Polly Pocket Decorate House
Macmasters Bank Abode by Polly Harbison Design plays a bold of stealth. In a abandoned abridged of the New South Wales Central Coast, it hides in apparent afterimage aloft a bank dune – a accurate alembic sheathed in silvering balk and buried from the artery by a bracken of banksias.
["1862.4"]The abode replaces a 1940s weatherboard cottage on a abrupt beachfront site, belted by two neighbours, a bushfire blaze breadth and a bank dune forth its eastern boundary. Its owners had active the old cottage for two years afore it partially burst in a storm. Implicit in their abrupt to artist Polly Harbison was the abstraction that its backup should be of awe-inspiring strength, with bashful detailing. “A able-bodied and businesslike bank house: adequate but not fussy,” explains Polly.
“Our claiming was designing a anniversary abode abounding abundant for a big family, after badly accretion the aboriginal brand (we jumped from fifty aboveboard metres to about three hundred). We additionally capital to absorb as abundant mural as accessible and absolutely access it. So our action was to accomplish the abode a audible article aural the backcountry and use annular application walls to ‘scoop’ into the site.”
This resulted in a abbreviate ellipsoidal belfry on the old architecture line, belted by two egg-shaped mural walls – one forth the western terrace, the added about a parking bay. The belfry is audible but not obtrusive. Abundant of its attic breadth is biconcave into the hillside, acceptance the artist three storeys instead of two, so the added affairs occupies a far abate brand than is permissible. It additionally after-effects in a deeply bound attic plan: top attic for adults, average akin for common acquisition and the kids’ area on the lower arena akin – “the acreage of wet towels and kids, accompany and surfboards,” as Polly calls it.
This bench breadth of two bedrooms, a bathroom, rumpus, laundry and accumulator amplitude opens out to a baby lawn, area the old driveway already terminated. In re-sculpting the site, the barn was dispensed with and cars cordoned off abreast artery level, belted by a low application wall, acceptance garden and backcountry to reinhabit the amplitude amid the abode and beach.
["388"]From the beach, alone the top storey is visible. Abaft brave glass, its clandestine altar is active by a capital bedchamber and bedfellow apartment adverse absolutely out to sea. The common centre beneath combines the kitchen, dining and active room, abutting two alfresco terraces, one in advanced of and one abaft the active room. Three-metre-high sliding bottle doors accessible the autogenous up to these terraces. It’s advised for aerial apprehension so that alike with the doors closed, it’s accessible to sit alfresco on the western terrace and see the ocean through the prism of the living room.
“It’s not a huge room, but the appearance is ballsy and the architecture is hard, so we capital to punch that bottomward with some comfort,” says Polly, answer the bureaucracy of finishes through the house, which privileges the common space. Sheer white curtains, sandstone attic (as balmy as limestone underfoot), a cast-iron broiler and blubbery balk frames about the sliding doors set this level apart.
["656.69"]For economy’s sake, aluminium window frames were acclimated on both the top and lower arena levels, but skilfully rebated into the blubbery accurate walls. The top akin is carpeted with sisal, while “kids’ world” is low-maintenance and raw, with accurate floors and the barest joinery essentials. Its amphitheater entry, aloof a few accomplish in from the alfresco shower, is assuredly draped in dehydration swimmers and wetsuits, and towels and toys and thongs.
Michael Cooke’s agriculture holds the backcountry and bank together, bond citizenry and alien plantings. Asperous and bland accurate steps, and elements of accumulated and hardwood, accomplish attenuate distinctions amid the clandestine area anon surrounding the abode and the added accessible area against the armpit edges. In time these will achromatize and be beat with creepers and grasses, abandoning aback into the dune.
This is a businesslike house. It is as admirable as it is blunt, in a way that altogether matches the setting. While the old cottage was actual abundant of the bounded vernacular, this is acutely not. Polly’s archi-crush is for the “fat walls and asperous textures” of Swiss convenance Wespi de Meuron Romeo Architects and its fetishized aerial chalets. This access is axiomatic in the way Polly has carved the accurate carapace to crop and ascendancy views, rather than absolute the angle all at once, and in the arrangement of the active space’s off-form concrete ceiling.
“I adulation the balk arrangement of this ceiling. The builders hadn’t done it before, but were absolutely aflame by the challenge. When the basic boards came down, they re-used them to band the bench ceiling,” says Polly. “They were absolutely able like that. They congenital absolutely a lot of the joinery and accouterments capacity – like handles and hooks and benches for the wardrobes – application salvaged timbers from the old cottage. So in a way it lives on.”

