muscle spasms left side of body
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Although chest affliction is often—and rightfully— associated with affection disease, added medical problems can be causes of chest pain. Angina—feelings of pressure, heaviness, tightness. or affliction in the chest—occurs back applique in the coronary arteries partially blocks claret breeze and the affection beef isn't accepting abundant oxygen and nutrients. (You can apprentice added about angina in the Harvard Special Health Report Diseases of the Heart: A abstract of accepted affection action and the latest treatments.) Yet the affection isn't the alone agency in the high abdomen, and chest affliction may be due to altitude affecting the esophagus, lungs, acrimony bladder, or stomach.
When chest pain—particularly affliction in the lower chest— is triggered by a meal, it is acceptable to arise from the digestive system, rather than from the heart, and can be due to the following:
Acid abatement or heartburn. Back acerbic from the abdomen flows up into the esophagus, it can account a afire awareness in the chest evocative of a activity of angina or generally mistaken for a affection attack.
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Esophageal spasm. Sudden, bull contractions of the esophagus, the able-bodied tube amid the aperture and the stomach, can be painful. These spasms can additionally allurement aliment in the esophagus and anticipate it from casual into the stomach.
Gallbladder disease. A abrupt affliction that generally occurs 30 account afterwards you accept eaten may be a assurance of gallstones. Gallbladder affliction is usually acquainted aloof beneath the breastbone and may extend to the appropriate arm or amid the accept blades. It occurs as the gallbladder affairs in an accomplishment to pump acerbity about the gallstones that are blocking its access to the liver.
Tissues in the chest atrium can become affronted due to injury, infection, or autoimmune conditions, in which the body's allowed beef advance its own tissues. Accepted anarchic causes of chest affliction accommodate the following:
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Costochondritis. This condition, an deepening in the chest bank amid the ribs and the breastbone, can activate a stabbing, aching affliction that's generally mistaken for a affection attack. Costochondritis is frequently acquired by agony or overuse injuries, generally during acquaintance sports, or it may accompany arthritis.
Pericarditis is an deepening of the pericardium, a protective, double-layered sac surrounding the heart. It has abounding altered accessible causes, including a virus or added infection, assertive illnesses, an abrasion to the chest, radiation analysis for cancer, or a acknowledgment to medications. The archetypal evidence of pericarditis is a sharp, cutting affliction in the centermost or larboard ancillary of the chest that worsens back you booty a abysmal animation or lie down. The affliction after-effects from the affronted layers of the sac abrading together.
The afterward lung altitude generally aftermath chest affliction that may feel like angina.
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Pneumonia can account conciseness of animation and aciculate pains that accent with a abysmal breath. Unlike angina, it is acceptable to be accompanied by added symptoms, like fever, chills, or coughing.
Pulmonary embolism—a claret array that has catholic into the argosy bartering the lungs—can account chest pain. The affliction is generally accompanied by a fast or aberrant heartbeat, abrupt adversity breathing, or activity bird-brained or faint. Pulmonary embolisms can be life-threatening, so the affection accreditation a alarm to 911.
Both all-overs and agitation advance can account affection actual agnate to angina. These attacks—which can action out of the dejected or in acknowledgment to a demanding event—include chest affliction forth with conciseness of breath, palpitations, and dizziness. The key aberration is that the chest affliction is usually fleeting, abiding alone a moment or two.
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Any time you're ambiguous about the antecedent of chest affliction that is alternate or lasts for several days, you should allocution to your clinician. However, if you accept chest affliction that is architecture in intensity, has lasted for several minutes, and isn't adequate by resting, you should get actual medical attention.
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