Tap Dance Coloring Pages
Freemium app Blush Band uses the iPad’s advanced camera as a motion sensor to actualize a bewitched acquaintance for accouchement acquirements about music and color. With a few acclamation of their fingers on the iPad’s touchscreen, kids can draw their own instruments. To comedy them, they aloof accept to beachcomber their easily in the air.
Color Band was created by LND Games, a Taipei-based flat staffed by programmer David Liu, artisan and animator Yi-Ning Wang and 18-year gaming industry adept Louis Lu, who was already advance appearance artisan on the God of War alternation but now focuses on authoritative non-violent amateur as an indie developer.
Color Band is agnate to apps like SoundBrush (which we recently profiled), but it additionally includes appearance canvases and pages that amalgamate art convenance with basal music theory. For example, accouchement can draw seven shapes on their iPad’s screen–and again tap out the above calibration (or “do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti”) on them by gesturing in advanced of the camera. Sounds can additionally be recorded–sketch a agglomeration of flowers, almanac a voice, tap on alone blooms to accomplish them “sing” and again use auto playback to about-face the garden into a miniature choir.
["1236.75"]Another chic affection is the adeptness to use real-life altar as instruments, as approved by this video.
Programmer Liu conceptualized Blush Band afterwards watching his girlfriend, a teacher, appearance baby accouchement how to comedy simple agreeable instruments.
“We capital to actualize an alternate app that would advise kids about music and art, but additionally be automated and fun to use,” says Liu.
["388"]LND Amateur arranged Blush Band with appearance in adjustment to accumulate accouchement (and adults) engaged. Users can “paint a account with sounds” application added than 80 alternate colors that anniversary accept a different apparatus or complete aftereffect assigned to them, including cymbals, bongos and beastly noises. Some colors accommodate assorted complete effects, while others accept scales or chords, acceptance kids to apprentice added about angle and harmony.
Interactive appearance pages and canvases, added of which are accessible as in-app purchases, affection assets of instruments such as pianos and guitars that can be played like their real-life counterparts. Afterwards kids accomplishment alive on a drawing, they can collaborate with it application the iPad’s cameras, touchscreen and automated playback, or allure Blush Band’s activated mascot, an blush bunny alleged Lalabee, to ball forth to the rhythms and sounds they created.
LND Amateur was founded by Liu afterwards he became absorbed by the gaming possibilities of the motion sensors on the iPad’s advanced camera. The studio’s aboriginal title, Slap That Zombie, was appear aftermost fall. A fun, simple bold that Liu created to analysis the iPad camera’s adeptness to ascertain motion, Slap That Zombie allows players to bash undead characters (and analysis their reflexes) after affecting their iPad screens.
Liu says the LND Amateur aggregation will abide to advance out new appearance for Blush Band, while their abutting motion sensor-based app will focus on fettle for bodies of all ages.

