NASA has been, for ages, trying to find and grow life in outerspace in an attempt to study its benefits. In a social media post by one of the NASA astronauts, the first flower grown in space is revealed to be a Zinnia. Aptly called "The Veggie Project" is NASA astronaut Scott Kelly posted a picture of the first flower ever grown in space on Twitter, showing off his gardening skills on the International Space Station (ISS). The beautifully colored zinnia has thus became the first plant to ever bloom in For the first time, a zinnia flower has blossomed in space. The zinnia flower crop was planted late last year and veggie program manager at Kennedy Space Center, Gioia Massa, said growing the plants in orbit will provide further information about Ten days later, scientists looking at photos were horrified to see water droplets along Far earlier than the expected 7-10 days later, the world received the first photo of a flower grown entirely in space on January 16th, 2016. Petals beginning NASA astronaut Scott Kelly has attracted over 700,000 followers on Twitter by regularly sharing beautiful snapshots of Earth, as seen from the International Space Station. Over the past few days, however, Kelly has been photographing something a little A picture of the first flower to be grown in space was posted by astronaut Scott Kelly on his Twitter feed recently. The picture of the zinnia was posted by NASA astronaut who is currently on the International Space Station. The plant is related to daisies .
Astronaut Scott Kelly pridefully tweeted this picture of the Zinnia, a flower part of the daisy family Kelly has been working on for a while. The tweet has been favorited over 11 thousand times which is just 746 thousand times less than Harry Styles Space station commander Scott Kelly showed off his gardening results, posting photos of the flower on his Twitter account. Last month, he had to fight off mould that threatened to kill all the flowers in the space station's mini-greenhouse but he managed This weekend, the astronauts up on the International Space Station reached a major milestone: they grew the first flower in space. More specifically, they grew a firey zinnia bloom. It’s beautiful, really, and the firey orange really contrasts pretty Pictures flooded twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #AdamandDean. Floral wreaths and brightly coloured flowers were taken to the beach on Sunday while a tribute table was set up next to cars in the parking lot of Secret Harbour. The pictures of the two .
Gallery of a picture of flowers: