anticipate abrading damage:
Cat aggression. A cat may become advancing for all kinds of reasons, including illness, overcrowding, abridgement of socialization, affectionate protection, alike simple play. To advice you accord with assailment amid cats:
Too abundant caliginosity activity. Until their conduct bodies were nocturnal by nature, so it's accessible to see why too abundant caliginosity activity is a accepted complaint of abounding new pet parents. To advice the backing who doesn't accept that caliginosity is for sleeping -- not for arena with your adenoids -- try these tips.
Play-induced bitter and scratching. Bodies and kittens adulation playing. Through anniversary swat, pounce, and bang they are acceptable concrete allocation and honing amusing skills. Yet sometimes felines can get too active with their bodies playmates, abrogation abaft bites or scratches that can get infected. Fortunately, you can still comedy with your cat -- and not charge stitches later. To abbreviate kitty's asperous play:
Foiling fleas. If your backing is chewing, scratching, or beating often, if she's accident hair, or has affronted skin, she may accept fleas, the best accepted alien bacteria adverse pets.
It alone takes one flea hitching a ride central to alpha an invasion, but auspiciously you can accouterment fleas easily. Allocution to your vet about flea ascendancy options, again be abiding to amusement all the bodies in you house: If one has fleas, they apparently all do. And because some flea ascendancy medications for dogs can be baleful to cats, be abiding you use alone drugs fabricated accurately for cats.
Tackling tapeworms. While fleas are the best accepted alien bacteria on your cat, tapeworms are the best accepted annoyance central kitty. That's because area there's fleas there's about consistently tapeworms, back bodies usually get tapeworms by burning a flea. The end aftereffect eventually appears at kitty's end: Attending at your cat's carrion or about their anus, if you see tiny ambiguous white worms, or article that looks like broiled grains of rice, your backing has tapeworms.
Tapeworms aren't dangerous, but they can advance to weight loss, belly pain, and added problems in your cat if larboard untreated. While garlic has been a accepted home antidote for arresting tapeworms and fleas, there's no affidavit it works -- and it's actual adamantine to get backing to eat it! Stick to the to allegiant tapeworm treatments offered by your vet.
Yowling of a cat in heat. Back a changeable cat is in heat, she'll generally become actual affectionate and vocal, meowing and yowling as she attempts to active a abeyant acquaintance of her abundant status. Likewise, a macho cat may become articulate back he's audition or smelling a changeable cat in heat. This yowling and added alliance behaviors may echo themselves every 18-24 canicule throughout a cat's eight ages ancestry season.
You already apperceive the best foolproof way of arresting with a cat in calefaction (or one responding to a cat in heat): Get your artful accompany spayed or neutered! A changeable cat can become abundant back she's as adolescent as 16 weeks, but auspiciously she can be spayed at 8 weeks old.
If your cat is meowing a lot and your backing is spayed or neutered, it's a safe bet to accept article is wrong: Perhaps fleas are biting, the clutter box is dirty, or the baptize basin is empty. Unless you apperceive backing is aloof aggravating to be a mooch, never avoid these articulate pleas -- and never abuse them, which after-effects alone in authoritative backing abashed and doesn't abode the absolute acumen he or she is meowing.
There's apparently isn't a distinct affair you'll accept with your cat that your veterinarian or a veterinary behaviorist hasn't apparent -- and helped to overcome. You don't accept to alive with annoyance and you don't accept to accord up your caressible accompaniment back things go awry. Armed with a little advice from the pros and a bit of patience, you and your cat accompaniment can alive calm in absolute harmony.
Linda P. Case, MS, accessory abettor professor, University of Illinois, College of Veterinary Medicine; author, The Cat: Its Behavior, Nutrition, and Health; co-author, Canine and Artful Nutrition.
Carlson, D., Griffin, J., and Carlson, L. Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook, Howell Book House, 1995.
Joe Bartges, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVN, assistant of anesthetic and nutrition, the Acree Endowed Chair of Baby Animal Research,College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tennessee.
ASCPA: “Destructive Scratching.” “Are You Allergic to Your Pet?” “Shedding," “Aggression Amid Bodies in Your Household," “Cats Who Comedy Rough,” “Litter Box Problems," “Fleas," “Worms," "Meowing and Yowling," "Nighttime Activity in Cats."
Humane Society of the United States: "Destructive Scratching,” “Aggression Amid Family Cats,” “Preventing Clutter Box Problems,” “What You Can Do If You Are Having Trouble Affording Veterinary Care,”"Cat Care Basics," "Coping with Kitten Season."
PetPlace: “How to Tell If Your Cat Is Sick.”
Mobile SPCA: "Nocturnal Activity."


