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HOUSE Bill (HB) 6517, contrarily accepted as the “Philippine Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act”, was absolutely accustomed by the House Committee on Bloom on October 2. Originally authored by Rep. Rodolfo T. Albano III of the First District, Isabela, the bill seeks to approve and adapt the medical use of cannabis, which has been accepted to accept benign and ameliorative uses to amusement abiding or debilitating medical conditions.
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“‘Cannabis’ refers to every kind, class, genus, bread of the bulb Cannabis Sativa I., Cannabis americana, hashish, bhang, guaza, churris, garjab and embraces every kind, chic and appearance of marijuana, whether broiled or beginning and flowering, beginning or fruiting acme or any allotment or allocation of the bulb and seeds thereof, and all its geographic varieties, whether as a reefer, resin, extract, blush or in any anatomy whatsoever” (Section 3[a]).
“‘Medical cannabis’ refers to the use of cannabis, including its constituents, tetrahydrocannabinol [THC], and added cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended anatomy of anesthetic or herbal therapy. Medical cannabis shall not be acclimated in its raw form” (Section 3[f]).
“‘Debilitating medical condition’ refers to any ache that produces one or added of the following: affliction or crumbling syndrome; astringent and abiding pain; astringent nausea; seizures, including those adapted of epilepsy; or astringent and assiduous beef spasms, including those associated with assorted sclerosis. Debilitating medical altitude accommodate the afterward diseases: (1) cancer; (2) glaucoma; (3) assorted sclerosis; (4) accident to the afraid arrangement of the analgesic cord, with cold acoustic adumbration of awkward spasticity; (5) epilepsy; (6) absolute cachet for animal immunodeficiency virus or acquired allowed absence syndrome; (7) post-traumatic accent disorder; (8) rheumatoid arthritis or agnate abiding autoimmune anarchic disorders; or (9) Diseases acute acceptance into auberge care; and (10) any added debilitating medical action or its analysis that is afterwards articular by the Department of Bloom [DOH] as recommended by a console of doctors constituted for this purpose” (Section 3[c]).
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“‘Medical use’ refers to delivery, possession, transfer, busline or use of cannabis and its accessories to amusement or allay a registered able patient’s medical action or affection associated with the patient’s debilitating ache or its acquisition, administration, agronomics or accomplishment for medical purposes” (Section 3[g]).
“‘Qualified Medical Cannabis Patient’ bureau a actuality who has been diagnosed by a certifying physician with bona fide accord with the accommodating as accepting a debilitating medical action and who, in the physician’s able evaluation, should accept ameliorative or booze allowances from the medical use of cannabis.
HB 6517 added seeks to authorize Medical Cannabis Compassionate Centers accountant by the DOH based in DOH-retained hospitals, specialty hospitals and clandestine tertiary hospitals, which can sell, accumulation and allocate cannabis to able patients or their caregivers through a pharmacist with an S3 authorization issued by the Philippine Drug Enforcement Bureau (PDEA). It additionally provides for the conception of Medical Cannabis Analysis and Safety Compliance Accessories (MCRSCFs) accountant by the DOH to conduct accurate and medical analysis on the medical use of cannabis and provides testing casework for its authority and contaminants. A registered MCRSCF shall breed or analysis cannabis in an enclosed, bound area at the concrete abode provided during the adjustment process, which can alone be accessed by their advisers or agents.
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Qualified medical patients will be issued identification cards by the DOH afterwards they are certified by physicians with whom they accept a bona fide accord as accepting debilitating medical action and should accept ameliorative or booze allowances from the medical use of cannabis. The DOH will accommodate training for medical cannabis physicians.
The DOH, in appointment with the Food and Drug Administration, shall be the arch authoritative agency. The PDEA shall accept a key role in ecology and acclimation the allotment of medical cannabis in bloom facilities.
The use of cannabis for medical purposes is provided for by both absolute all-embracing and civic law. The Single Convention on Analgesic Drugs, 1961, as adapted by the 1972 Protocol, provides in its Preamble: “Recognizing that the medical use of analgesic drugs continues to be basal for the abatement of affliction and adversity and that able accoutrement charge be fabricated to ensure the availability of analgesic drugs for such purposes.” On the added hand, the Alarming Drugs Act of 2002 recognizes the medical use of drugs classified as alarming drugs, including marijuana, back it provides in Section 2; “The government shall, however, aim to accomplish a antithesis in the civic drug-control affairs so that bodies with accepted medical needs are not prevented from actuality advised with able amounts of adapted medications, which accommodate the use of alarming drugs.” (Explanatory Note, HB 180)
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HB 6517 added provides the amends of a accomplished of P50,000 to P100,000 or college at the acumen of the Court and imprisonment of six to 12 years for use of cannabis for purposes added than analysis of a debilitating medical condition.
President Duterte’s anti-illegal drugs attack prohibits the use of all forms of actionable drugs, including marijuana. HB 6517 provides a acknowledged artifice to the use of marijuana—just alarm it medicine!
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