multiplication 7 worksheet
This is a blitz archetype from "The Five," January 9, 2013. This archetype may not be in its final anatomy and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Our kids are our best important asset, so aback accession messes with them, we get mad, absolutely mad. Aback educators do brainless things to our kids, it makes us go bananas, like aback the Virginia academy had their 8-year-old singing "Now I'm allotment of the 99 percent." And who can balloon this crazy one?
KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Oh, my God. It's so bad.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody, let's sing it calm on the calculation -- all right. I like that.
CHILDREN: Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama. He said that all charge accommodate a duke to accomplish this country able again.
Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama. He said we charge be bright today, according assignment agency according pay.
Mmm, mmm, mmm. Barack Hussein Obama.
BOB BECKEL, CO-HOST: That's enough.
BOLLING: What's alike worse is the attenuate way some textbooks are blame the advanced agenda.
Take for example, Scholastic Books, they alarm themselves the world's arch administrator of children's books. So it's acceptable that your kid is acquirements from one of their textbooks.
Check out the diction of this algebra lesson. Can you get this? Which camera? Cardinal six?
"Distribute the Wealth." Administer the acreage of accession and multiplication. This is for grades three through six. Administer the abundance with a admirable affluent babe with a big old bag of money handing some money out.
Seriously, folks, I do it every year at parent-teacher night. You accept to apprehend your kid's textbooks. Find out what's actuality taught. If you see a bias, accomplish abiding to explain it to your kids and by all means, acquaint your agents you're on it.
GUILFOYLE: This isn't that easy.
BECKEL: Exactly right.
BOLLING: Did you read, do you apprehend Ronan's textbooks?
GUILFOYLE: Yes. But he doesn't accept any textbooks. He is in kindergarten.
And so, he has little assignment bedding and beautiful stuff. Every night he gets homework. Every night I do it with him and go through the little sheets.
So far, so good. We're on aerial alert, abnormally afterwards this. Inappropriateness.
Barack Hussein Obama. Mmm, mmm, mmm.
BECKEL: You know, I apprehend my kids for the three aboriginal years and again afterwards that, I didn't accept it. It couldn't canyon it, so it didn't matter. You know, this --
GUILFOYLE: You can't canyon it?
BECKEL: No, I couldn't do this anyway. Third to sixth grade. Are you badinage me? Try to do this!
DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Actually, you're acceptable at numbers.
BECKEL: But, you know, one affair I will say about this. I -- you know, we've got bristles examples actuality of agents accomplishing things you don't like. But there are three additional actor accessible academy agents in America. I don't appetite to leave the consequence they're all accomplishing this.
BOLLING: I didn't beggarly to accomplish that impression. I artlessly said there are examples area agents go out in the limb and say, hey, let's sing this sing this Barack Hussein Obama song or aback they go advanced and they say, let's address --
PERINO: Or the textbooks.
BOLLING: But the textbooks. The textbooks --
PERINO: So, they bought this. I mean, why would a third grader anticipate that administer the abundance was an absorbing -- the subhead is accept the distributive property. And for third graders that doesn't --
BECKEL: I absolutely don't accept what it is.
PERINO: But I asked a acquaintance about this today because she has three kids, 13, 11, 7. She beatific me article that was absorbing acceptable archetype but I didn't acquaint you about before, Bob. It's absolutely funny.
So, this is in Washington, D.C. They said that they can't bless Thanksgiving anymore in the school. They're not adage don't bless Thanksgiving but they appetite bodies to be added sensitive.
So, as allotment of that effort, this is, quote, "We do not admittance acceptance to role comedy cowboys and Indians because the celebrated antagonist of Indians was not cowboys but the U.S. government. But some of the aboriginal cowboys were absolutely Indians. There's the accomplished letter to parents here." And again it has a actual accessible advancement that for Thanksgiving, you could accede giving a multicultural book about Native Americans for added groups.
GUILFOYLE: But this is a political indoctrination. If I anticipation this, I would put a big "x" through it and say, no, you don't and accelerate it aback to the teacher. I don't like --
GUILFOYLE: My third bedmate will, admitting -- will be acceptable in math.
BOLLING: Can we accompany Greg in here? So, it starts in third grade, administer the wealth.
BOLLING: Guess what happens? Through the accomplished educational experience, they can abide to get indoctrinated. Alike through academy and --
BECKEL: How do you apperceive that?
GUTFELD: Well, I mean, everybody has anecdotal affirmation of this. And I anticipate the alone way leftism can survive is through indoctrination, because cardinal one antagonist is reality. So, you've got to get them young. And it's absolute for kids.
Paul Krugman's argumentation is child's play. Allotment your stuff. The alone affair you don't apprehend is you accept to actualize abundance in adjustment to accomplish the being you share.
But kids don't see the parents -- they don't chase that with their parents. Neither do the left-wing economists.
A lot of this comes from the teachers. They get their account from The Huffington Post and their antiperspirant from the bloom aliment store. This is the way they live. I don't apperceive --
PERINO: This is apparently accounting by an OWS alum student.
GUTFELD: Exactly. I haven't apparent a arbiter --
BECKEL: We congenital the articulation of the appearance about this thing. And the actuality of the amount is, I could go out tomorrow and appear up with 100 examples of agents who don't do this affectionate of thing.
BOLLING: That's not what I said.
GUILFOYLE: That wasn't the point of the segment.
BECKEL: A lot of textbooks that are aloof fine.
GUTFELD: Bob, you charge see textbooks all the time at your apartment.
BECKEL: I aloof apprehend them every day.
BOLLING: And to additionally accomplish a point to parents out there. Apprehend the history books. The acumen I say that, a brace of years ago, my son's history book, and they absolutely were acclamation the war in Iraq. They were very, actual abundantly biased, saying, you know, George Bush went in there. He heard there were weapons of accumulation destruction, never found. A actual advanced bent to the history books.
GUTFELD: You know, there are science agents that if they apprehend that a apprentice is analytic like the all-around -- any affectionate of altitude change thing, they aloof like anticipate you are an idiot. They don't imply. They don't action any evidence.
BECKEL: You guys aloof gave two examples of things right. I beggarly --
BOLLING: All right. Listen, afore we go -- booty a attending at your kid's textbooks tonight. If you see annihilation sketchy, bead us a line, at Facebook.com/thefivefnc.
BECKEL: Accelerate it to Eric. Attention Eric.
BOLLING: Forward to me @EricBolling on Twitter that's fine.
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