All Cat Breeds A-Z
An all-embracing cat appearance featuring attenuate breeds including the Lykoi wolf cat and Peterbald is advancing to Walton .
Run by Feilinology, the appearance will booty abode at the Xcel leisure centre in Waterside Drive over the weekend of October 14 and 15.
A account from Felinology said: "We will accept a absolute of eight board at our appearance from the USA, Austria, Holland, France, Latvia and the UK.
"They will adjudicator 125 bodies per day from a advanced array of full-blooded breeds such as British Shorthair, Ragdoll, Scottish Fold, Persians, Sphynx, Burmese, Orientals and Siamese, and abounding added including some of our rarer breeds like the Lykoi (wolf cat), Peterbald and Marguriette."
Felinology runs the appearance beneath the advocacy of The All-embracing Cat Association (TICA), the better abiogenetic anthology of cat breeds in the world.
["194"]The accident in Walton will be Felinology's additional all-embracing cat show.
"Household pets are additionally a big affection for TICA, with some of our stars afresh accepting won all-embracing awards from a common base," Felinology said.
"This year we will additionally be active a best of the best, which will be appear afterwards anticipation is completed on the Sunday afternoon and will advertise the best bodies in show.
"Our exhibitors appear from all over the UK and abounding from Europe to adore a weekend of aces felines, fun and friendship."
Felinology sponsors altered charities anniversary year, and this appearance will be acknowledging Ace Cat and Kitten Rescue in Coulsdon, and Crofters in Essex.
Meet Surrey's best admired pets beatific in by readers
"This year our programme is alleged 'Feed The Ring' whereby we ask all exhibitors, judges, vendors and visitors to accompany forth items of cat and dog food, toys and blankets for our charities," the account said.
"If visitors accompany a allowance this entitles them to 50% abatement on access amount at the door.
["194"]It added: "We are additionally accession money for Smokey Paws a brilliant, and afresh cocky adjourned action that provides alive extenuative oxygen masks to blaze crews beyond the country to accommodate activity extenuative abutment to animals in abode fires."
The appearance runs from 9am to 5pm anniversary day; tickets amount £5 for adults and are chargeless for accouchement under-12.
For added advice on the cat appearance email contact@felinology.org.uk or appointment the Felinology website actuality .
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